Konoha: Flip Over Fugaku, Uchiha's Strongest Patriarch

Chapter 992 Head-To-Head Confrontation

Jiraiya looked back at Uchiha Yusuke. There were a lot of things he wanted to say to him, but he still couldn't express them.

Uchiha Yusuke walked up to him and patted his shoulder slowly.

"Jiraiya, you don't have to tell me anything. There is not much to explain between the two of us.

I can understand your mood, and I can understand why you do this.

However, I want "320" to remind you that some of what they say is indeed too ugly.

But these are all facts, if you really can't listen and can't bear it.

Then let's just shut our mouths and never mention this matter again. If, if you can bear it, just listen to me and think about it carefully with you.

Regarding these issues, we all should explain what is the best arrangement.

However, in this case, we may not be able to analyze this matter for you in a very objective manner.

At least, this is not important to us at all.

I've been thinking about your relationship with Tsunade for a long time.

However, it is now very clear.

It's impossible for him to continue like this. He should find an opportunity to explain it clearly to you today.

However, don’t worry about Meijiro’s problem.

I always have the same idea as you, and I don't want to watch him waste his Chakra to save a useless person.

Moreover, I feel that Mingmujiro is inexplicably deteriorating now.

It is also very possible that it has something to do with some people.

So, don't be nervous or anxious. Let me analyze it carefully with you. I always feel that his sudden deterioration is something we cannot accept.

Moreover, it was a very sudden thing, and his condition had been very stable before.

Now, I have become a person who cannot express my sufferings. Can you understand my thoughts?

At first, I didn't activate Amaterasu.

I really want to kill it, I just want him to learn a lesson.

Now that he has become so serious, I would like to know who can explain to me what should I do?

No one can explain it to me, and I can’t tell you how to do it.

Therefore, if someone really wants to harm him, just put the blame on me, and I have no way to avoid it.

Uchiha Yusuke, just finished these words.

There was a familiar voice saying inside.

"The patriarch of the Uchiha family, I think a man should dare to do what he dares to do, since you have activated Amaterasu to hurt this man.

It's normal for his condition to worsen now Amaterasu.

It's not a ninjutsu that just anyone can accept. He is simply too advanced.

Moreover, in this case, I think you should think carefully about what is most important.

"I have no intention of telling you this, Elder Shimura Danzō. What I am saying now is what I want to hear your explanation.

Indeed, in the entire Konoha Village, no one has activated Amaterasu like me.

However, I have to remind you that many things are not what you think. He has many urgent solutions and problems that need to be solved. Can you see that?

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