Konoha: Genocide Night? I Will Stand In The Sky!

024 White Zetsu Decides To Surrender


After the message was sent out, Wu Yue threw the eaten apple into the trash can and closed her eyes lightly.

He was going to change his posture and the water flowed, always keeping his eyes open and a little dry.

You can also send messages with your eyes closed. As long as you don't log out voluntarily, you can also open the group chat interface in Haili Consciousness. Anyway, it is very convenient to have a conversation with your mind, and you don't need to spare your hands to type.

As soon as he closed his eyes, two soft palms also climbed up to his temples, kneading them gently and skillfully. Wu Yue knew it must be Rina and didn't care.

Enjoying the secretary's massage comfortably, my mind sank into the group chat again.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Ah, the Madara ancestor is offline again.

Poisonous Old Fatty: That's right, I'm in a hurry again.

The man with hairspray hands: This time I should be really anxious. Madara has now firmly believed in her future.

Poisonous Old Fat: But that road ahead is hopeless! Tsk tsk, I tried every means to lure him to the country of Sichuan, just to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, right? What a bad fellow!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: You may not believe me, but I just want to see how he turns into Arrancar. real.

Poisonous Old Fat: What a ghost! On the surface, you tell the ancestors to be more affectionate, and you will never be vague when stabbing a knife in the back!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: This is a false proposition, did you get confused when you played with Ying Lili?

Poisonous old man: Watch your wording, you filthy lord! What are you playing with? My orientation is normal, unlike some people who have special hobbies!

Even though she said that, she was not ambiguous. This blond-haired defeated dog gave her a fright, and she almost thought that the Uchiha clan really existed in the island country before.

However, the other party seemed to have come to his senses, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt a little pity.

"Hey, you should give me enough time, right?" Sitting opposite Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Ying Lili bared her teeth and said, "I've already treated you to milk tea!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised his eyebrows, picked up the milk tea and said, "So, what exactly do you want to know?"

"The truth! Tell me the truth! Don't fool me with Uchiha Shiwa, any fool knows it's fake!"

"Hmm, some idiot just asked me if the moon was created by Sage of Six Paths."

"Shut up, I was just probing! Yes, it was just probing!" Ying Lili shook her head in embarrassment, her two gold ponytails dangling slightly. "You tell the truth now!"

"I've already told you the truth, but you don't believe me." Kasumigaoka Shiyu slightly curved his lips and said, "My Sharingan is indeed from Uchiha Madara."

Ying Lili obviously didn't believe it, she grinned and said, "You're lying! It's impossible!"

"Well. If I lie, my ancestor Uchiha Madara's grave will be exhumed and his body will be exposed in the wilderness! Is that okay?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu swore on the spot and turned his attention to the group chat.

Sand sculpture group owner: What is a special hobby, who has a special hobby? The innocent sibling relationship, would you say it is a special hobby? Tsk, I can't talk today, goodbye!

Poisonous old man: Heh, are you going to find your mothers again?

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: Go find Danzo and see if my old friend is doing well.

Turning off the group chat, Wu Yue felt that gentle hand still kneading her temple. It's just that it seems that because of being too tired, the strength has become a little lighter.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Wu Yue reached out and grabbed Rina's catkin, put it to her mouth and kissed it, rubbing it lightly. Immediately, I suddenly felt something was wrong. This finger is obviously longer than Rina.

The owner of the finger also seemed to be made a little stiff by this, and retracted his hand like a frightened little animal.

Wu Yue turned her head in embarrassment, and what caught her eyes was Mrs. Mikoto's blushing pretty face.

She is now Rina's assistant and just joined the job today. Wearing the same black office uniform as Rina, it outlines the exquisite curves of the body.

"Ah, sorry."

"It's okay... the leader didn't do it on purpose."

"What about Rina and Kushina?"

"They said that they went to the electronics factory to investigate, and they said that new Chakra capacitors were produced."

"Okay, I'm going to the research institute now. You can get off work if you're free, and you'll pick up Sasuke later, right?"


Wu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and stretched her muscles, opened the door and left the office.

Uchiha Mikoto watched his leaving back, looked down at the index finger of his left hand, and his cheeks were blushing again.

In the dark dungeon, incandescent lights flickered.


Painful howls came from Danzo's throat, and his expression looked extremely painful. The veins on his forehead and neck were bulging, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Did he have a bad stomach?" White Zetsu looked at the other party's miserable state with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Idiot." Black Zetsu pointed to the milky white substance oozing from Danzo's mouth, and said hoarsely, "Can't you tell, this is Hollow!"

Although the Uzumaki face White Zetsu has betrayed them and turned to Uchiha Wu Yue, he still comes to talk with them when he is free, and tells about all kinds of knowledge about the country of Chuan, so Black Zetsu is not too unfamiliar to Hollow.

"So this is Hollow?" White Zetsu stared at Danzo with two round eyes, as if observing something novel. "Hey, it seems very interesting."

Funny fart!

Black Zetsu didn't want to talk to this idiot any more, and fell silent.

Although Chakra's perception can no longer be used, it can still be seen from Black Zetsu's perspective that this kind of Hollow is by no means a ninja's power. And the technique called "Bakudō" that Uchiha Wu Yue used to capture himself was obviously not from the ninja world either.

What is his identity, and why is he so clear about his plan? ! With such a guy around, can he really save his mother?

Questions lingered in Black Zetsu's mind, but could not be answered.

"Hey, I've decided!" Suddenly, White Zetsu's main body said loudly.

"What?" Black Zetsu was a little baffled by him, and his dark face glanced at him.

"I will surrender, and I will accept Hollow!"


Black Zetsu looked at the miserable-looking Danzo, then at the silly White Zetsu in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

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