The country of Sichuan, Black Rock City.

Black's hollow opened in the center of the city, and figures of Wu Yue and the others walked out of the hollow.

"Master Wu Yue!"

"Master Wu Yue is back!"

"The leader really made Konoha lose face this time!"

The people surrounding him greeted him one after another, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Thank you everyone." Wu Yue didn't put on airs, and the smile on his face was also very gentle. "Let's have a meeting later to discuss the next plan and direction of Shimogawa Kingdom."

"Yes!" Everyone echoed.

"Also, bring these Menos Grandes back to the factory." Wu Yue pointed to those Gillians who were standing stupidly, and said, "It's fine to put on a posture, and put them on the side of the road to scare the children."

Several ninjas of the Uzumaki tribe took the lead, opened the sealing scroll and sealed Gillian in, then turned and left.

"This is the country of Sichuan?!"

Looking at the environment in front of him, Quan was stunned.

She had been to this country two years ago when she was on a mission. At that time, the place was full of starvation and decay. But now? Clean streets, spacious houses, people wearing neat clothes and happy smiles on their faces.

Is this still the country of Sichuan in her impression?

Uchiha Quan looked at Wu Yue in front of him, feeling very strange. She knew that such a big change in the Kawanokai was definitely related to her younger brother, but she really couldn't figure out how the other party did it.



Among the crowd, two well-known beautiful women waved to this side.

Sasuke Izumi's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly greeted him with one voice. "Mother!"

Wu Yue didn't bother the reunion of the two families, and glanced at Obito who was fawning over Lin, then turned and walked towards the central building.

"Master Wu Yue." Pushing open the office door, I saw a red-haired woman dressed as a professional woman standing there, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work, do you want to replenish your magic?"

The woman's name is Uzumaki Rina, and she was brought back by Wu Yue from Cao Ninja Village. After her husband died, she had a daughter named Xianglin.

That's right.

She is the poor woman in the original book who was sucked into a human body in Cao Ren Village. Wu Yue brought her back, which can be regarded as a great meritorious deed.

As for whether to restore magic or not, Wu Yue actually didn't care much. Mainly, Rina's mother is more enthusiastic and proactive. He didn't want to make people feel bad.

"Cough." Coughing lightly, Wu Yue lowered her voice. "I've got business to do now, I'll see you later."

"Okay." Uzumaki Rina nodded sensibly, left the room, and closed the door gently.


Wu Yue slumped down on the sofa by the window, tapped her finger lightly, and a light curtain appeared in front of her.

Familiar interface, familiar style.

No matter how many times she has seen it, Wu Yue has a sense of déjà vu when facing it.

That's right.

This thing is the cheat he obtained by traveling to this world, and it is also the capital of his life. The full name is "Sand Sculpture Netizen Exchange Group".

There are not many members in the group, including Wu Yue, the group leader, there are only three.

Wu Yue himself was the most advanced group and automatically obtained the status of group owner. After waiting for a full eight years, Xia Laofei came in. Then half a year ago, Aizen joined the group.

Now Wu Yue is thirteen years old, and Xia Laofat should be regarded as a childhood sweetheart in the form of a netizen. But it is not.

Wu Yue spent five full years on Wu Yue's side, but half a month had passed on Xia Lao Fat's side.

In layman's terms.

Wu Yue met Xia Laofei when she was eight years old, and she was sixteen years old. Now Wu Yue is twelve years old, and she is still sixteen. This is not a childhood sweetheart at all, more like the other party is playing a little boy development game.

According to Aizen's explanation, the time flow and rules of each world are different. Only when the group chat is open, the time will be fully synchronized.

[Reminder: The owner of the sand sculpture group closed the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast will last for 60 minutes. Audience size: 2 people. You get 120 points. 】

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: How is it? Brother, that wave of performance just now was okay, right?

Poisonous Old Fat: Well, I can give you ten points.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Full marks?

Poisonous Old Fat: Full marks are 100.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Damn, is it that bad?

Poisonous Old Fat: If it weren't for your face, you wouldn't even get ten points. In other words, you are worth ten points just because you have this face. You know what I mean?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Fatty Xia, you are going too far.

Poisonous Old Fat: Well, it's only five points now.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: I'm too lazy to tell you, what do you think?

Man with Hairspray: Not bad.

Although there are many flaws in the details, but the other party is not himself, so Aizen did not correct it.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Let me just say, Brother Ran still understands me. What is Xia Laofat, spicy chicken!

Poison-tongued old man: Heh, now even pervert wives dare to mock others at will?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: What hammer talk are you talking about?

Poisonous Old Fat: Still pretending to be me? Do you really think I don’t know what replenishing magic is?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: I think everyone has the right to pursue love. You can't completely deny someone's love just because someone is the mother of a child. You are a moral kidnapping.

Poisonous Old Fat: Such a shameless face is worthy of you!

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: Recently, there is a lack of a printing factory, please help? Don't worry, there are shares and dividends.

Poison-tongued old fat: Who cares about your dividends? I can't use your ninja money here! You shameless old thief, even lied to my hard-earned manuscript fee!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Easy to say, easy to say. Everyone taught well. I, Uchiha Wu Yue, can be what I am today, thanks to everyone's hard work and cultivation.

Poisonous old man:?

Man with Hairspray Hands: Well said, Mr. Wu Yue. Also please don't say any more.

He, Aizen Sōsuke, has lived for more than a hundred and ten years, and he has never seen such a speechless guy.

Leaving aside his personality traits, it depends on what he did in the country of Sichuan.

It sounds nice.

It only took nearly half a year to build the entire Sichuan Kingdom from scratch in an orderly manner, and even built a complete industry and industrial chain. The achievements are outstanding and admirable.

But his way of making a fortune is so bad that Aizen doesn't even know how to complain.

To lure the group members to invest in building a factory, saying that it is a share dividend system, and the result is to distribute Ninja Coins to others; there is no one in the factory, and there is a lack of labor, so you borrow Menos Grande from yourself to enter the factory? !

Nima, is this what carbon-based organisms can do?

Even Aizen didn't expect to have such an operation, it's just amazing!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Cough, you all misunderstood me. This country of Chuanchuan has just started, and now there is a lot of waste waiting to be rebuilt. You have to believe me, today's pay is tomorrow's harvest! I, Uchiha Wu Yue, am by no means ungrateful! If you don't believe me, I can swear it here in the name of the ancestor of our Uchiha family, Uchiha Madara!

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