Kasumigaoka Shiyu can clearly feel that her current personality has indeed become bad. In the past, she would not expect an elder to make a fool of herself.

But now she not only looks forward to it, she even personally contributed to the birth of this fool.

"My dear, it's really harmful to people." Kasumigaoka's tone was rather sighing, but the smile on his face was very bright.


A slightly soft voice sounded from the side of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, turning her face away [What caught my eye was Mrs. Ye Ling in a light brown dress. "I... have something I want to discuss with you.

"No need to be formal, please speak."

Looking at the "Misaka Mikoto" who was several sizes older in front of her, Kasumigaoka Shiu sighed inwardly. My little fiancé is really good at everything, but this is #7... Why is "three-two-zero", why can't it be a girl? What's wrong with an innocent girl, why is it so bad? What about this kind of wife who has a child?

Just because your wife has a great figure, a good job, and can be relaxed?

How abominable!

"I want to help." Misaka Misuzu didn't have a coy personality and said straightforwardly: "I also studied architectural floor design when I was in college, so it's a professional counterpart."

Although it had only been two days since she moved here, Misaka Misuzu understood the current situation of this family.

Just as she had expected, the members of the family were all the women of her young boyfriend. She knew about this a long time ago, and the other party had already confessed it to her.

Apart from these family members, the city where their home is located also belongs to the church founded by her little man!

Cult of Axis.

On the surface, they believe in Aqua, the goddess of water, but in fact, many believers also regard their little man as the true god.

The women who can become "gods" are Misaka Misuzu and Yurong Yan. But at the same time, she also felt tremendous pressure. She didn't want others to think that she was just a vase.

She must work hard to live up to her identity as a "woman of God."

It just so happens that Chiba now has a big plan to rebuild a new city.

"Help?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression was stunned, and she shook her head and said: "Why don't you forget it? You are the greatest help to us if you take good care of the baby now."

"It's too idle to stay at home, Shiu-chan, just promise me." Misaka Misuzu didn't say that she was doing it to reflect her value, she just said that she was too idle. Coupled with her wifely coquettishness and cuteness that even Wu Yue couldn't resist, Shiyu-chan's tone suddenly became wavering.


"Don't worry, I will concentrate on the design. I won't run around and cause you no trouble."

"Okay, okay.

Kasumigaoka Shiu's arms were being hugged, and she felt her blood boiling a little. Who can withstand the mistress's coquettishness?

The poisonous old fat man: @沙肖群主, will you be back in the evening?

Shadiao Group Leader: Well, I’ll come back after the next thing is settled. what?

The poisonous old fat man: Do it!

Writing sunspot is pronounced as pervert: .…………

The mediocre sage Hui: Senior sister, do you feel so uncomfortable holding it back?

The venomous old fat man: It was fine originally. Mainly because I was flirted with by Mrs. Meiling just now, so I got a little angry!

Shadiao group leader: Damn it? You actually had so much fun while I was away?!

Wu Yue was not angry.

The wives at home are willing to exchange feelings with each other, and he supports this kind of thing. He is also very open-minded in his thoughts and does not think that this is a violation of women's ethics. The so-called women's ethics itself is a shackles that imprison women.

He was just curious about one thing. It had only been two days since Mrs. Meiling arrived in the comic world, and Xia Bao had already become close to her? The development shouldn't be that fast, right?

"Master Wu Yue?"

The soft call next to him interrupted Wu Yue's thoughts, and Yang Chengshuang, who transformed into a noble song, said respectfully: Will you also record it truthfully next time?"

"Well, those things destroyed by the Quincy battles are also counted on Gotei 13." Wu Yue took a sip of orange juice and looked at the monitor in front of her.

This kind of monitor is a technology from hell. Compared with the surveillance bacteria invented by Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the images returned are clearer.

In the images, there are battle scenes of the ninth and third districts respectively.

The Reiatsu of the two escaped prisoners in District 9 are not very strong, they are about the same level as Sui-Feng and Winter Lion Wolf Yin... but their respective specialties are more difficult.

Zanpakutō, the Evil Hand of Fujita, has the ability to transform objects touched by his blade into soft matter. This thing is extremely restrained against the direct attack type Zanpakutō. Without long-range attacks, it is basically useless against him.

Nagatsuka Narumi, the Thousand-Faced Fox, does not have such a convenient Zanpakutō, but she has a "Forbidden Technique"-level Kidō. Space shifting, time stopping...these two types of Kidō just sound like they are very tricky, and a normal Shinigami will be stunned if they touch them.

With the two fugitives joining forces, even Komamura Sajin, Tousen Kaname and Kyoraku Shunsui who came later could not defeat them immediately.

The impact of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, and the losses of those nobles are getting more and more serious.

That's right, the loss of the nobility!

This Jiu District is where Wu Yue planned in advance for the fugitives to come, and they will definitely cause destruction here. The reason is very simple. This is the property of the superior noble Akiyama family.

Fujita Jinwa and Nagatsuka Narumi were once retainers of the Akiyama family, executioners who helped the Akiyama family carry out assassinations, human trafficking and bullying of civilians.

Hundreds of years ago, the Akiyama family's human trafficking industry chain was discovered, and these two unlucky guys were pushed out by their boss to take the blame. Now that he has escaped from prison, he will definitely attack the Akiyama family without hesitation.

Wu 0. April is also a good person. I know that these two people may not know that the Akiyama family has moved out of the Sixth District. So I specially asked Mole Chengshuang to make a trip and send him the address of Qiu Shan's family.

This approach not only eliminates the power of nobles like the Akiyama family and turns hidden fugitives from the light, but also uses the nobles to suppress Central 46 and Old Man Shan’s die-hard Seireitei forces. It can be said to be a triple win.

He had never intended to have a romantic relationship with the die-hards. Although Old Man Shan had intended for him to inherit the position of captain, that would have to be at least a hundred years later.

A hundred years is too long to fight for only court friends!

There is no need for Central 46 to exist, and it is not appropriate for Captain Yamamoto to monopolize the power of Seireitei. He promised Brother Ran that if he wants to reform Soul Society, these two mountains must be bulldozed!

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