Chapter 27 Earth Escape: Large Earthquake Beyond the Scope

The reason why Mu Mu brought Kaiban with him in this plot was that he wanted to be fair. Three of the four flowers of Konoha have appeared in future videos, only Tenten has not, so she must be included.

Secondly, bringing Karin back to Konoha for temporary residence is no problem, but she needs a resident certificate, and Mu Mu’s weight alone is not enough.

Even if he has Wood Release, it has not yet grown up. He needs to find someone with enough prestige to help speak for him and guarantee his safety.

There are not many people who can help with this matter, including the heads of several major families, several elite jonin,

After much thought, Kakashi and Might Guy are the most suitable choices, and Asuma is half

Combined with the first reason, Mu Mu naturally chose Might Guy.

At this time, the video continues——

【After teaching the Kusagakure a lesson and rescuing Karin, the members of Kai’s team finally felt relieved.】

【Afterwards, under Mu Mu’s arrangement, several people carried out a major cleanup of Xianglin’s identity.】

【They first disguised themselves as Kusagakure ninjas and hijacked Karin from the Rinkoku ninja village without telling the Kusagakure village. The Rinkoku ninjas caught up with them and a fight broke out between the two sides, but Karin slipped away quietly.】

【During this time, they left behind a few bodies of Grass Ninjas that they had picked up from the battlefield. I don’t think they could find any loopholes.】

【While escaping, Xianglin was kidnapped by a”wandering ninja” and sold to a”human trafficker”.’,‘The traffickers sold her to the Land of Fire. Karin pretended to be weak at first, and then found an opportunity to escape when no one was paying attention.】

【While being chased, Karin happened to meet Kaiban who was returning home. Kaiban saved Karin and brought her back to Konoha after learning about her fate.】

【At that time, Konoha will issue a statement to Kusagakure Village and the neighboring country, saying that Karin is a descendant of Konoha’s ally, and Konoha wants to keep her and give her a small compensation.】

【The Hidden Grass Village and the neighboring country lost their people, and Konoha was in the upper hand, so they naturally couldn’t say much and could only admit the loss.】


【Tiantian: It’s amazing that you can calculate to this extent. You are worthy of being the group leader!】

【Yamanaka Ino: So from now on, Karin is a member of Konoha? With this relationship with Mumu-kun, it feels like she is closer to him than we are!】

【Tiantian: It is imperative to rescue Xianglin, but she can forget about having any relationship with the group leader!】

【Yamanaka Ino: Why does this sound so familiar? Should I add that Mu Mu-kun can only be mine!】

【Haruno Sakura: It’s comfortable, it’s comfortable, as long as Karin doesn’t continue to stay in Kusagakure Village and be exploited】

【Hyuga Hinata: Yeah!】


Video continues——

【Mu Mu’s plan went smoothly, and after getting to know her and confessing her true feelings, Xianglin’s eyes lit up, and she naturally cooperated with them.】

【On the way, Tian Tian and Xiang Lin became sisters. Although neither of them had seen Mu Mu’s true appearance, they had a great impression of him because of his performance.】

【Especially for Xianglin, Mu Mu gave her a new life, so even if Mu Mu wanted to make some excessive demands on her, she would not refuse.】

【The group returned to Konoha successfully. Kai reported the mission according to what he had agreed with Mu Mu at the beginning, hiding the fact that they had tripped up the Kusagakure Village and assassinated Kusagakure ninjas. Everything else was basically true.】

【Mu Mu also concealed the fact that he helped the ninjas from the neighboring countries to attack the Kusagakure Ninja Village, and then proposed to the Sandaime to keep Karin, Gai and the three members of Gai’s team as guarantors.】

【It was reasonable to keep a member of the Uzumaki tribe in the village without causing too much trouble. The Sandaime had no reason to refuse, and quickly arranged for Karin to get her an ID.】

【Xianglin’s residence was arranged next to Mu Mu’s house. It was a civilian area, so it was easier to arrange. This was also Xianglin’s own request.】

【During this time, Tenten took Karin to the Konoha Hospital and asked them to remove the tooth marks on her body. However, the Konoha Hospital could only slightly reduce the marks, but could not remove them. Tenten told them that if Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, was still alive, there might be a way.】

【Karin herself is more open-minded. Being able to escape from the abyss of Kusagakure Village is the greatest luck for her.】

【Since Karin was only a humanoid pill in Kusagakure Village before, she had no systematic training. After coming to Konoha, she was arranged to be an auditor at the Ninja School and first studied systematically for a period of time.】

【The video ends here and the screen gradually goes dark.】


【Yamanaka Ino: The time in this video is relatively short, only a few days, but it is very refreshing to watch.】

【Tiantian: Is Xianglin the one who has the best relationship with me in the village? It seems that I have to prepare and treat her well later!】

【Haruno Sakura: Is this a proper treat for her? Karin is already in a bad state, please don’t really bully her!】

【Hyuga Hinata: Now we have a chat group, we are all sisters】

【Tiantian: Don’t worry, I was just joking. I’m not a bad person!】

【Yamanaka Ino: Actually, you can be a bad guy, we don’t mind, wide forehead, don’t you think】

【Haruno Sakura: Pighead Ino is right! Tiantian Senior, you are so careless, it is better to break the group rules… Bah, bah, bah, I accidentally let it slip again】

【Hyuga Hinata:……】

【Tiantian: Humph, Xiaoying has your punishment video posted there. No matter how many new members join in the future, I’m afraid there won’t be another one who makes a mistake.】

【Haruno Sakura:……】

I am so miserable! I have become a negative example!

It’s simply”Haruno Sakura’s tragic fate””

Sakura kept wailing in her heart, and secretly made up her mind that she must find a way to guide the others and let them also taste the feeling of being taught a lesson!

【Hinata Hyuga: Hey, is there anything else after the video?】

【Yamanaka Ino: What?】

【Tiantian: Are you saying there is more content? Wasn’t the screen black just now? I turned it off.】

【Yamanaka Ino: Me too, let me check it out again!】

【Haruno Sakura: I turned it off too】

【Hinata Hyuga: It seems like an easter egg, Mu Mu-kun… uh, he left a clone in the Kusagakure Village?】

The girls quickly opened Future Video 3 and moved the progress bar to the black screen just now.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the screen lit up again.


Video Screen——

【After Mumu and Kaiban left Kusagakure Village and rushed back to Konoha, a human-shaped piece of wood suddenly extended from the trunk of a big tree on a high mountain outside Kusagakure Village.】

【The next moment, the wood became angular and soon became like Mu Mu.】

【”The Hidden Grass Village!”】

【Mu Mu looked far in the direction of Kusagakure Village, his eyes behind the Anbu mask looked a little cold】

【”Just making you lose the war is far from enough!”】

【”Let me collect some interest on behalf of Xianglin and her mother first!”】

【”Earth escape·Extreme range earthquake!”】

【Mu Mu pressed his hands to the ground, and with the naked eye, a huge amount of chakra flowed from his body into the earth, spreading rapidly towards the Hidden Grass Village not far ahead.】

【An invisible force is sweeping across the ground, as if an ancient beast is about to awaken.】



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