Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 672 Are The People In The Xiao Organization Crazy?

The contemporaries of these elders were stunned, as if someone had tapped their acupuncture points. They followed that place and did not come back to their senses for a long time. Uchiha Itachi also shook his head helplessly. As expected, he talked to him about the elephant. Same as in.

"It's not good to be the team leader. This group of people already have a deep misunderstanding of you. If you want to take on this role again at this time, it will make them misunderstand you even more." Qiwuqi "Yes, this will not be of any benefit to our Uchiha family.

Uchiha Itachi nodded after seeing the words of several team leaders and quickly explained to them.

"I have thought about this matter carefully. Although I have never thought about being the number one of the Akatsuki organization and doing transactions, I can use this method to find out the black hand behind it. It has been several years now. Oh my god.

The man behind the scenes was not revealed until you found him, and actually made him do more harming things. If we don't find him out, this person is not right. We will do more. "It's something that happened"

The elders nodded when they heard what was coming. It was like this. However, these people felt that this incident came too suddenly. They had never felt like this before.

"Okay, the team leader remembers this. If you think you can, you can do it. To be honest, if you really want to be the number one in this small organization, it will not be beneficial to our Uchiha family after all."

Uchiha Itachi nodded after hearing the words of these elders.

As for Uchiha Itachi's upcoming appointment as the next leader of this small organization, it was quickly transmitted. This news spread like wildfire, and it can be said that everyone inside was shocked.

When everyone in the village heard about this, they were completely in disbelief.

"Did I hear you right? Who wants to be in this small group? Since the next top spot is Uchiha Itachi, how is it possible? This Uchiha Itachi is the person who killed Nagato-sama. How can Uchiha Itachi be allowed to take this position? Are the people in the small organization crazy?"

"Yes, I think it's impossible. This thing must be wrong. Someone must have made a mistake. It's absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen. So Uchiha Itachi is the first transaction in the small organization where he works. Am I the first one to disagree?"

"Hey, hey, hey, let me first ask you to clearly identify your identity and status. You are not part of this small organization. Do you agree or disagree..."

This person was also embarrassed when they heard this. It is true that they are not members of a small organization. What right do they have to make decisions for people in a small organization? However, they are still very angry and feel that this is not the case. This thing is so incredible. Uchiha Itachi is not usually allowed to be the number one in this small organization. If the transaction can be like this, everyone will have a chance.

"Then since 4.1 is like this, I'll train the team leaders in this small organization."

"When the time comes, you all should choose me, right? Why should you be Uchiha Itachi? That's a crazy person who has done so many bad things."

Ever since it was known that Uchiha Itachi was going to be the new home of this small organization, it can be said to have caused a sensation throughout the entire ninja. .

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