"Okay, Hoshigaki Kisame, I have helped you find out about Ikki. Ikki lives in Kammon Pass. You can go find him, but I have provided you with this location. Whether he can teach you or not is your problem.

See if you can convince him. I heard that this child is a very strange person, and his personality is also very strange. "

"I hope you can succeed. As long as you can succeed, then our group and the Akatsuki organization will have hope."

Hoshigaki Kisame looked at Nagato in front of him in astonishment. He just told himself the news like this [Didn't he make such an excessive request to himself? He shouldn't.

According to Hoshigaki Kisame's understanding of Nagato, this Nagato should make some requests, such as asking him to help him tell him some news about Uchiha Itachi.

But Nagato didn't say anything. To Kisame's surprise, Kisame looked at Nagato with the astonishment of a fan, but Nagato just looked at him gently.

"What's wrong, Kisame Kisaki, are you shocked by this news? Look at how happy you are.

Hoshigaki Kisame just smiled awkwardly when he heard Nagato say this.

"Yes, I was indeed shocked and pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect that I would be able to get clues about Gumen Yihui so quickly this time."

Kisame Kisaki said this, but he was complaining silently in his heart.

"Can I not be shocked? You talk like this for a while, and I thought you could make any requests from me. How could I have imagined that you didn't ask for anything?"

This made Kisame Kisame feel very strange.

However, being able to get the phenomenon about Solitary Gate Ikki really made Inegaki Kisame very happy. Inkedaki Kisame quickly said goodbye to Nagato and went to find out about Solitary Gate Tokiki.

Watching Hoshigaki Kisame leave the corner of Nagato's mouth, the smile gradually widened. Do you think he is an idiot? If this is a request, Hoshigaki Kisame will never agree.

On the contrary, he has made himself a villain. It is better to give these dried persimmon Kisame some sweetness first, and then let the dried persimmon Kisame relax his vigilance towards him, and then make demands bit by bit.

During the past two days, Uchiha Itachi also knew that Inogaki Kisame was busy. He didn't know what he was busy with. He left early and came back late all day long.

"Hoshigaki Kisame, what are you busy with every day? Seeing that you go out early and come back late, do you have any clues about the lonely Ikki?"

Hoshigaki Kisame heard it. Uchiha Itachi asked 960 and nodded quickly.

"Yes, I haven't told you about this yet. I want to tell you a few more after I succeed. Indeed, I have got clues about this solitary Shihui.

Uchiha Itachi was a little surprised. He didn't expect to learn about the phenomenon of being a solitary Ikki so quickly, and asked with a smile.

"Tell me what's going on. It's great that we got the clue so quickly."

So Hoshigaki Kisame told Nagato what happened at the scene and Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Itachi heard what Kisame said. .

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