So far, there is no sign of him. I don’t know where he is hiding. That's why he mentioned going inside.

"All these are the reasons you mentioned. To put it bluntly, you are just afraid of Uchiha Yusuke and don't want to go inside."

"I just want to sit here and enjoy the success. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"We have been here for so long and we haven't seen any suspects come out of here.

“The mission assigned above is to find the cancer. To complete the mission, we must go deep into the dangerous area. 17’

Sarutobi Hiruzen has long seen that Danzo23 is a very ambitious person.

I want to muddy the water in this pool and go in personally.

If the Uchiha clan wants to remain as it was before, there will be nothing to say. This time, it can achieve its goal by relying on unilateral power.

Just because there is one Uchiha Yusuke, everything becomes complicated.

Going there rashly will definitely lead to trouble. It's better to stay here obediently. He doesn't believe in that evil and can't find Uchiha Itachi.

"Young people like to be competitive, which I can understand."

"You also have to check what the heat is. It's just right here. There's no need to go there."

"You don't need to play tricks with me to provoke generals. I won't be fooled by this. As long as you stay here, everything else doesn't matter."

Older people are really difficult to manipulate. They think they can change their minds just by saying a few words.

Even after talking for a long time, it was still the same, so Danzo could only shut his mouth obediently.

This is a small episode that happened outside, and a very important thing also happened among the Uchiha people.

Uchiha Yusuke no longer continued to fall down in the room, but came to a very special place alone.

Speaking of which, I have to talk about what happened during the day. A group of people rushed to the Uchiha tribe and massacred them with blood.

The appearance of Uchiha Yusuke brought the situation under control, but even so an episode occurred and one person was admitted to the hospital.

During the meeting with the elders, I had already asked my subordinates to look for it, and there was news in the evening.

He was tied up with chains and taken to a very special place, but it is still unknown where he is being held.

They could only send their men to continue searching, because this matter made Uchiha even more restless.

A very important person must find it, otherwise his heart will not be calm.

I really couldn't stay in the room any longer, so I decided to try my luck outside.

This is what he did alone without anyone else. There is a saying that people with high skills are bold.

His skill is already 680, which is quite proficient, even if he meets Hokage, it will be no problem.

I turned on Sharingan again during the day, which gave me a few percent better chance of winning.

Just as he was walking forward, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Uchiha Yusuke did not dare to continue walking forward, but stopped there.

The figure in front noticed that there was someone behind him, so he quickly quickened his pace and continued walking forward.

Uchiha Yusuke followed closely, and the two began to shuttle through the woods.

After walking for a long time, the people in front couldn't hold on any longer and had to stop.

"Friends behind you, please stop following me. You should come out."

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