Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 55 Konoha Fluid Technique Is About To Advance! Peaceful Negotiations? Asking Price!


The wind is sunny and sunny, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Half a month has passed since Uchiha Yusuke Guy returned, and Cloud Shinobi finally sent a negotiating mission to Konoha.

As soon as Cloud Shinobi's people arrived, they immediately went to the Hokage building to meet Third Hokage.

Third Hokage showed great enthusiasm and treated the Cloud Shinobi mission as honored guests.

Diplomatically, Third Hokage is a mess.

Konoha has won many wars in the past, but he has never demanded compensation from the defeated country.

The behavior of Third Hokage, to put it mildly, is called benevolence, but to put it bluntly, it is downright weak!

The victory won by the blood and tears of your companions, you will be satisfied with a peace treaty.

May I ask what is the meaning of sacrifice on the battlefield?

If you start a war against Konoha, you don't need to pay compensation if you lose. When the national strength is restored, others are bound to make a comeback.

If you want long-term peace and stability, you must make your opponent feel pain.

Tolerance will only make the opponent more unscrupulous!

In a two-story detached small western-style building.

Uchiha Yusuke is taking a leisurely nap.

Third Hokage didn't inform, so he naturally had to pay attention to the matter of the Cloud Shinobi mission.

Anyway, Killer Bee is still in custody at the police department, and if Cloud Shinobi wants to get Eight Tails back, he will have to pass Uchiha Yusuke sooner or later.

Just after noon, Hyūga Hinata and Uchiha Sasuke had been sent over by their families.

At present, the two little guys are not yet old enough to enroll in the ninja school, so Uchiha Yusuke can only bite the bullet and work as a part-time nanny.

Fortunately for Hyūga Hinata, this child has been well-behaved since he was a child.

Uchiha Sasuke is in trouble, the little guy is just like mischievous Naruto.

Don't think that Sasuke has been aloof since he was a child, Sasuke was still very lively before his family broke down.

According to the daily routine, Uchiha Yusuke goes to practice in the field every afternoon.

With the responsibility of teaching, he can only bring the two little guys with him.

While heading to the training ground, Uchiha Yusuke discovers that both Hinata and Sasuke are interested in the lonely little Naruto.

So, for a moment, he relented and pulled Uzumaki Naruto into the team.

Naruto is the Nine Tails Jinchūriki, ordinary villagers and ninjas are afraid of karma and dare not get involved with him.

Uchiha Yusuke, however, has no such concerns.

The relationship between Yusuke and the high-level Konoha has long been on fire, even if he does not contact Uzumaki Naruto, the high-level Konoha will always remain suspicious of him.

The Minatos originally hoped that the residents of Konoha Village would treat Naruto as a hero, but Third Hokage came up with a secretive confidentiality policy, turning Naruto into a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

In all fairness, Sarutobi Hiruzen is very unfair to Naruto, the orphan of the Konoha hero.

It's a pity that people in Fourth Hokage leave tea for cold tea, and Jiraiya basically doesn't go back to Konoha.

In the village, there is only one Hatake Kakashi who is closely related to the Minato couple.

Over the years, Kakashi has been immersed in grief because of Obito and Lin's affairs.

What's more, Kakashi also belongs to the Hokage faction, so he naturally believes in Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As a result, Uzumaki Naruto has become an orphan who no one cares about, and can only barely survive on the expired supplies provided by Third Hokage.

Why does Naruto like to eat ramen?

Not because a bowl of ramen was his childhood dream!

Don't look at ramen as cheap, but for an orphan, it's really hard to get it.

On the training ground, Uchiha Yusuke taught the three little guys different cultivation methods according to their characteristics.

Sasuke exercises mental power, Hinata practices taijutsu, and Naruto gathers Chakra.

Four years old, after all, is still a little young, so we can only start from the basics.

After the three little guys gradually entered the state, Uchiha Yusuke started his own practice.

Having fought a war with Cloud Shinobi, Uchiha Yusuke's strength has been improved again.

Uchiha Yusuke closed his eyes and entered the consciousness space, new information came into view immediately.

【Fire Style Chakra Mode (Proficiency 64.8%)】

【Mangekyō Sharingan (Proficiency 36.5%)】

【Konoha Fluid Technique (Proficiency 98.7%)】

[Swordsman level swordsmanship (18.6% proficiency)]

After a war, Uchiha Yusuke's Fire Style Chakra Mode and Mangekyō Sharingan have become more proficient, and the swordsmanship of the swordsman has also improved a lot.

