Then, the surrounding trees moved quickly, and all the trees were cut down in an instant.

There was a huge space in front of him, and the dried persimmon ghosts and the others knew it was a good idea at first glance. In the ceremony, the dried persimmon ghosts and the others made a move at the same time. You must know how powerful the four of them were when they made a move at the same time. After this move, the entire tree was broken.

There was a huge space in front of Uchiha Itachi, and when they were about to step into it, they suddenly found that the fallen trees had all floated up from the ground and were floating in mid-air.

Immediately after these trees attacked their bodies, Uchiha Itachi and the others jumped up quickly, stepping on these trees.

Uchiha Itachi covered it with his hand, looking at the things that Amaterasu's ultimate move directly launched, they turned into a pile of ashes in an instant, and now Uchiha Itachi didn't believe that these ashes could attack them again.

How could you know that Uchiha Itachi's thinking was too simple, just seeing a sudden gust of wind, the dust of the trees that had just been reduced to ashes was blown up by the no strong wind in an instant, making Uchiha Itachi and the others unable to see the situation in front of them immediately, only seeing a puff of black smoke in front of them.

Then they couldn't open their eyes anymore, and the dust went into their mouths, ears, noses, and retreated.

And at this time, Uchiha Itachi and the others were alone with palms above all else, and once the accounting figures were obtained, a force came close, and this dried persimmon ghost was facing the midair, and was suddenly launched by the water shield big move.

Before it was launched suddenly, the water flow blown all the dust to the ground, and the whole space became quiet in an instant.

And Uchiha Itachi looked at the situation in front of him, his gaze had begun to turn a little cold.

Then he forgot about the past, just glanced around, and when he went back, he found that there seemed to be countless group photos around, so the previous group photos had exposed that they were all surrounded, and Uchiha Itachi saw some black shadows, and then faced Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya next to them, and the two of them received it.

"It seems that this time Orochimaru and the others are planning to wipe us out. They have sent so many experts. It seems that we are going to fight together."

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips in disdain after hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, glanced at the group of people in front of him, and suddenly turned around and flew to the sky.

"Shadow Clone."

After the vortex 430 vortex Naruto's life words fell, 5 Shadow Clones appeared in the office, and at this time Uzumaki Naruto released his own Chakra.

These 5 Shadow Clone brought the powerful Chakra down in the direction of those shadows and quickly attacked. Uchiha Itachi also quickly released his own Chakra. This Chakra is powerful and quickly attacked the surroundings.

At this time, Orochimaru saw the power of Chakra released by their group in the dark, so powerful.

The brows tightened up. .

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