Uchiha Yusuke had no intention of continuing.

She waved with the gift he gave her and walked in one direction. It didn't take long for her figure to be hidden in the deep forest.

"This little guy is really interesting, especially his unpredictable character, which always creates surprises."

Looking at his leaving back, he was talking to himself, saying that he was very repulsive to him at first.

I think he is relatively young and has no fighting ability.

Although I have already told him that this guy's fighting ability is no problem, he still has some distrust.

I tried to be with him and slowly accepted it. Otherwise, there should be more contact between people.

Just by looking at a person's appearance, you can't tell what kind of temperament that person has.

Only through contact can you know what this person is like.

"This is still an interesting guy, much better than the ones I met before."

After getting along for a long time, things became more and more pleasing to the eye, and Loquat Juuzang's mood became better, and then he remembered what he just said.

He was going to find some small animals to express his feelings. Originally, he thought the food in his hand was not particularly unpalatable.

At this moment, it felt a little hard to swallow.

Thinking back to the last time two people ate in the wild, the food was still very delicious.

What Uchiha Yusuke said is not unreasonable. Life is already so bitter, why not add some honey to make it sweet?

This is in the wilderness, not in a crowded place, so you won't expose yourself.

Even if there is a fire, it won't be a big problem. There is no need to make such compromises.

"Uchiha Yusuke, please walk slower, and I will go with you to find the little animals to communicate with you.

Loquat Juuzang, who wanted to understand, quickly stood up and ran in the direction he left.

Uchiha Yusuke was walking forward when he heard the sound of Loquat Juzo coming from behind, so he turned around and looked back.

He saw this guy walking towards him, and he couldn't help but wonder why he still wanted to come to him.

"What's going on?"

When he asked this question, Loquat Juzo was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Just when he didn't know what to say, he suddenly thought of a good excuse and said to Uchiha Yusuke.

"It's still a bit difficult to find small animals by yourself. You didn't find them last time.

"I'm very experienced in this area, so let me help you find it together. The two of us will be much faster." "

After his explanation, Uchiha Yusuke understood that he came here to find small animals with him.

Is this change a bit too fast? I just said that there is no need to work so hard, just eat some food.

Only a short time passed before he changed his mind and wanted to find small animals with him. (Li Qianzhao) wanted to talk to him, but he was afraid that Loquat Juuzang would be thin-skinned, so he turned around and left.

It's better not to say anything. What he said is right, a person's power is limited after all.

It will be faster if two people work together. His stomach is growling with hunger, so he must be filled. The feeling of hunger is still very uncomfortable.

"Let's go separate ways and not be together. You have more experience in this area than me. Maybe you can find Nike first."

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