The only regret is that his Konoha Fluid Art still hasn't been able to break through the 100% limit.

Uchiha Yusuke is looking forward to it very much, and wonders what kind of surprises Konoha Fluid Technique advancement will bring him.

Time passed quickly, and it was already evening in the blink of an eye.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Uchiha Yusuke ended his day of practice.

Looking back, I realized that the three children were not training, but playing hide-and-seek in the training ground.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Uchiha Yusuke couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

In the original book, Lan didn't have a very happy childhood, and now he can be regarded as making up for some regrets for the three children.

Seeing Uchiha Yusuke appear, the little faces of the three immediately collapsed.

"Oops, the teacher is watching us!"

Uchiha Yusuke was not angry but smiled.

"Have you played enough?"

"It's dinner time, you three, what do you want to eat?"

"Teacher's treat tonight!"

After the words fell, Sasuke looked thoughtful, Hinata looked shy, but Naruto jumped out happily without thinking.


"I want to eat Ichiraku ramen!"

Little Sasuke showed disdain for Naruto's request.


"What's delicious about ramen, I want to eat wooden fish rice balls."

Little Hinata twirled her fingers and said with a flushed face.

"I, I want to eat ramen too....

Naruto laughed while pointing at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I just said ramen is delicious, right?"

Uchiha Yusuke was momentarily at a loss for words.

Friends love each other and kill each other...... Is this coming?

Sasuke lost one to two to Zhongneng and followed everyone to eat ramen with a resentful expression on his face.

Uchiha Yusuke soon came to Ichiraku noodle shop with three children.

"Boss, here are four bowls of ramen."

Little Naruto slapped the table and roared.

"Ramen, ramen, I want ramen."

“Ichiraku ramen is the best in Konoha!”

Yusuke smiled and didn't stop it.

"Everyone is open to eat, today is enough ramen."

an hour later.

Little Sasuke ate three bowls in a fit of anger, little Naruto ate six bowls like a reincarnated starving ghost, and little Hinata ate ten bowls lightly, and he was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Uchiha Yusuke stared at his empty wallet, speechless.

The meager salary of my police department seems not enough to be squandered!

It's time to find an opportunity to ask parents to charge a little food fee!

As soon as the three children were sent away, Anbu, the immediate subordinate of Third Hokage, came to the door immediately.

"Master Yusuke, Master Hokage has ordered you to participate in the peace negotiations with Cloud Shinobi tomorrow."

Uchiha Yusuke's eyes flickered slightly.

What should come, will finally come!

Hokage building.

meeting room.

Many important people gathered here early in the morning.

Konoha F4, Uchiha Yusuke, Hyuga Hiashi and others all attended, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Haiichi, Akamichi Choza also did not leave behind.

Cloud Shinobi’s mission to Konoha this time was led by Tutai, the important minister of the two generations of Raikage himself, accompanied by core figures such as Darui, Samui, and Mabui.

Sending such a heavy mission also shows how much Cloud Shinobi values ​​Killer Bee.

As the Eight Tails Jinchūriki, Killer Bee is not only Cloud Shinobi's weapon of war to deter foreign enemies, but also the brother of Fourth Raikage Ai.

His value to Cloud Shinobi is self-evident!

When all the personnel arrived, Third Hokage walked towards the Cloud Shinobi mission with a polite face.

"Everyone is a guest from afar, please take your seat quickly!"

Tutai said politely to Third Hokage.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for your hospitality."

Everyone sat down one after another, and naturally they talked about exchanging the Killer Bee.

As soon as the platform came up, he complained to Third Hokage.

What to say Cloud Shinobi suffered heavy losses due to the war, countless families were torn apart and so on.

Third Hokage is quite good at this set.

It was also casually talking about Konoha's loss.

The damage caused by war has always been two-sided. Although Konoha was the winner, he also paid a considerable price for it.

The two talked about it for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion that neither side wanted to fight anymore.

After the peaceful tone was set, the two sides talked about establishing friendship again.

Cloud Shinobi proposed on behalf of Tutai that Konoha would release Eight Tails as a signal of good relations between the two countries.

And Cloud Shinobi is willing to sign a written agreement of non-aggression with Konoha within 30 years.

To put it simply, Cloud Shinobi is planning to return Killer Bee like a white wolf with empty hands. As for the issue of war compensation, they have not mentioned a word at all.

