Kakashi thought a lot and finally smiled,"This child's future may not be the same as mine. He is more mature than I was back then."

Thinking back to what Kimoto said to Hinata just now, it has been shown that Kimoto is definitely much stronger in thinking than he was back then.

"I wonder what kind of surprise he will give me tomorrow".

Kakashi was already very curious about Kimoto, and now he is even more curious about Kimoto.

No matter his strength or his mature way of thinking.

Kimoto didn't know that he had been spotted by Kakashi. Although he had doubts before, he didn't go into it further.

So the next day, Kimoto went to the ninja school as usual.

During class, Hinata would always secretly look at Kimoto from time to time.

Seeing that he was still as calm as before, she felt a little uncomfortable."It's really uncomfortable that I can't get close to Kimoto now."

Sasuke was sitting between the two of them, so every time Hinata looked at Kimoto, Sasuke could feel that look.

His heart was bleeding.

At the same time, he was getting more and more unhappy with Kimoto.

"What's so good about this guy? Didn't he just get a perfect score on a test? Didn't he just beat three thugs?"

"Why is Hinata so obsessed with him?". Sasuke has really changed a lot now. In the past, the most important person in his heart was his brother, but now there are two people who are the most important.

His brother's position is of course unshakable, but Hinata's position has been added.

Children are the easiest to change.

From the day he had feelings for Hinata, he had actually been changed.

At the same time, as a member of the Uchiha clan, he has a proud sense of family honor. He has always looked down on Kimoto, who was born in a commoner family.

Although he used to regard Kimoto as his opponent, he also regarded him as a tool.

He knew that he could easily surpass Kimoto. As long as he opened the Sharingan, Kimoto would never be able to compare with him.

The Sharingan is his reliance.

Even if he hasn't opened his eyes yet, but He believed that he would be able to open his eyes.

But now, the girl he liked was paying so much attention to a person he looked down upon, which made him very unhappy.

Moreover, Kimoto was always so calm, and completely ignored Hinata's attention.

This made him even more angry.

His cold personality before made it impossible for him to express his love to Hinata.

He could only watch uncomfortably as Hinata kept paying attention to Kimoto, but Kimoto had no response and even pretended not to see.

This feeling of frustration really made Sasuke uncomfortable.

In fact, it was not until he really came to Konoha that he realized that when you live in this world, you will feel how much oppression there is against civilian ninjas.

Most of the students in the class are from ninja families, or at least your parents are ninjas.

If Kimoto's parents were not ninjas, he would need You need to pass a very difficult exam to get in.

If you come from a ninja family, you don't even need to take an exam to enter the ninja school.

The ninja school may even beg you to come.

After all, students from ninja families can't learn anything in ninja schools, and they can learn better in the family.

The reason they come to ninja schools is just to give face to the Hokage.

Just like Hinata, she needs to be taught again by her father when she returns home.

What Hinata Hiashi taught her is the knowledge that Hinata needs to master in the future.

It is also her basis for becoming a ninja in the future.

In the ninja school, even if you graduate, you can only learn a three-body technique at most, and at most a ninja tool throwing technique.

So Kimoto has been reluctant to contact Hinata because of his... Only after living in this world did he realize that this world is not as beautiful as he had seen in anime.

Here, there are all kinds of things that can easily get you killed.

For example, what happened that day, if it weren't for Kimoto's calmness, and if the rebel hadn't relaxed for a moment, he might have really died.

And this kind of thing happens frequently in Konoha.

And the closer you get to the core area, the more such things happen.

After all, even if it's a prank, the target should be a person with status and position. An ordinary person, generally speaking, is safe in most cases.

So although Kimoto doesn't deliberately hide his strength, he simply won't expose it unless it's necessary.

It's always good for yourself not to expose your strength easily. Classes started in the morning and ended in the evening.

After leaving the ninja school, Kimoto didn't go to the training ground again.

When he reached the school gate, Kimoto adjusted his attribute data and took a look.

"Host: Kimoto [Genin]

Chakra: 127 (Genin)

Chakra Control: 107 (Genin)

Ninjutsu: 120 [Genin (Chakra Extraction Technique, Three Body Technique, Great Fireball Technique Theory, Lightning Style·Earth Walk Theory, Water Style·Water Array Wall Theory)] Taijutsu

: 134 (Genin)

Genjutsu: 130 (Apprentice Ninja)

Strength: 205 (Chunin)

Perception: 215 (Chunin)

Speed: 221 (Chunin)".

Looking at the three ninjutsu of Great Fireball Technique, Lightning Style·Earth Walk and Water Style·Water Array Wall, they are still in the theoretical stage.

Kimoto smiled and said,"Try to release these three ninjutsu today, maybe you can learn it today".

Because Kimoto was already quite clear about the theory, he was still very confident that he could learn it today.

When Kimoto left the classroom, Hinata subconsciously wanted to follow him, even if it was just to walk a part of the way back with him.

But when she thought of what Kimoto said to him yesterday, she gave up.

"Can't go���"I have to control this thought. I don't want to disturb Mu Yuanjun."

Hinata clenched her fists. It was very uncomfortable for her to bear not to follow Mu Yuan.

After Hinata left the school, she felt a little lonely.

Sasuke walked behind her and watched.

But he still didn't dare to come up and talk to Hinata.

Mu Yuan returned home, put down his schoolbag, and went to the back mountain with his fishing rod.

It takes more than half an hour to get from Mu Yuan's home to the back mountain.

You need to pass through a dense forest.

There are many wild beasts here.

But these wild beasts were subdued by Mu Yuan.

After arriving at the back mountain, Mu Yuan put the fishing rod beside the stream. side.

Came to the grass by the river.

There are a few stones here.

But Mu Yuan did not notice that at this time, in the woods more than fifty meters away from him, Kakashi was standing on a tree, looking at him.

Mu Yuan first recalled the theory of the three ninjutsu.

After thinking about it, Mu Yuan felt that he should practice Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu first.

This is a D-level ninjutsu and the basis of Fire Style.

After thinking about the principle of the Great Fireball Jutsu, it took about ten minutes.

Mu Yuan's eyes condensed slightly and his hands formed seals.

The speed was not slower than the Chunin who released this ninjutsu in the training ground before.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique".

The moment the seal was completed, Mu Yuan sprayed a large amount of chakra forward.

The moment these chakras left his mouth, they instantly turned into flames.



The flames turned into a giant fireball with a diameter of more than two meters two meters away from Mu Yuan, which was even taller than the two Mu Yuans.


A rock about five meters in front of Mu Yuan was slowly charred by the continuous impact of the fireball.

Three seconds later, the fireball caused a violent explosion.

The huge rock bombarded by the flames instantly turned into a pile of black rubble.

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