Chapter 006: Sakura is disliked by Mu Mu [Rewards for more! ]

【Yamanaka Ino: It’s Wood Release! Just like the first generation! And do you feel that after activating Wood Release, Mumu suddenly became much more handsome? Although he can’t compare with when he got married, he is much more handsome than now.】

【Tiantian: It should be the change in temperament caused by the improvement of strength. As the saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. This is probably the case.】

【Tiantian: The group leader has such a strong bloodline and his talent is unexpectedly strong. I was just guessing before, but now I can be sure that he will definitely be a great man in the future. If I can really marry him in the future, I will be honored!】

【Haruno Sakura: I admit that I was a little biased at first, but not enough to change my mind!】

【Yamanaka Ino: Hehe, wide forehead, you can continue to hold on to your fantasy. I may have to change my mind. Mu Mu is the real potential stock. Since we will marry him in the future, if we pursue him now, we will definitely have an innate advantage.】

【Haruno Sakura: Tsk, how can you be sure that those scenes are the real future and not made up by someone? Not to mention that we don’t know whether what we are watching now is true or not, even if it is true, we can’t conclude that the one at the beginning of the marriage is also true, right?】

【Yamanaka Ino: Let’s wait and see!】

【Hyuga Hinata:……】


Video continues——

【After a period of special training, Mu Mu officially became a member of the Anbu. His Anbu mission began with monitoring Naruto.】

【The video didn’t say why they were monitoring, but Mu Mu obviously knew the reason.】

【Under the leadership of Kakashi, Team 7 began to complete various D-level missions. There were many accidents in the process, but it was also very boring.】

【Mu Mu has been hiding in the dark, watching silently. Occasionally, Kakashi would appear beside him and exchange a few words, indicating that Kakashi knew of his existence.】

【The boring life flashed by, and Team 7 finally received a C-rank escort mission that allowed them to leave the village.】

【Mu Mu also followed behind secretly, and even had an ANBU teammate beside him. It can be seen that the village has increased its vigilance for Naruto’s departure from the village.】


【Yamanaka Ino: No, can anyone tell me what is going on? Why is Mumu’s mission so strange?】

【Haruno Sakura: Who knows? Anyway, Naruto is a very strange person. Maybe the Hokage thought that he was unreliable as a ninja, so he asked Mumu to clean up the mess for him in secret?】

【Haruno Sakura: In comparison, what I care more about is that it was fine if I didn’t know about it in the picture, but now I know that someone is watching me in secret. When I carry out the mission, I will definitely feel uncomfortable.】

【Yamanaka Ino: Ahhh, Broad Forehead, why are you so lucky? Not only are you in the same team with Sasuke, but now even Mumu is protecting you in secret. No! Then I will go to Team 7 and you will go to Team 10!】

【Haruno Sakura: No way,~!】

【Tiantian: The village will definitely not waste its combat power in vain. Since the group leader is asked to monitor Naruto, there is a reason for doing so.】

【Tiantian: Sakura, the reason you gave is basically impossible. If you think Naruto is not suitable to be a ninja, you should just not let him pass the test in the beginning. There is no need to do this. Now you are actually wronging the group leader.】

【Haruno Sakura:…I’m just saying this casually. I don’t care about a guy like Naruto. As long as he doesn’t bother me, that’s enough.】

【Tenten: Maybe Naruto has some special identity that no one knows about!】

【Hyuga Hinata:……】


Video continues——

【The Wave Country mission begins. Team 7 is attacked by the ghost brothers shortly after leaving the village. Fortunately, they escape unharmed.】

【Under Kakashi’s questioning, the mission client confessed the truth, and the C-rank mission became a B-rank. They could have chosen to abandon the mission and return to the village, but under Naruto’s insistence, even at the cost of self-harm, the mission continued!】

【When they set foot on the territory of Wave Country, the Mist Hidden Demon Momochi Zabuza attacked. Kakashi was accidentally tricked and fell into the Water Prison Technique. It was only thanks to Naruto’s sudden inspiration that he was rescued.】

【Kakashi and Zabuza had a wonderful duel between Water Shadow Ninjas, and Zabuza was defeated in the end!】

【At that time, Mu Mu and his Anbu teammates discovered Bai who was disguised as a member of the Kirigakure Anbu. The Anbu teammates wanted to deal with him in secret, but were stopped by Mu Mu. This was not their mission!】

【A few days later, on the half-finished cross-sea bridge, Zabuza and Haku attacked again. Haku’s ice escape bloodline surprised everyone. After special training, Naruto and Sasuke joined forces, but they were no match for him.】

【When Sasuke was seriously injured and in critical condition, unsurprisingly, Naruto went berserk!】

【A stream of red chakra condensed into the appearance of a demon fox. Naruto’s aura rose steadily, and his strength, speed and other attributes increased several times.】

【Bai’s ability was powerless against this force, and he was beaten up by Naruto after he went berserk, and it almost affected Sakura and Dazna.】

【At the critical moment, Mumu took action. First, he saved Sakura and Dazna, and then used Wood Release to easily suppress the power of the Nine-Tails in Naruto’s body, allowing him to calm down. As for Haku and Zabuza, they had nothing to do with Mumu.】

【It was not until Mu Mu retired that the Anbu teammate realized that he had nothing to do.】

【The final plot development is the same as the original. Bai flashed to help Zabuza block the fatal blow. The corpse was insulted by Cardo. Zabuza sacrificed himself to vent Bai’s anger. The bodies of the two were buried together by Team 7 on the beautiful seaside.】

【The mission in Wave Country is over. On the way back, the three members of Team 7 are discussing the identity of the Konoha Anbu who suddenly appeared and saved them.】

【Naruto insisted that it was Mu Mu. Although his mind was a little blurred at the time, his perception was very strong. However, his words were questioned by Sasuke and Sakura.】

【Sakura’s arrogant attitude and disdain for Mu Mu made Mu Mu, who was following her secretly, feel disgusted. Kakashi, who knew the truth, also looked at Sakura with sympathy.】

【The group returned to Konoha amidst the fun, and the video ended here, with the screen gradually going black.】


The scenes of the Wave Kingdom mission did not last long, and the battle process was not fully presented.

However, even if only a few simple scenes flashed by, the girls in the group could still feel the thrill.

Ino, Sakura, and Hinata, who have not yet graduated from the Ninja School, were even more frightened.

Is it really so dangerous to become a ninja and carry out missions?

Although Tenten has been a Genin for a year and has carried out many missions, to be honest, they have never encountered an enemy of Zabuza’s level.

The Wave Kingdom mission was originally released as a C-level mission, but judging by the results, it is already an A-level mission.

Not to mention a team of new Genin, even if a Chunin team went there, there is a high probability that they would never return.

After watching this video, the little girl in the group was speechless for a long time. No one spoke for a long time.


【Thanks to”19884……”1000VIP points reward!】


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