Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 515 Go Out And Treat You To A Big Meal

And Uchiha Itachi heard the Kisame say this, and quickly touched the softer voice that he was involved in with his hand. ?

Hoshigaki Kisame closed his mouth helplessly, and took a bite of pancakes. Disgusted, he almost went out with this quality task, but he still worked hard to make it into a quality that could be swallowed in his stomach.

He bought so much firewood, if he didn't eat something at this time, his stomach would already be growling with hunger.

Difficult to eat these meals very clean, 03 Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame returned to the place where they lived. When they saw that the place they lived in was still passable, Hoshigaki Kisame didn't say anything.

This dried persimmon ghost shark is a bit ah, he touched this Uchiha Itachi after everyone had fallen asleep helplessly, and then said.

"Let me tell you that at this time, I already have some regrets. If I had known that he lived and lived in this way, I would not come with you anymore. What is this?"

And this Uchiha Itachi heard Kisame Kisame say this, and then said it a little funny.

"What do you mean by that? Are you staying with me just to eat and drink well? If this is the case, believe me, I will definitely go out to eat and drink with you after I go out. Eat whatever you want, play whatever you want, okay?

Insist for a few more days and have already come in. "

And when this dried persimmon ghost heard, alas, when Uchiha Itachi said this, he rolled his eyes helplessly.

"That's what you said."

After saying this, the dried persimmon ghost turned over, and after a while, he heard his slight breathing sound, and Uchiha Itachi started to think about whether he should go out to find out after lying down for a while What? Take a look at what this Konoha's White Fang is doing?

But Uchiha Itachi shook his head after thinking for a while. He just arrived at this place. If he is not familiar with this place, it is better to be careful and wait until he is familiar with the route of this place before going out to inquire.

After coming down like this, Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes and fell asleep in a daze after a while.

Before dawn in the morning, someone had already called Uchiha Itachi and the others to get up. Uchiha Itachi got up in a daze, looked at the sky outside, and said in a slightly dark voice.

"Why do you get up so early, the weather outside is not bright yet."

And the person next to him heard what Uchiha Itachi said, chuckled and said.

"Do you think this is a place where you can sleep until you wake up naturally? We are still doing coolies. When we wake up at 640 and the sun rises, the rest of us won't have to eat. Get up quickly and start a fire." Cook."

When Uchiha Itachi heard this person's words, the alliance nodded, and began to feel a little helpless in his heart. Who would have thought that the patriarch of the dignified Uchiha family would be reduced to the point of cooking for others. Someone will believe it.

"Of course no one believed it, even Uchiha Itachi himself didn't believe it, but when he saw a piece of firewood in his hand added to the bathhouse, and the red fire reflected his eyes, Uchiha Itachi's Mouth Kakuzu hooked up.

I smiled wryly. ".

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