Konoha: Gu Master Creates Hokage

Chapter 65 We still don’t know that day

After school, the classroom quickly became deserted.

"Ino, aren't you leaving?"

Haruno Sakura asked with a confused look on her face.

"You go first, I'll finish this question."

Yamanaka Ino said without changing his expression.

This is a lie.

"What question?"

Haruno Sakura raised her chin slightly and said with a proud tone, "If you ask questions sincerely, I can tell you with mercy."

Although her practical classes are average, she is always in the top three in theoretical classes and is a well-deserved academic leader.

"Look, Sasuke!"

Yamanaka Ino pointed outside the door.

"Where? Where?"

Haruno Sakura's attention was immediately diverted.

"If you don't chase him, he will run away. Come on!"

Yamanaka Ino waved his arm and said.

"See you tomorrow!"

Haruno Sakura trotted out of the classroom.

"Shino, when are we leaving?"

Yamanaka Ino breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Aburame Shino, and asked expectantly.

"Wait an hour."

Aburame Shino thought for a while and said.


Yamanaka Ino was slightly startled and asked in confusion.

"My brother didn't tell you in advance, he must have wanted to surprise you."

Aburame Shino paused and said, "If we go there now, my brother will find us, and maybe he will blame us."

"You have a point."

Hearing this, Yamanaka Ino felt happy, as if he had drunk honey.

She sat back in her seat, holding her face in her hands, already imagining what her child would be called in the future.

Shino Aburame looked at her nymphomaniacal look and thought to herself, Brother, I tried my best.

He noticed before that Aburame Shiki and Hinata Hinata still walked together today, most likely to the cabin.

But he didn't know that the two people were discussing.

If it was a date and she was bumped into by Yamanaka Ino, Aburame Shino didn't dare think about that extremely bad scene.

In short, just to be on the safe side, play it safe first.

time flies.

Aburame Shino got up and left the school with Yamanaka Ino.

Neither of them spoke to each other along the way.

Aburame Shino's character is such that she has nothing to say.

Yamanaka Ino was caught up in anticipation.

"I'm going to check on the situation."

Shino Aburame had already seen the wooden house.


Yamanaka Ino stood on tiptoes, trying to see clearly what was happening on the other side of the cabin.

Soon, Aburame Shino returned.

He nodded and said, "My brother has left."

Yamanaka Ino trotted over quickly, her heart beating fast. She couldn't wait to see what kind of flowers Aburame Shiki was growing.

If it were a rose or something... She thought as a faint blush appeared on her face.


Yamanaka Ino slowed down.

She saw Sasuke Uchiha jumping high and Naruto Uzumaki running.

Recently, the two of them leave together every day because of exercise.

Sakura was complaining to her about this yesterday.

Said she couldn't even snatch Naruto away.

Yamanaka Ino couldn't help but smile.

"In the small courtyard."

Aburame Shino opened the door and said.

Yamanaka Ino turned her head subconsciously and was immediately attracted to Moon Orchid.

"So beautiful," she murmured.

It was dusk at this time, the sky was dark, only the moon orchid exuded the faint moonlight, full of dreamy feeling.

"What's its name?"

Yamanaka Ino came back to his senses and asked.

She suddenly realized that she did not recognize this flower.

"have no idea."

Aburame Shino said simply.

Outside Qianju's former residence.


Aburame Shiki fell to the ground again.

He looked at the toes that were only 0.01 centimeters away from his throat and swallowed subconsciously.

Not hungry, but scared.

As long as the owner of Yuzu moves a little further, he might stuff it into his mouth, or, oh no, kick him away.

Seeing this, Tsunade withdrew her feet, leaving her bare feet on the ground.

Next to it, were the high-heeled sandals she took off.

Aburame Shiki got up.

[Achieve Uchiha Sasuke's achievement of "We still don't know how many people saw him jumping high that day" and receive the bronze relic Gu as a reward. 】

[Bronze Relic Gu: First-level Gu insect, consumable type, can directly improve the first-level Gu master by a small level. 】

Aburame Zhihui was stunned.

Two lines of text suddenly appeared in his sight.

Can it really trigger achievements?

Why not a righteous partner?

Of course, that's not the point.

The focus is on rewards.

He is now a mid-level Gu Master of the first rank. After using the Bronze Relic Gu, he can reach the high level of the first rank.

Coupled with the wine bug, it is equivalent to a peak, and the strength can be said to be greatly improved.

"Are you okay?"

Tsunade reached out and rubbed his head and asked.

"I'm fine."

Aburame Zhihui came back to his senses, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Don't touch my head during the fight."


Tsunade laughed, but intensified, not only rubbing, but also squeezing his face.


Shiki Aburame punched out angrily.

Tsunade dodged his attack with a slight jump.

She hooked her fingers and said with a smile: "Hit me. If you hit me, I will give you a reward."

Hard! Hard! The fist is hard!

Aburame Zhihui gritted his teeth and started a new round of confrontation with her.

But his skills are inferior to others and he can't beat him at all.

Night falls.

Aburame Zhihui fell down again.

"Are you coming again?"

Tsunade asked with a smile.

She realized that it would be meaningless to accept students without having fun.

"not coming."

Aburame Shiki waved her hand.

He was exhausted.

Tsunade put on high-heeled sandals and picked him up like yesterday.

Aburame Zhihui lay in her arms and couldn't help but sigh, she should really enjoy herself after being beaten for so long.

Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it for too long before I was let go.

He took a shower and returned to his room.

Holding back his exhaustion, Aburame Zhihui sat cross-legged on the bed and poured his true energy into the bronze relic Gu.

Consuming Gu worms at the first turn is only effective for the Gu Master at the first turn, so there is no need for him to wait.

The sooner you improve your strength, the better.

And there is the possibility of obtaining bronze relic Gu in the future.

After a long time, Aburame Zhihui opened his eyes.

Although it is a small realm, the changes in true energy are quite obvious.

Both the quality and the upper limit have been improved.

When the wine bugs are finished refining the true essence, they will go a step further.

As for now, sleep first.

Aburame Shiki was tortured so much by Tsunade that she had long since become depressed.

at the same time.

Many people gathered at his wooden house.

In addition to Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Yamanaka Ino and Aburame Shino, there is one more person, Hinata Hinata.

Her appearance was unexpected by everyone.

Especially Aburame Shino.

He had tried his best to avoid her meeting Yamanaka Ino.

As a result, Hinata Hinata killed a carbine.

Fortunately, there seems to be a deep sisterly love between the two of them.

"I want to ask you all for a favor."

Hinata took a deep breath and said, "Make something for me."

Aburame Shino blinked.

I'm asking you to find someone for help, but how do you find Ino?

He didn't even know what to say.

Hinata Hinata obviously has no concept of a love rival or jealousy.

"do what?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked positive.

He has always been enthusiastic and considers Hinata Hinata and others as friends, so he is very willing to help.


Hinata Hinata took out a drawing and said.

A white disk is drawn in the center of the drawing, with black bands extending from both sides.

There's another chapter in a minute

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