Alas, you must know that the two of us are said to be immortal.

No matter who the opponent is, they have no way to tell us to kill them. We believe that with the strength of the two of us, we will be able to defeat this Black Rose team. 11

At this time, Uchiha Itachi heard the words of Kakuzu and Hidan and glanced at the two of them. To be honest, even Uchiha Itachi was envious of the new students.

This Kakuzu and Hidan, both of them really have skills that others don't have, especially this Kakuzu.

He was made immortal by the people in the team, because he can hold other people's souls, if this person kills him, he will absorb the person's soul, and then come back to life again.

Imagine having such a good skill of 193, who can be his opponent?

After thinking about it like this, Nagato nodded after thinking about it, and then handed over the task this time to Kakuzu and Hidan and explained it to him carefully.

"The two of you must be careful, and you must not relax your vigilance by relying on your own skills. You must know that the Black Rose organization team is very powerful and penetrates into all aspects. They may be secretly shot."

And when Kakuzu and Hidan heard Nagato's words, they nodded.

"Don't worry, the two of us have a sense of proportion, the two of us are going to set off now, and wait for the good news from the two of us.

When I finished saying this, I saw them, turned around and left quickly.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi took a look at Kakuzu and Hidan. The two of them left the photography. To be honest, I also hope that they can win this time and bring back useful news.

Uchiha Itachi could tell from Nagato's face that this time Nagato was very angry. You must know that no one has dared to challenge him before, and this is the first time he has accepted a challenge.

But this time, Kakuzu and Hidan went away for three days and there was no news. When they came back, Nagato (abdd) became a little worried. I don’t know why the two of them went for so long this time. .

You should know that when Kakuzu and Hidan go out on missions, the longest time is to come back in two days, and the rest of the missions are basically able to come back every day.

But this was the first three days, and there was no news from the two of them, which made Nagato not only worried, but when he saw this situation, he rang and said.

"Otherwise, Ganshi Guiyu and I will go and see what's going on. After all, we have contacted some members of the Heimei team in Henan."

At this time, Nagato heard Uchiha Itachi's words, thought for a while, and then nodded. There is no other way now, so he can only let Uchiha Itachi and the others go in to check what's going on, but this dried persimmon ghost turned over helplessly. Rolling eyes, said Uchiha Itachi when they went out with Uchiha Itachi.

"I said Uchiha Itachi, what's the matter with you? Next time you want it again, don't mess with me too much when you die early?

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