Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 762 I’M Sorry, I’M Going On A Killing Spree

A short sword gave off a cold light under the moonlight.

Anbu's people covered their necks with their hands, they really couldn't believe it.

Uchiha Yusuke would do this to him because he thought he was very fast.

"Why are you so fast? When did you discover it? I'm waiting for you here..."

Before he finished speaking, he only heard a "plop" and the man fell to the ground. "Four Nine Zero"

The pupils of both eyes were dilated, and he didn't understand it until the moment he died.

When did Uchiha Yusuke start making seals, and how many seals were used.

"Don't forget who I am. I am a person with Sharingan. Nothing can escape my eyes."

In order to make him close his eyes, Uchiha Yusuke made a special explanation, which can be regarded as the most benevolent thing.

There was no emotion at all in his words, and they sounded so cold.

There was a sharp contrast with the person who just made fun of them.

After he was dealt with, there were other people looking at him eagerly.

Uchiha Yusuke looked in another direction, which was where Anbu was hiding.

"I'm really sorry. I really don't want to go on a killing spree. It's because you are so persistent in pursuing me that I have no choice but to do anything."

"I only do this as a last resort. If I don't be cruel to you, you will kill me."

Next came the moment that belonged to Uchiha Yusuke, who used seals one after another without any preparation.

All the elites at the root were killed. It was not the elites who were most powerful in Konoha, there was a more powerful force.

"I told you a long time ago that I wanted to leave here, but you didn't listen to me. Now I'm going to be beaten to pieces."

Uchiha Yusuke was particularly disgusted with their approach and hid in the dark like a rat crossing the street.

Not only that, but also wearing other people's clothes and pretending to be another person, why not just stand up and fight with yourself?

To have to engage in such a conspiracy, there are too many scheming minds. They all thought these people were fools, but they didn't know they had already seen through it.

Some people are so confident that they always think they are invincible.

The method he came up with is something that no one else has thought of. People with such arrogance will fall into trouble sooner or later.

There are many such people around me. They really shocked everyone when they first appeared, but in the end they all ended hastily.

"You are really disgusting. Ninjutsu has always been about destroying the enemy, and it has a certain advantage.

"Instead of creating flaws like you do to attract others, giving people the illusion that you are no longer able to attract others."

A ball of flame rushed towards Uchiha Yusuke, and the whole sky was lit up red, but his voice just stopped there.

Then it floated in the air again, and people didn't know where they had gone.

3.2 "This guy is really nerve-wracking. Who the hell is he? He dares to treat us like this."

Seeing their companions fall in front of them, the remaining people had sadness in their eyes, and they were still roaring loudly with some anger.

This is his best friend. I was chatting with him just now and mentioned Uchiha Yusuke. .

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