Konoha: Gu Master Creates Hokage

Chapter 17 Tsunade's Private Tutoring

Chapter 17 Tsunade’s personal guidance

"Do you know the properties of chakra?"

After Tsunade finished talking about the three principles of medical ninja, she became lazy again.

She leaned back on the sofa and put her right arm on the sofa, exposing her fair skin.

At the same time, she crossed her slender legs and moved her round toes slightly.

Aburame Shiki nodded.

He sat across from her and had a perfect view.

"The attributes of chakra are divided into fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, yin and yang."

Tsunade said casually, "Only Yang chakra can use medical ninjutsu."

"I learned it at home."

Aburame Shiki reminded.

"I forgot that you are Zhiwei's son."

Tsunade paused and asked, "Have you practiced climbing trees and treading water?"


Aburame Shiki replied.

Although the Aburame clan is not a great ninja clan, it is not bad in Konoha Village.

As the son of the clan leader, Aburame Shiki has been laying the foundation since last year.

"That still requires more practice."

Tsunade commented, "Your chakra scalpel can only be used to kill people, not to save people."

"I only studied for half a month."

Aburame Shiki said calmly.

Tsunade choked immediately.

Learning the chakra scalpel in half a month is already shocking.

It's normal to be unskilled.

And he's still six years old.

But did this kid mean what he said just now?

Tsunade gave him a suspicious look.

She crossed her arms and felt her chest rise and fall.

Aburame Shiki's eyelids also twitched.

Luckily he was just a kid.

Unfortunately he's just a kid.

"Ninjutsu has changes in form and nature, and medical ninjutsu is a change in the nature of Yang attributes."

Tsunade continued, "The most important change between the two is the control of chakra..."

This is professionalism.

Aburame Zhihui listened very seriously.

Although Aburame Shi had some training, he was not a medical ninja.

"have you understood?"

Fifteen minutes later, Tsunade picked up a glass of water on the table and took a sip to moisten her throat.


Aburame Shiki said seriously, "Thank you, teacher."

"You go to the kitchen and get a fish."

Tsunade already regarded him as a student and didn't care what he was called.

Aburame Zhihui raised her eyebrows slightly.

He remembered that Haruno Sakura's journey as a medical ninja also started with a fish in the original work.

Thinking of this, he felt at ease.

He managed to wrap his arms around Tsunade's lap.

Aburame Shiki stood up and left.

He opened the door and was startled.

Shizune stood at the door.

But it was obviously not eavesdropping, because there was a distance from the door.

"How about it?"

Shizune asked with a concerned look on her face.

"very smooth."

Aburame Zhihui's heart warmed slightly.

The senior sister Shizune is pretty good.

The next second, he was touched on the head.

"Come on."

Shizune rubbed his head and said with a smile.


Aburame Zhihui was speechless.

Why do you all love touching your heads so much?

"I'm going to the kitchen to get the fish."

Aburame Shiki avoided her touch on the head.

Shizune wasn't angry either.

She had confirmed Tsunade's thoughts.

From today on, she has a little junior brother.

Now she just hopes that Tsunade will stay in Konoha Village for a longer time.

She no longer wants to live a life where she is being collected for debt every day.

Aburame Shiki returned to the room.

He placed the basin with the fish on the coffee table.

"Fish are the best experimental subjects for beginners."

Tsunade stretched out her white bare hands and grabbed the carp.

The carp kept struggling, and water droplets were thrown around.

A lot of it fell on Tsunade's clothes, and there were dizzy water stains immediately.

She raised her hand and knocked the carp half to death.

"What you have to do is simple."

Tsunade pointed at the carp and said, "Cure it, but don't destroy its nerves and flesh."

Aburame Zhihui nodded solemnly.

Carps are different from humans. Although their structure is simple, their nerves and flesh are smaller.

In other words, extremely high chakra control capabilities are required.

"Practice on your own."

Tsunade stretched and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

Aburame Zhihui looked at the carp that had stopped moving and covered its body with both hands.

He mobilized his true energy, and light green chakra appeared on his hand.

Tsunade turned and walked to the bathroom.

Soon, Aburame Shiki heard the sound of rushing water.

He quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to rescue the carp.

The bathroom door opened and Tsunade came out.

Her golden hair was wet and clinging to her fair and rosy skin.

Because she had just taken a shower, her whole body was exuding a fragrance.

She bent down and asked, "How is it?"

Aburame Shiki raised his head.

Six eyes facing each other.

His vision sunk into the white abyss.

"It was saved, but not completely."

Aburame Zhihui's eyes jumped over the mountain with difficulty and looked at her.

What he meant was simple.

The carp was cured, but its nerves and flesh were damaged.

"No matter how talented you are, it takes time."

Tsunade stood up, curled her long blond hair with her hands, and said, "Practice well."

She walked to the closet, picked up the hair dryer, sat on the sofa, and started blowing her hair.

The technology of the ninja world is very crooked.

There are electric lights, TVs and computers.

There are hair dryers, of course.

The night is getting darker.

Aburame Shihui took a breath.

The true energy in his body has been completely exhausted.

The fish he used as an experimental subject died and came back to life, and died again in just two hours.

Aburame Shihui didn't remember how many times he repeated it.

[Achieve the achievement of "Living King of Hell" and get the reward of Bone Spear Gu. ]

[Bone Spear Gu: A first-level Gu worm can condense a bone spear to attack the enemy. ]

This is Aburame Shihui's second offensive Gu worm after Moonlight Gu.

He was quite happy about this unexpected surprise.

Aburame Shihui looked at Tsunade, but found that she was already asleep.

She lay on her side on the bed, her legs folded together, her face facing him.

Affected by gravity, the vile volume squeezed each other, showing white and tender elasticity.

Aburame Shihui didn't dare to look again.

He was afraid that he would explode if he looked at it again.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, he still walked forward.

He reached out, grabbed the sheet, and covered her.

After he left, Tsunade suddenly opened her eyes.

She curled her lips slightly and said, "This kid is not bad."

"Sister Shizune."

Aburame Shiki took the basin and went downstairs.

"Give it to me."

Shizune took the basin, looked at the lively carp, and said with emotion, "You are better than me. I changed nine fish on the first day."

You are the living devil.

Aburame Shiki wiped her hands and said, "I'll go back first. See you tomorrow, sister Shizune."

"It's not safe for you to go home alone."

Shizune glanced at the sky. It was already dark. She suggested, "Stay, there is a room anyway."

Aburame Shiki thought for a while and agreed.

Anyway, I had already told Aburame Shiki yesterday.

Shizune smiled immediately.

She brought the basin back to the kitchen and went to the bathroom to turn on the hot water.


Shizune smiled and asked, "Do you need your sister to help you take a bath?"

"No need."

Aburame Zhihui tightened his windbreaker.

He always suspected that Shizune was up to no good.

There will be another chapter soon. It's Tuesday. Please read it! It's related to whether I can be recommended. Thank you all.

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