Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 702 Make Good Use Of The Power Of Nine Tails

It was as if the entire meditation in his mind had been controlled by this force. As soon as Uzumaki Naruto waved his palm outwards, powerful power was emitted.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful spiral erupted instantly. Tired's body was hit by this force in mid-air, and he took a mouthful of blood and spat it out.

The whole person had no power of consciousness. He entered "617" from high altitude to the ground. He looked at all this with bigger eyes in disbelief. He slowly turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto. Tsunade, who didn't notice anything at all, began to lose focus, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

Uzumaki Naruto's body fell from mid-air, and his whole momentum was indeed extraordinary.

Watching Kabuto's body sink to the ground, Tsunade never moved again and touched his chest.

"Uzumaki Naruto didn't expect that after this battle, you would have completely unlocked the power of Nine Tails. I hope you can control this long-lost power in the future.

"If the power of the Nine Tails fox can be controlled, it will be a blessing for the whole family. If the power of the Nine Tails can be controlled on you,

Then it is difficult for you to control this power, and you will become a newly possessed person like Kabuto.

Uzumaki Naruto also didn't expect that this time the battle would allow him to activate all the power of the Nine Tails fox. At this time, Uzumaki Naruto only felt a powerful force in his body, making him unable to control nutrition at all.

Now I heard Tsunade Ziyang say Uzumaki Naruto, and asked quickly.

"Then if it's like what you said, what should I do? Otherwise, what should I do when I can't control this power?

Tsunade heard Uzumaki Naruto say this, nodded, and then told Uzumaki Naruto how to control the power of the Nine Tails fox. Uzumaki Naruto listened very carefully.

This time they came to completely solve Kabuto's problem, but there was another problem that gave them a headache. They actually let Orochimaru escape again. Now they don't know where exactly he escaped. Coming here is of no use at all...

Uchiha Itachi was very annoyed. He didn't expect that this Kabuto turned out to be a cunning rabbit. He thought that he would definitely find this Orochimaru in this place, but he didn't expect that he would run away again.

Uchiha Itachi angrily punched a big tree next to him, and the big tree fell down instantly. The dried persimmon Kisame next to him was shocked when he saw it, knowing that Uchiha Itachi was worried about this action. Very dissatisfied with the failure, he quickly said to Uchiha Itachi.

"Okay, Uchiha Itachi, you don't want to be like this, and you don't want this Orochimaru to escape, but we don't have any way, but I believe that next time we encounter Orochimaru in 1.4, we will definitely have a way to control it. Live in this big one.”

It is indeed like what Orochimaru said, now Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto have mastered new skills, and Uzumaki Kisame has also developed very well now, next time they meet Orochimaru.

With that, Jiraiya should be able to fight against this Orochimaru. .

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