Konoha Village Hyuga mansion.

Hyūga Hinata has been staying in her room these days.

stay at home.

And the mood is quite low.

Hyuga Hiashi didn't care much about this.

After all, after experiencing such a horrific kidnapping incident, according to Hinata's timid character...

If it's not like this, it's not normal.

And in the recent time, no one can mention Shiraiyasha or Su Bai to Hinata.

These words must not be mentioned in front of her, so as not to arouse her panic.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Hinata is depressed because she thinks Su Bai is dead.

After all, the person who came to save him was Anbu from Konoha Village, and there were more than a dozen of them.

"Miss Hinata...."

At this time, Hyuga Natsu's voice sounded from outside the room.

She is a maid-like existence of the Hyuga family.

"Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino have come to see you, and they are waiting for you in the garden."

Hyuga Xia gave a brief report.

After Hinata came back, Hyuga Xia was also ordered by Hyuga Hiashi to conduct an internal examination on Hinata.

Through the observation of white eyes, Hyuga Xia determined that Hinata had not suffered excessive persecution from Su Bai.

Physically, there are no problems or losses.

The only thing that made her a little puzzled was the pattern engraved on her lower abdomen.

When relaying this information to Hiashi, Hiashi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood angrily.

Damn Shiroyasha, for doing such an excessive and insulting thing to Hinata.

It is unforgivable.

But fortunately, it didn't reach that step, Hiashi was relieved.

It's good that Hinata can come back properly.

What's more, I heard that she has also received special training, and her strength has been greatly enhanced.

Although it may have something to do with the assassination of Danzo, Hiashi is not very worried.....

After blocking all news about Hinata, he arranged everything, as long as she was not allowed to get close to Danzo.


After the door opened, Hyūga Hinata forcibly calmed down the sadness in her heart.

yes! There are still days to go, and she must cheer up and not forget the teachings of Mr. Su Bai.

"Miss Hinata?"

Hyuga asked tentatively.

"Well! I'm fine."

Hinata forced a smile.

He didn't say anything more, and walked towards the courtyard alone.


"Yo, Hinata...."

"Are you feeling better?"


As soon as Hinata came to the courtyard, he heard Inuzuka Fang's warm greeting.

Slightly nodded, she answered Inuzuka's question.

"Uh, Shino..."

"Hinata's state seems to be completely out of order."

According to usual words, Hinata will definitely call the two people by their names politely.

But looking at Hinata who is smiling but not smiling.

Inuzuka is a bit of a Muggle.

In such a state, how to carry out tasks in the future?

Can't team up anymore.

"Tooth, you can't say that."

"After all, Hinata is being..."


Inuzuka tooth quickly blocked Shino's mouth.

The two are not stupid, they discussed it on the way here.

Must not mention that terrible name in front of Hinata.

Unexpectedly, seeing Hinata, Shino almost slipped his tongue.

I heard...

Hinata was slightly taken aback, expressing doubts.

"What's wrong?"

But at this moment, a cold snort interrupted the conversation between the three.

Inuzuka heard the reputation and looked over, but saw that Hyuga Neji, who had returned from the mission, had already arrived in the courtyard.

That cold gaze made Kiba and Shino feel very uncomfortable.

"The number one in the previous session, Hyuga Neji?"

Looking at Neji's disdainful expression, Inuzuka Tooth's complexion slowly darkened.

What is the attitude of this person.

Who do you look down on!


"For cowards, maybe a real name can make them tremble with fear."

"Just like the villagers who fled for their lives before, after hearing that Bai Yasha was not dead, they were too scared to even go home."

Neji's words undoubtedly brought great shock to Hinata.

But what he said was deliberately for Hinata.

The purpose is to scare her.

Even Hyuga Hiashi said not to mention it to Hinata, but it aroused even more contempt in Neji's heart.

Is it the eldest lady of the Zong family?


"You bastard...."

Inuzuka Fang really can't understand Hyuga Neji's arrogance.

If you roll up your sleeves, you will step forward to fight with him.


However, at this moment, Hinata, who had no energy at all, started to move.

Stepping forward, stopped the impulsive Inuzuka tooth.

"Hinata, you get out of the way..."

"I have to teach this arrogant guy a lesson."


Hyuga Neji didn't care about Inuzuka's attitude at all.

After snorting coldly, he turned his head and left immediately.


"Hey! Come back to me, you..."

"Dear, do you still want Neji to come back and beat you up?"

"Hey! Shino, whose companion are you!"

Akamaru: "Wow..." (downcast)

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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