Tianzhiguo, the underground base of Yinnin Village.

"What a terrifying power."

Orochimaru touched the hollow in his chest with a serious expression on his face. Even though he had already used Orochiu as a substitute in advance, that punch almost sent him away.


too fast!

That kind of speed is beyond his reach!

The naked eye, nerves, and body are unable to respond, and after recovering, they have already been tricked.

"In the end, I was spared my life." Taking a breath, Orochimaru said in a low voice: "Is it to thank me for taking care of the bag? Nonoyu......."

He is very clear.

If the opponent launched a pursuit at that time, he would not be able to run away at all. Those high-level Arrancars called "Espada" have completely surpassed the category of ninjas.

Even if it is the God of Ninja, Uchiha Madara resurrected, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

With this in mind, Orochimaru slowly sat up from the chair and walked towards his Hollow laboratory.

Since the appearance of the "hollow thing", he has stopped all his other experiments and focused on this research.

Because he found that this Hollow thing can not only improve the strength of the ninja, but also greatly extend the life span!

The road to eternal life is just around the corner, research in other aspects is nothing!

Speaking of which, he is worthy of being a research genius in this world. Although the time to get the "Hollow Object" is still short, it has indeed made a lot of improvements.

For example, the increase in strength, or the beauty.

Other Hollows have half or the whole face covered by white bone, but Orochimaru is only covered with a mask around the jaw, much more handsome than most Hollow ninjas!

Originally, Orochimaru was a little complacent, and felt that Uchiha Muzuki was just like that.

He even approached Fourth Kazekage to seek cooperation with great enthusiasm, wanting to follow behind the army of ninjas to pick up leaks, evacuate Kawa no Kuni's laboratory and so on.

The price of cooperation is naturally the improved Hollow thing he made.

Fourth Kazekage is also worthy of being a person who is very good at seizing business opportunities, and he made a decision to cooperate with him without much consideration. And in front of him, tried his modified Hollow.

The result was unexpected, Fourth Kazekage turned into ashes directly.

Orochimaru's expression at that moment was stiff.

Be reasonable.

At that time, he really didn't intend to kill this Fengying, and he really wanted to cooperate with him.

After all, they have no conflict of interest, and Orochimaru also intends to let Kazekage, who has received the improved Hollow, to test the bottom of Kawa no Kuni.

But I didn't expect him to be so useless, simply!

After a series of practice, he finally understood that there is a limit to the ability of people to bear Hollow.

Like myself, you can use Danzo's Hollow first, and then use the improved Hollow. But the Fourth Kazekage didn't work, and died on the spot after it was used up.

Orochimaru thought for a long time, and finally came up with the decision to replace Fourth Kazekage with himself.

The plan went smoothly.

Even the old lady Chiyo didn't see that he was a counterfeit, and took him for the real Luo Sha.

And Da Mao recommended himself as the captain of the beheading team.

After successfully breaking into the country of Sichuan, he became excited and started licking his mouth subconsciously. Because the next part will be his most dreamed treasure hunt, the laboratory of the country of Chuan seems to be close at hand!

As a result, I ran into Yakushi Yi.

Still too far away!

Being killed by the opponent with one punch, this kind of encounter made Orochimaru put away his arrogance. Senior Arrancar's incomparable strength left a deep imprint on his heart.

Try, he wants to try more! If he wants to possess or even surpass the power of the advanced Arrancar, Hollow's research must not stop!


Pushing open the laboratory door, Orochimaru saw a man in a black robe with a Uzumaki face mask.

"Uchiha Obito?`

He has already known the identity of the other party from the information given by Konoha, and he has been hiding all this time because of this man!

"Orochimaru, I think you should know why I'm here?" Obito didn't talk too much, and said straight to the point: "Hand over the teacher's body, otherwise..."

"Don't worry, Obito-kun." Orochimaru grinned, "We can talk.

"Talk?" Obito frowned and said, "What do you want?"

"I can hand over the bones of the Fourth Generation, but you must bring me back Yakushi Kabuto." Orochimaru made his request.

Yakushi Kabuto is still very easy to use, and he is an all-around support talent. He felt it was a pity to just give it to the country of Chuan.

"Are you dreaming?" Obito sneered and said, "Dou is now from the Kingdom of Sichuan."

Not to mention that it is impossible for Obito to agree, even if he agrees, he will not be able to bring it out.

The entire Chuan Country is under the control and surveillance of Wu Yue, and no one can sneak people away from under his nose. Not even the resurrection of Sage of Six Paths!

It's even possible that you thought you were taking someone away, only to find out in the end that it was an illusion of Kyōka Suigetsu.

That guy who likes to watch people have fun can definitely do this kind of thing!

"..." Ah La, that means the negotiation has broken down?" Orochimaru took two steps back with a dignified expression, and quickly sealed his hands. "If this is the case, then this is the only way to go. "

Reanimation Jutsu!


A taupe wooden coffin rose from the ground, with a capital "four" written on the coffin lid.

At this moment, Orochimaru already knew the power of the Kawa no Kuni, and felt that the Obito in front of him should also be a high-level Arrancar.

It is definitely impossible to fight.

He didn't even intend to fight the opponent, using Impure World Reincarnation and only expecting Fourth Hokage to stall for a while.

Speaking of it, I have to praise him for his foresight, so he went to Namianzhang of Wochao Gan on purpose. (Good Nuo Nuo) This wave of Impure World Reincarnation has come into play.

But he didn't know that the face of Obito in front of him had changed drastically at this moment, and his mentality almost collapsed. "Orochimaru, you bloody bastard! Laozi swears, I will never let your store go!"

Putting down the harsh words, he turned into Uzumaki and disappeared.

What can I do if it doesn't disappear?

He came here only to retrieve the teacher's bones and return them to the country of Sichuan for a proper burial, so that Naruto could have a thought and let him know what a great man his father was!

But now it's time to face Namikaze Minato, and he decides to run away!

He is willing to reveal the mistakes he made to Teacher Minato, and he is willing to admit that he killed the other party. If he doesn't ask for forgiveness, he is not afraid even if he gives his life back to the other party.


He really can't bear it! Does he want to tell the teacher that Mrs. Kushina is about to remarry?

What a crime!

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