Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 950 It’S Getting Cold, Let’S Have Some Hot Sukiyaki

Kurenai Yuhi unexpectedly attacked Uchiha Yusuke.

"Yuhi Hong, what's the matter with you? Why do you have to go against me?

What I just said was just a joke. You don't have to be so serious. It's because of your personality that your sister can't stand you and you want to run away from home.

Uoyue Xiyan's departure has already made Xihihong feel very uncomfortable.

"Uchiha Yusuke, what do you mean by this? I don't want to embarrass anyone. I just want to tell you that these things are completely different from what we imagined.

We have been studying ninjutsu since we were young, and we have never studied how to make more delicious pasta.

Who are we to judge? People can learn it, and they can do this or that. "

Uchiha's hands were burning, and when he heard that the two of them seemed to be quarreling, he quickly stood up and interrupted them.

"Patriarch, it's like this. If you are really interested in our new products, we will be very happy.

Let me briefly introduce it to you first.

We have two new types of ramen, one is tonkotsu ramen and the other is hell ramen, both of which are freshly made by the two of us (biai), and both are beef broth.

There is also our newly launched sukiyaki pot. We are thinking about Konoha Village. The temperature has indeed been relatively low recently. If we can fill a hot sukiyaki pot

There must be a lot of people eating. "

Uchiha Yusuke nodded.

"Hmm, I think so too. I really thought about it just now, especially Uchiha Fugaku and the people from the Konoha Police Force.

It is really painful to patrol the village every day, especially when it is cold today. I even wanted to report it to Lord Third Hokage before.

If it doesn't work, give them some extra funds and let them eat some hot ramen.

Don't just eat these pancakes every day. Although they are very cheap, it is really not possible to eat them every day.

Now, you already have so many categories of things here.

Master Third Hokage will definitely be very happy if he knows about it, so hurry up and get all your new products. Are there any others?"

"Of course, there's some sushi and tempura too."

"It seems that you are really making a big move this time. With so many categories, from now on, you will no longer be a simple pancake shop.

It's a collection store, so why don't we try the sukiyaki hotpot? 17

Naturally, he lowered his head and whispered.

"How can a few of us eat such warm food? If there were more people and more excitement, it might be more suitable."

Uchiha Yusuke smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Jiraiya, when did you learn to beat around the bush? Don't you just want to call Tsunade over?

You should have said this earlier. I will send Uchiha Tiehuo to Master Third Hokage to call Tsunade first.

Tell him not to eat pancakes and come over and enjoy a delicious meal with us. After eating, we will have the strength to work. "

"Uchiha Yusuke, what job? What do you want to do?"

"The matter of Maoyue Xiyan has not been resolved yet. Have you forgotten?"

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