Konoha: Future Exposure, Kaguya Is The Main Palace?

Chapter 66: Kushina's Suspicion, Beidou, What Did You Do To Naruto

[The sun gradually rises. 】

[The moment the sun shines into the forest of death, Haruno Sakura wakes up from her nightmare. 】

[She dreamed that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke woke up safe and sound. 】

[She should be happy but she couldn't hear Naruto and Sasuke's conversation. 】

[What can be heard is Orochimaru's cold and emotionless voice. Turning around, Haruno Sakura's neck stretched out like rubber, causing Haruno Sakura to suddenly open her eyes. 】

[However, the current scene shocked her even more. 】

[Haruno Sakura tremblingly took out a kunai, pointed it at Beidou and asked: "A ninja from Rain Shinobi Village?"]

【"what do you want to do?"】

【 Beidou was startled. 】

[Awkward smile: "Sorry, sorry..."]

【"it's me."】

[Beidou took off the mask on his face and said: "Beidou."]


【 Haruno Sakura stared at the person in front of her in disbelief. 】

[She never expected that she would meet Beidou here. 】

[Rubbed his eyes vigorously. 】

["I read that right, I met Beidou here."]

【"Am I still dreaming?"】

[ Haruno Sakura twisted her white thigh hard. 】

["Hiss! It hurts."]

【Not a dream. 】

【 Haruno Sakura was stunned. 】

[In such a crisis-ridden forest of death, and in a state of shock after facing Orochimaru. 】

【Beidou is like the sun, dispelling the fear in Haruno Sakura's heart. 】



[ Haruno Sakura cried loudly and couldn't help but get into Beidou's arms. 】

Yamanaka Ino:

Haruno Sakura: "What...what..."

Yamanaka Ino: "Scheming girl."

Haruno Sakura:"???""三三七"


[Uzumaki Naruto, who was still sleeping soundly, moved his ears slightly. 】

[Muttering in sleep: "Beidou, watch the boxing!"]

["Hahahaha, you know how powerful I, Uzumaki Naruto, am."]

【Uzumaki Kushina:"..."】

["Could it be that Naruto dreamed of you?"]

[Kushina asked curiously. 】

[Especially staring at Naruto's drool and the joy on his face. 】

[She was immediately speechless. 】

[Damn it! You are my son, how can you be so complacent about defeating Beidou in your dream? 】

[What a fool, what’s so nice about unreal things in dreams. 】


[It seems to be sensing something. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto woke up early from his dream. 】

[Rubbing his eyes, he seemed like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 】

【"Little Sakura..."】

["What are you doing? Why are you hugging someone?"]

[Hearing this, Haruno Sakura finally realized her gaffe. 】

[Wiped his tears and left Beidou's arms. 】

【"That's great, District."】

【"You finally woke up."】

["Yeah." Uzumaki Naruto shook his head. 】


["Did you really hug a man just now?"]

【"Damn it..."】

[ Uzumaki Naruto gritted his teeth and stared at the man in front of him. He calmed down when he saw his face clearly. 】



【"Beidou! Why are you here?"】

Yamanaka Ino: "Pfft! I laughed so hard. Look at Uzumaki Naruto's appearance just now. I'm afraid I almost died of envy."

Uzumaki Kushina: "How to say, Yamanaka's girl."

Yamanaka Ino: "Auntie, you don't know, Naruto likes little Sakura very, very much."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Hey! Really?"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Mother, don't listen to Ino's nonsense. She is famous for her bad temper in our class."

Yamanaka Ino: "Nani! Naruto, who do you think has a bad temper?"

Yamanaka Ino: "Shikamaru, don't stop me, I'm going to Naruto right now and tear his mouth out."

【Damn it!】

[Little Sakura actually threw herself into Beidou's arms. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto stared at Beidou with squinted eyes, as if looking at an "enemy". 】

["Naruto, shouldn't the first thing you ask Sasuke be when you wake up?"]

[Beidou smiled: "We didn't do anything."]


[Uzumaki Naruto didn't react until he heard Sasuke's name. 】

【"By the way, Sasuke."】

[He looked at Sasuke anxiously, and saw that Sasuke's face was covered with sweat. 】

【"Sasuke, Sasuke, how could he be like this? What's going on?"】

【 Uzumaki Naruto is extremely anxious. 】

[Then I remembered yesterday’s experience: “By the way, what happened to that female ninja?”]

