Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 710 There Is A Traitor Among Us

Although this possibility is slim, we cannot but consider it during the period.

Anything is possible, you can't think of anything, especially such a big thing.

"Please be quiet and listen to me. Don't blame me. I'm not the unreasonable person who asked this question."

"The reason why I asked you what you are doing is why you didn't tell me the news as soon as possible."

"Think about it, under what circumstances did these people come here?"

Uchiha Yusuke was still very energetic, but after hearing what he said, he calmed down.

After thinking about his question carefully, the second elder thought for a moment and then stood up and said to Uchiha Yusuke.

"They came suddenly, without any warning, when these people came."

"We elders are not in the clan. We rushed here in a hurry because our subordinates notified us.'

"By the time we arrived, it was too late and we had already launched an attack."

"The second elder is right. It's like this. There are no people who can fight. The only ones left here are ordinary ninjas."

Other people also expressed their thoughts one after another, with similar differences.

Du (bidd) emphasized that he came here unprepared.

Seeing that everyone's views were unified, Uchiha Yusuke spoke to them again.

"You all emphasized that we arrived at the tribe without any preparation. I also discovered this."

“I didn’t come early, I didn’t come late, but I just came at this time.

"Is it a coincidence or someone tipped off the news? I came here because I knew there was a lot of emptiness in the clan.

All of these people here are human beings, they don’t speak well and their eyelashes are empty.

He immediately understood what it meant? He suspected that there was a traitor in the Uchiha family. How could this be possible?

What made them even more panicked was that Uchiha Yusuke also meant something, giving the impression that this traitor was one of them.

"Uchiha Yusuke, I don't agree with what you said. You are emphasizing that someone in the family is in cahoots with them.

"It is impossible to massacre the elites of the clan. It is impossible for us Uchiha family members to have traitors.

It was the Great Elder who was the first to stand up. His words were decisive and his attitude was particularly tough.

Why is he so convinced that there is no such person in the clan?

There is a saying that there are all kinds of birds in a big forest, let alone such a big family.

It is not impossible for one or two scum to appear, he said to the great elder.

"Don't talk too harshly. Nothing is impossible in this world. You even mentioned it yourself."

"Did you come here suddenly, or did you come here without you and me?"

"The timing is accurate enough. Things like this must be done absolutely foolproof."

"It is impossible to go there without any preparation. The Uchiha family is not an ordinary family."

"It has given birth to many heroic characters, and each of them has extremely high ninjutsu."

"If you want to wipe out such a family, you need to make a careful plan."

Uchiha Yusuke put forward his point of view, and the elders present nodded their heads.

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