Hinata watched Kimoto's back slowly disappear in front of her eyes, and wanted to chase him to thank him.

Although Kimoto didn't intend to take action when he saw her being bullied before, he did it in the end.

It was also because of Kimoto that she was spared from being bullied.

Standing there and thinking about it, Hinata saw Kimoto's back completely disappear, and thought,"I'm going to thank Kimoto-kun."

A few minutes later, Kimoto was walking on the path in the field.

With his keen perception, he felt someone following him.

Kimoto frowned,"Why is she following me?"

His perception ability reached the level of a Genin, so he could sense that it was Hinata who was following him.

But Kimoto didn't know why Hinata was secretly following him. The Hyuga clan's clan land is located in the core of Konoha, much more core than the Uchiha clan.

But Kimoto had no interest in Hinata, so he didn't expose her.

Kimoto's family was indeed on the edge of Konoha. After walking through several small woods and some rice fields, they came to Kimoto Junmu's home.

Hinata had been following Kimoto, and when she saw Kimoto's house, she memorized the location in her mind.

As soon as she got home, Kimoto went out with a fishing rod.

Seeing Kimoto walking out of the house, Hinata quickly hid. Now she didn't know that she had been discovered by Kimoto.

Seeing Kimoto holding a fishing rod, Hinata was a little curious,"Does Kimoto-kun still have to fish for himself?"

Hinata, who is in a big family, still doesn't quite understand this kind of life.

Moreover, the Hyuga clan is in the core area of Konoha and has never been to the outer countryside.

Following Kimoto, they came to a small river. The water in the river was very clear and there were many fish in the water.

Because many people in Konoha Village are not very interested in river fish, not many people catch fish in the river.

It also saved Kimoto a lot of food money.

Kimoto did not stand by the river to fish, but walked towards the river.

Hinata hid in the bushes by the river, staring at Kimoto.

When she saw Kimoto actually walking towards the river, she was completely stunned.

""Mu Yuanjun has mastered chakra to such an extent that he can walk freely in the river."

Mu Yuan walked towards the river, but he did not fall into the water when he stood on the river.

This is a kind of treading water training.

When Mu Yuan condensed chakra, he wanted to try whether he could master this skill.

Unexpectedly, he succeeded after just one try.

Although he was still a little rusty, he could still stand on the water with basic stability.

At this time, Mu Yuan heard the voice of the system in his mind.

"Your chakra control experience +1".

Mu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly checked his attribute data. He hadn't looked at it since yesterday.

"Host: Mu Yuan

Chakra: 63 (apprentice ninja)

Chakra control: 51 (apprentice ninja)

Ninjutsu: 51 (chakra extraction technique)

Taijutsu: 70 (apprentice ninja)

Genjutsu: 0 (ordinary person)

Strength: 120 (Genin)

Perception: 150 (Genin)

Speed: 134 (Genin)".

Mu Yuan saw that there was an additional chakra control in the attribute data, but the data was not particularly high, just reaching the level of an apprentice ninja. Mu

Yuan thought about it and smiled in his heart,"I have a good talent for chakra control. I didn't expect to succeed at the beginning. Although it only reached the level of an apprentice ninja, it succeeded for the first time, which is already quite good." Mu

Yuan was not disappointed. Although he was only an apprentice ninja, he had already He was very satisfied. After all, this was only his first attempt.

Moreover, he was not taught, but he succeeded in his first attempt by himself, which was not easy.

Not only was Kimoto satisfied, but Hinata, who was hiding not far away and watching Kimoto, was also surprised.

Although she had her father teaching her personally, she still hadn't mastered the ability to tread water.

Kimoto's image in Hinata's heart became even more powerful.

Kimoto's rescue had already made her feel good about Kimoto.

Now her good impression is even deeper.

When Kimoto stood on the water at first, he was a little shaky, but after he stabilized for a few minutes, he was very stable.

There were some ripples under his feet at first, but now it is very calm.

After standing firmly, Kimoto began started fishing.

Because he fishes frequently, even if he didn't know how to do it at the beginning, he has been fishing every day for more than a year and is now like a very experienced fisherman. It only took ten minutes for Mu Yuan to catch two river fish weighing more than two kilograms.

After catching two fish, Mu Yuan did not continue fishing.

He held the two river fish in one hand with a willow branch and the fishing rod in the other hand, and went home without caring about Hinata who had been hiding in the bushes not far away.

After seeing Mu Yuan walking away, Hinata came out.

Standing by the river, looking at the not-so-deep river water, she was a little hesitant.

But thinking of how relaxed Mu Yuan was just now, Hinata finally decided to give it a try.

Condensing chakra under the feet, this step is not difficult One foot stepped carefully on the water.

Because the river flow rate was not very high, Hinata was able to stand on the first step.

The first step gave Hinata great confidence, and she controlled the chakra and slowly stepped on the second foot.

Because she was very careful, she also stepped on the second foot. Although it was a little unstable, she still stood.

Then she became bolder and slowly walked towards the middle of the river.

The second step was also successful. For a while, Hinata became more and more courageous.

The third and fourth steps were more and more unstable, but she could still stand.

But when she was about to take the fifth step, her chakra began to disorder. Hinata, who could not control the chakra in her body at all, fell into the water with a plop.


The clear and calm river water began to fluctuate for a while.

Unfortunately, Hinata couldn't swim yet, and although the river water looked shallow, it was an illusion caused by being too clear.

When Hinata fell into the water, she immediately found that the river water had actually covered her head.

The river water was at least about 1.2 meters deep, because Hinata was only about 1.2 meters tall now.

But the river water could cover her body, and she couldn't swim, so she struggled in the river and choked on more and more water. It was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Moreover, this was still a rural area, and there were no people around. If Hinata continued to struggle like this, she would definitely drown.

After struggling for a few minutes, Hinata felt that her breathing was getting more and more uncomfortable, and she drank a lot of water, feeling like she was going to die.

She wanted to call for help, but her mouth was full of water, and she couldn't even call for help.

Just when Hinata felt that she might die here, Mu Yuan appeared beside the river.

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