Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 932 This Is A Type Of Moral Kidnapping

Uchiha Yusuke didn't know why he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Perhaps it was Uzuki Xiyan's sudden departure that caused an unexpected reaction among them.

"Yurihi Kurenai, are you really not worried about your sister at all?"

"What's the use of worrying, he has grown up now and has his own ideas and opinions.

If I keep forcing him, I'm afraid it won't be interesting.

Unlike "650", let him deal with these problems alone. As long as he has some good ideas, I have no reason to stop him.

Moonlight Blast has always been a very important knot in his heart that is difficult to untie.

We all should let him find a solution on his own. He is already so old that he should be able to have his own ideas.

Uchiha Yusuke, you don't have to worry so much.

I believe that he will be able to come back once he has completely given up on finding Moonlight Gale. "

Kakashi was also very anxious.

"Xihi Hong, you usually take great care of this little sister.

No matter what kind of danger he is in, you have to step forward and solve it first.

Today, we actually took the initiative to stop it. We really caught everyone off guard.

Otherwise, if you are really embarrassed, I will go out and look for it alone.

After all, his ability is still relatively average. If he really encounters enemies, or some people who have ideas about our Konoha Village, capture him and threaten us.

By then, it will be too late for us to respond.

If Uchiha Yusuke, you are willing to come with me, I would also be very grateful to you, but now it seems that none of you seem to have this idea. "

After finishing speaking, Kakashi was ready to leave to search. After all, they felt that there was no point in delaying time here, so they might as well go and take a look earlier.

"Wait a moment.

Uchiha Yusuke grabbed Kakashi.

"Originally I had the same idea as you, but after listening to what Yuhi Hong said just now, I think it still makes sense. Uoyuki Xiyan needs a space to grow.

"Yes, Kakashi's biological sister has already said so, and there is no need for us to continue to stop him."

Kakashi originally didn't want to give up, but after everyone's persuasion, he had no better idea and could only do this...

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"I don't know, let's take it step by step. Don't forget that we still have a particularly important target that we haven't solved yet. Is this guy Ming Shen Erlang a spy sent by Yin Gan? 17

"Cloud Shinobi Village is really not interesting. What may make them stop is always causing trouble among the five major countries. Don't think that their movies are very powerful and we are afraid.

Uchiha Fugaku, think differently from them.

He felt that it was indeed unsafe for a girl to sneak out, especially during this special period, when he was particularly easy to be provoked by others.

If they turn their guns against Konoha Village, they will have another traitor.

Uchiha Fugaku quietly walked up to Yusuke.

"Yusuke, as the head of the entire Uchiha family, I think that in addition to protecting our own family members, you also have the responsibility to protect the Konoha Village among other things."

"What's the meaning?".

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