["Is it Beidou who saved us?"]

["But why did Sasuke have a fever?"]


【"Hey, your son is so worried about Sasuke."】

["He didn't even ask me why I appeared here."]

["Is this big nerve inherited from you?"]

[Beidou’s speech immediately aroused Kushina’s dissatisfaction. 】

["Angrily" said: "Don't talk nonsense, my Naruto is obviously very cute."]

["He must have known that you were keeping vigil here, that's why he didn't ask."]

The ninja audience disagrees with Uzumaki Kushina's remarks.

Uzumaki Naruto is obviously like a single-celled animal, and his attention was simply diverted by Beidou's few words.

However, Uzumaki Naruto cares about Sasuke beyond people's imagination.

Jiraiya: "Naruto really cares about Sasuke's safety. Even if he meets a love rival, Sasuke's fever will not make him anxious.

Haruno Sakura: "Jiraiya-sama, what are you talking about? You are a love rival. Beidou and I have nothing."

Yamanaka Ino: "Yes, the key is that what you want to do with others may not necessarily be what others want to do with you.

Haruno Sakura: "Shut up! Disgusting Ino. You must be jealous because you don't know Beidou. It's so jealous that it's beyond recognition."

Yamanaka Ino: "Huh? With my charm, Beidou will definitely be unable to walk if he sees me."

Tsunade: "Although Naruto seems unhappy with Beidou, in his heart, he trusts him.

Terumi Mei: "This kind of thing is very serious. The Nine Tails Jinchūriki of Konoha Village regards Beidou of the Akatsuki Organization as a good person."

Ohnoki: "Hey, I just don't know if they would be the same as they are now if they knew Beidou's true identity."

【 Beidou looks at Uchiha Sasuke lying on the ground. 】

[He can clearly sense that there is a surging force surging inside the other party's body. 】

[This should be the real cause of Sasuke's fever. 】

【"By the way Beidou."】

[Uzumaki Naruto saw that Sasuke only had a fever and was not in much danger. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to ask Beidou:]

["Why do you appear here?"]


【Beidou was about to respond. 】

[The voices of the Sound Ninja Village trio immediately interrupted his conversation with Naruto. 】


【"Are two people awake?"】

["It's a pity that the protagonist of this operation did not wake up."]

[The leader Toss glanced at Sasuke lying on the ground. 】

[Looking Beidou up and down again: "Huh! I didn't expect that the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village and the ninjas of Konoha Village could have such a harmonious scene."]

["Aren't you worried about the companion you left last night?"]

[Sark: "Haha, okay Toss, what nonsense are you talking to them about."]

["The two female ninjas from Rain Shinobi Village are probably corpses now."]

[Beidou spreads his hands and says, "You guys are quite mean."]

["However, it doesn't feel good to stay in a straw den for a whole night."]


[Beidou's words immediately alerted Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto. 】

【"Beidou, these three guys"】

[In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto thought of something and said in surprise: "So you discovered them a long time ago, so you stayed to protect us?"]

[ Beidou remained silent. 】

[His actions only made Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto more convinced. 】


[Jin said slightly anxiously: "This guy has discovered our existence a long time ago, is it possible?"

["Don't panic, idiot." Toss's eyes showed a hint of fierceness. 】

["He must have waited until these people woke up before he dared to confront us."]

["Damn it, that guy had to wait until daylight before ordering us to take action."]

["I already sent them to the Pure Land World together last night."]

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru, this guy named Toss must be your subordinate. He directly calls you that guy."

Orochimaru: "Hmph! He looks like a very ambitious boy."

Tsunade: "I have to say that Orochimaru's men are very different. Toss has half a bandage on his face, and Sac is wearing clothes with the word "death" on them.

Terumi Mei: "That is to say, the girl named Jin is normal on the surface, but judging from the sound she makes, it is not a good thing for a girl to make such a sharp sound.

Senju Tobirama: "I remember Orochimaru told Sasuke to defeat these three ninjas, but before Sasuke woke up, these three people took action."

Namikaze Minato: "They obviously didn't listen to Orochimaru and wanted to kill Sasuke while he was sleeping.

