Konoha: Genocide Night? I Will Stand In The Sky!

026 Konan, Isn't It A Bit...

"Hmm." Wu Yue blinked and smiled at Konan, "I greet Nan Jie like this every time, right?"

no answer.

The girl Konan is still a little dizzy up to now, the touch of her lips touching just now made her so familiar. It seems that time has returned to the past, the moment when the two met.

"What an incredible kid, who the hell is he?" Loquat Shizang asked in a low voice.

Even a fool can see that the other party has a story with Konan. After seeing the other party doing that kind of thing, Konan is not angry.

"I'm afraid something interesting will happen next." Kakuzu answered irrelevantly, with a playful tone.

Although they are ruthless and merciless, they also have desires.

In the eyes of everyone in the Akatsuki organization, the leader and Konan are inseparable, they should be a couple, but they never thought that a young boy would be forced in here.

What is this, a love triangle?

But the leader can be regarded as really calm, even at this time, he still has that dead face expression.

As everyone knows, at this moment Nagato's heart is also full of curiosity and exploration.

Like everyone else present, he could also see that the relationship between Konan and Wu Yue was extraordinary. It's definitely not a nodding acquaintance, but the kind that really has a story.

But if this is the case... the problem arises.

Konan has been wandering with him and Yahiko since he was a child, and later worshiped Jiraiya as a teacher and co-founded the Akatsuki organization. Later, Yahiko died, and the original Akatsuki members were almost wiped out.

Since then, he and Konan have supported each other, not to mention completely inseparable, at least they are in a state of being together most of the time. That being the case, when did Konan establish a relationship with the boy in front of him?

Wait, could it be that time four years ago?

Nagato reacted suddenly, and manipulated Payne to look at Konan with astonished eyes, as if he had seen a ghost. Four years ago, was this boy ten years old? This Konan, isn't it a bit...

Taking a breath, he finally suppressed his complicated emotions, and turned his gaze to the boy opposite. Now that he knows that the other party has this relationship with Konan, his attitude is not as cold as before.


What Payne is now curious about is what the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara brought this boy to, is he trying to blackmail Konan with him?

I was secretly vigilant, but I heard the young man suddenly say: "Ah, yes! I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Uchiha Wu Yue. The current leader of Chuanzhiguo.

The leader of the country of Chuan?

Not to mention the other Akatsuki members, even Konan couldn't help opening his eyes. leader? What's going on in the country of Sichuan, it's too much of a joke to let a child be the leader, isn't it? And why did the members of the Konoha Uchiha family go to the country of Chuan to become the leader?

"Hmm, I asked Ah Tu to bring me here." Wu Yue ignored the thoughts of these people, glanced at Obito, and smiled: "There is something I want to talk about."

Ah Tu?

Payne and Konan also turned their eyes to Uchiha Obito who was wearing a mask, his eyes were slightly cold. This guy is really a liar, he is not Uchiha Madara at all!

"Wu Yue..." Konan took a breath, his mind gradually calmed down, and he said in a flat tone, "What do you want to talk about?"

She told herself in her heart that she was no longer the innocent girl who was fishing and catching shrimps by the lake with the other party.

She experienced loss, experienced pain, and thus completed the transformation. She is now the Angel of Rain Shinobi Village, the Messenger of God! There should no longer be the moods and emotions of ordinary people.

That's right!

Konan had already made up his mind like this, even secretly freezing his heart completely. She believed that even the young man in front of her could not break it!

"Ah, that." Wu Yue's handsome brows were raised, and her tone was shy and gentle. "I actually want to have a relationship with Sister Nan, is that okay?"


The ice wrapped in Konan's heart exploded instantly, turning into a puddle of spring water. Her delicate body trembled slightly, her mind was lost, and her whole body froze in place as if she had been electrocuted. The red glow painted her cheeks, bright and moving.


Everyone in the entire Akatsuki organization also fell into a sluggish state at this moment. They looked at Konan who was in a shy state, then at Wu Yue, and finally fixed their eyes on Payne.

This group of people is also frantically making up their minds. Could it be that the reason the leader summoned them is to deal with this young love rival in front of him?

But this is obviously a private matter! Using the power of the organization to overwhelm others with force, don't you, the leader, be a bit disrespectful of martial arts?

Only Obito's face is calm, he doesn't care anymore. This negotiation was strange from the beginning. It can even be said to be expected to develop into what it is now?

Get over it, really.

"What's wrong with Sister Nan?" Seeing Konan who was shy and silent, Wu Yue blinked and asked, "Don't you want to?"

Konan recovered from his shy and joyful state, and his face suddenly became very disappointed. "Wu Yue, I..." Yes, I am willing, but at this time, I really can't accept the other party.

Leaving the organization is embracing happiness, but leaving friends in the abyss of loneliness, this kind of thing Konan can't do.

And ask yourself, is she really suitable for the boy in front of you? Her hands were already bloody, but the boy was still as white as jade and flawless.

I am not good enough for him.

"Oh, I see."

Wu Yue nodded slightly, as if she understood something. "Sister Nan is because she can't bear to part with her partners, right? It's very simple. Let them all come to the country of Sichuan with you, won't it be over?"


Konan listened to the first half of the boy's sentence and thought that the other party had understood what he meant and was about to let go, but the second half made her dumbfounded. All with you to the country of Kawasaki? How is this possible? !

These Xiao organization members are not kind people, each one is rebellious and cruel. If it weren't for Payne's strength being strong enough, it would be impossible to gather them under his command.

Not to mention Nagato.

He has his own ambitions and plans in his heart, and he does not hesitate to fall into darkness for this, so how could he be willing to give up these and run to the country of Sichuan.

"However." Wu Yue didn't care about Konan's rather speechless expression, and continued: "Our country of Sichuan is now in a state of waste, and you all have to work hard when you come here."


At the moment Wu Yue said this, the murderous intent had already locked him in.

Just like what Konan thought, these members of the Akatsuki organization were killed out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, how could they follow Wu Yue just because of a word.

Not only will they not follow him, but they will be very angry because of this sentence.

The other party's tone and attitude were even more arrogant than Payne's, as if in the other party's eyes, they, members of the Akatsuki organization, were like Konan's dowry, which was dispensable at all.

Can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it!

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