What Uchiha Yusuke didn't expect was that, as the leader of the victorious country, Third Hokage actually planned to agree to Cloud Shinobi's empty-handed plan.

The elderly Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants peace and word of mouth, as long as it doesn't affect these two things, it's no big deal to give Cloud Shinobi a little favor.

...asking for flowers...

In Konoha F4, the two consultants Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu basically wear a pair of pants with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although the careerist Danzo also wants to ask Cloud Shinobi for some compensation, he doesn't want to use this to fulfill Uchiha Yusuke who is against him everywhere.

Konoha's war against Cloud Shinobi, Uchiha is the commander in chief.

If there is any benefit from Cloud Shinobi this time, it is naturally due to Uchiha Yusuke.

In view of this situation, Danzo decisively chose to sit on the sidelines.

Whether you want benefits or not is up to you to discuss.

I just want to get back to my post as soon as possible!

Since Third Hokage announced the dismissal of Danzo from all positions, his situation in Konoha has become extremely embarrassing.

In the past, no matter where Danzo went, people would pay him three respects when they saw him.

But now he is just an ordinary Jōnin, what face does he have to show off with others?

These days, Danzo has been holed up in the roots.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen hadn't specially sent someone to invite him today, he wouldn't have had a chance to come out to breathe.

When Third Hokage was talking to Cloud Shinobi, one of Uchiha didn't come out to intervene.

In fact, he also wanted to see how weak the current Sarutobi Hiruzen would be.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's kindness towards Cloud Shinobi, Uchiha Yusuke sighed silently in his heart.

After all, time is not forgiving!

Since Sannin left the village, Sarutobi Hiruzen has completely lost his former vigor.

Conservativeness may be more than enough, but aggressiveness is far from enough.

At the conference venue, the dialogue between Third Hokage and Cloud Shinobi is drawing to a close.

Cloud Shinobi

The representative of Tutai stood up gratefully and bowed to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Master Third Hokage, thank you for your generosity."

"Cloud Shinobi will never forget Konoha's friendship!"

They would of course be more than happy to be able to get Killer Bee back at no cost.

Sarutobi Hiruzen politely returned a salute.

"Protecting peace in the ninja world is what we leaders of big countries should do. 11

"I hope that your country can always pursue pacifism like Konoha.

Although Tutai nodded repeatedly on the surface, he scoffed at it in his heart.

Want the ambitious Fourth Raikage to embrace pacifism?

That is simply a fantasy!

Konoha's Third Hokage is really a fool.

But now they have something to ask for, so they can only be patient and accompany each other for a while.

When Killer Bee is coming back, Cloud Shinobi will do whatever he wants next.

The so-called peace treaty is nothing more than a dead letter.

Ambitious leaders want to start a war, no matter how many treaties they sign, it is useless!

Looking at the silent meeting scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction.

Cloud Shinobi has been gaining momentum in the past two years, and this time it can suppress the opponent's arrogance, which has already achieved its goal.

He is willing to release Killer Bee for free, not only silently erasing Uchiha Yusuke's achievements on the battlefield, but also selling a big favor to Fourth Raikage.

Doing so is killing two birds with one stone!

Third Hokage was about to reach an agreement with the Cloud Shinobi mission, but none of the Konoha people stood up and raised objections.

Over the years, the major families of Konoha have swept the snow in front of their doors, which is equivalent to a mess of loose sand.

Although Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shijiu and others had hesitation on their faces, they still didn't dare to stand up and refute Third Hokage's face.

Seeing this situation, Uchiha Yusuke sighed helplessly.

Snakes can't do without a head, it seems that this time they still need to jump out and take the lead!

Think here.

Uchiha Yusuke stood up slowly and said.

"Master Third Hokage, I have something to say."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Uchiha Yusuke a hard look and said in a low voice.

"It's Yusuke!"

"I've basically settled the matter with Cloud Shinobi."

"Is there anything else you want to add?"

Uchiha Yusuke ignored Third Hokage's warning and said calmly.

"Konoha has lost a lot in this war."

"As the defeated party, Cloud Shinobi should compensate us. N

Before Third Hokage could reply, Uchiha Yusuke continued on his own.

"I don't want too many things."

"Compendium of Cloud Shinobi Forbidden Technique, etc., come and share."

"The amber bottle that can seal the tailed beast is also sent."

"As for war indemnity, three billion taels can be so-so, and it can be thousands."

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