[The sound ninja trio bypassed Haruno Sakura's trap and rushed straight towards Beidou and the others. 】

[But in mid-air. 】

[Only a "Leaf Hurricane" is heard. 】

[The three of them were kicked to the ground by a boy with a watermelon head and tights who suddenly appeared...]

【"Little Sakura will be protected by me."】

Might Guy: "Oh! Youth! That boy is..."

Tiantian: "Hey! Neji, that's not our same period, Li..."

Hyuga Neji: "Is it that idiot?"

Rock Lee: "Is that me?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Judging from this outfit and hairstyle..."

Yuhi Hong: "It's exactly the same as when Guy was a child. Guy, this is yours..."

Might Guy: "He must be my future student. He is indeed my student. He is so young and passionate."

Rock Lee: "What, I actually became a ninja? And it looks pretty good."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wait a minute, why is there another thick eyebrow that I don't think is protecting little Sakura?"

Yamanaka Ino: "Hey, little Sakura, are you a vixen?"

Haruno Sakura: "???"

【"Thick eyebrows?"】

【"Naruto-kun" Rock Lee glanced at Beidou. 】

【"Although I don't know you, I still want to say hello."】

["You all take a rest and leave the rest to me."]

[The appearance of Rock Lee. 】

[Make the scene even more troublesome than before.


[Waiting for reactions from Beidou and Naruto Haruno Sakura. 】

[He has already started a duel with Toss. 】

[Unfortunately, Rock Lee's handsome Biao Lianhua was broken by the soft soil summoned by Sack at the critical moment. 】

[Tosli's sonic counterattack caused Rock Lee to fall into a coma. 】

["What! The thick eyebrows actually lost to that guy." Naruto said in disbelief: "He is the one who can defeat Sasuke."]

Uchiha Sasuke: "???"

I actually lost to such a strange guy?

["Aren't you coming?" Beidou asked Naruto: "I haven't seen you for more than a month. You must have become stronger than before, right?"]

["There must be no problem in dealing with the three of them, right."]


[Uzumaki Naruto's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. 】

【This guy...】

[He glanced at Beidou sideways. 】

[Although he is handsome and strong, he likes to be in the limelight even more than Sasuke. 】

[But I have to say that every time he speaks is always refreshing. 】

["Hmph! Of course I can handle a small role like him."]

["You must be exhausted after watching us all night."]

【"Just stand by and watch me deal with this sonic man."】

【Uzumaki Naruto finished speaking. 】

[Rolling up his sleeves, he looks like he’s fighting Toss. 】


[ Uzumaki Kushina’s thunderous roar shook Beidou’s mind. 】

["Are you deliberately instigating Naruto here?"]

["Tell me, what exactly have you done to my son?"]

["Why did he feel shy towards you just now?"]

【"Asshole, you..."】


["What are you thinking about?"]

["I just recognize that he can become Hokage in the future."]

["Fart!" Kushina yelled: "What bullshit Hokage, a dog would shake his head even if he sat on it."]

Sarutobi Hiruzen:""

Utatane Koharu: "Kushina, I think you have been brainwashed by Beidou."

Mitokado Homura: "Yeah, how could Kushina say such a thing as a ninja from Konoha Village, and Hokage is Naruto's ideal."

Uzumaki Kushina: "If he didn't have such a miserable childhood, would Naruto really be so obsessed with becoming a Hokage? Just this misty thought recognized by Beidou, he

That changed my view on Beidou. "

Uzumaki Kushina: "In the final analysis, it was your inaction that affected my son."

Shimura Danzō: "Damn Kushina, you, you, you, you are going to make me mad to death."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Hmph! I see you are quite active. When I stop seeing you speak, I will ask you if you are dead, old man.

Konan: "Kushina, what you said is wrong. Even if Danzo is really dead, he can still continue to speak."

Senju Tobirama:

Senju Tobirama: "Sister-in-law, look at this..."

Uzumaki Mito: "What do I see? Our Uzumaki clan is gone, and I can't care about it."

Uchiha Madara: "Hahaha, even if my plan ends up in vain, I feel much better when I can see you like this here."

Senju Hashirama: "Hey..."

Uchiha Madara: "It's a good thing I've never been a Hokage in my life."

Senju Hashirama: "Tobirama, I told you a long time ago that the Hokage position should be given to Madara."

Senju Tobirama: "Shut up, bro."

Senju Hashirama:

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