Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 95: Tsunade: I Just Want To Win With Peace Of Mind, Why So Many People Want To Plot Against


Jiraiya took Uzumaki Naruto, plus Su Bai.

The three rushed to find Tsunade.

Uzumaki Naruto was alive and kicking ahead on the road.

Su Bai and Jiraiya followed without haste.

Last night Su Bai also thought about it for a long time...

Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame haven't come to Konoha Village yet?

Eventually Su Bai came to a conclusion.

It should be that my own appearance disrupted the development of many original story lines.

never mind!

Since it has nothing to do with him, Su Bai doesn't think about these issues.

"Listen to Naruto, you helped him improve his strength last night?"

Jiraiya suddenly opened up the chatterbox.

For this Su Bai who appeared out of nowhere and was a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen with him.

Jiraiya was still quite curious.


He didn't doubt it at all, after all, that was what Sarutobi Hiruzen told himself.

And it has also been recognized by the fire country daimyo.

In the entire Konoha Village, it is impossible for anyone to question Su Bai's identity.

But about some special abilities of Su Bai, Jiraiya is curious.

I'm afraid that Naruto will cause some bad things or sequelae.

That would be a big problem.

"um, yes."

"But don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it.

Su Bai replied lightly with a smile.

This scene made Jiraiya touch her nose in embarrassment.

"Oh! I'm relieved then, but I'm still curious."

"Who did you learn this secret technique from?"

Facing Jiraiya's cross-examination, Su Bai didn't care at all.

This kind of thing has long been expected to surprise the people of Konoha Village at the moment he gave Hinata a boost.

Then he laughed and said: "When it comes to this matter, I need to make more references."


Hearing the name of her former best friend, Jiraiya became even more interested.

"Is this related to Orochimaru?"

He looked at Su Bai with a questioning tone.

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Yes!"

"Orochimaru did a lot of experiments secretly in Konoha Village back then."

"When the Third Generation went to capture Orochimaru, they left a lot of information about his experimental projects."

"In the process of guiding me, I discovered it by accident."

"Third Generation saw that I was interested and scolded me at first, but in the end they still couldn't hold me back and let me study secretly.

"But you must not do something outrageous like Orochimaru did."


"After I researched the results, I couldn't tell him."

Su Bai pretended to sigh, feeling very sorry.

Then put all the responsibility on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

There's no way to do that, the old man had to hang up the name of his own master before he died, which took a lot of advantage.

Help yourself to carry a few iron pots.....

It shouldn't be an exaggeration.

"It turned out to be like this."

Jiraiya suddenly realized.

What Su Bai said was indeed without any omission, even Sarutobi Yuzhan's performance after seeing him interested in Orochimaru's research was very in line with Sarutobi Yuzhan's reaction.

Of course Jiraiya would have no doubts.

"I didn't expect that the old man really dotes on you."

Shrugging, Jiraiya had something to eat.

But Su Bai smiled: "When you get old, you still hope to have someone by your side."

The speaker has no intention of listening carefully, and of course Jiraiya knows what Su Bai is talking about.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was unlucky enough.

The three apprentices under him are also very famous in the ninja world.

Unfortunately, none of them were able to stay in Konoha Village.

Orochimaru is even more rebellious, and Jiraiya is traveling around for a prophecy.



Su Bai doesn't want to mention her anymore, and he doesn't know what happened to the 800 million taels that he left for her back then.


At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto came to the two alive and kicking.

"Good seductive fairy, is the Tsunade you mentioned a Sannin just like you?"

"That's natural."

Hearing this, Jiraiya gave a thumbs up and said proudly.


Unfortunately, Uzumaki Naruto was stunned.

He has heard many people say that Tsunade is a beautiful woman, and she is Sannin.

It seems that he still has the highest super medical skills in the ninja world.

"How powerful is this woman? She can possess such strength at such a young age."

"Being able to have the same title as Immortal Haoshi."

so young

Jiraiya frowned, and looked at Naruto seriously: "Hey! Tsunade is the same as me...."

"A disciple of Third Hokage."

Third Generation Grandpa's apprentice?

Upon hearing that Tsunade is Hokage's apprentice, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes sparkled: "Then sister Tsunade must be about the same age as brother Su Bai?"

"Isn't Brother Su Bai also the apprentice of Grandpa Third Generation?"

Et: "?????"

However, Su Bai smiled slightly.

The current Uzumaki Naruto is very interesting, very simple.

"No no no..."

Jiraiya hurriedly shook her head and said, "Tsunade and I are of the same age, we are at the same age.

"What I have to say is Su Bai's brother and sister, do you understand?"


But Jiraiya's words exploded in Naruto's mind like a thunderbolt.

The so-called most beautiful woman turned out to be an old woman of the same age as the good seductive fairy?

In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto's originally excited face was suddenly covered with a layer of disgust.

"What, it turned out to be an old woman."

Uzumaki Naruto muttered in disappointment, and walked forward again on his own.


Su Bai did not express any opinion.

Judging from the rewards Tsunade received before.

Now she doesn't look like she is in her fifties, even if she unlocks the Hundred Healings Mark and consumes a lot of Chakra.

She will only return to the appearance of more than twenty years ago.

But even Tsunade himself didn't know about it at all.

The Land of Fire is the closest and most prosperous village to Konoha Village.

Pamphlet Street.

Tsunade was holding the little pink piggy, walking, and suddenly stopped.

Shizune, who was following behind, had a slightly startled expression, and then raised his head to have a look.

He rolled his eyes in fright.



"This is where the stakes are highest."

"Master Tsunade........."

Just as Shizune wanted to dissuade him, Tsunade lifted the curtain at the door and said, "Don't always make a fuss."



Watching Tsunade walk into the casino without hesitation.

Shizune's whole body was numb.

As early as a few days ago, they also received information from the Land of Fire.

Su Bai's identity surprised the two of them for a while, and they remained silent for a while.

The pure Shizune was stunned on the spot.

That White Yaksha...

It turned out to be an existence of the same generation as Master Tsunade?

Calculate it like this.

Shizune once viciously smacked a guy who called Shizune.

When we meet again in the future, she doesn't want to say "senior" to the other party.

Senior Su Bai?

Shizune felt a little overwhelmed thinking about it.

But then he figured it out, no wonder the other party can be so generous and give Tsunade 800 million taels without hesitation.

It turned out to be my family.

But such a huge sum of money was about to be lost by Tsunade in a short period of time.

This time...

Master Tsunade still wants to play such a big one.

Shizune's heart hurts just thinking about it.

After all, senior Su Bai's money didn't come from the wind.

Master Tsunade's approach is indeed a little too much.

Too bad Tsunade doesn't think so.

If she knows what Shizune thinks, she will definitely despise Shizune and tell Shizune: In a certain theory, Su Bai and I are our own family members, and his money is naturally my money, my money...

Sorry, I have no money.

Shizune followed behind Tsunade tremblingly.

After opening the door.

The moment the boss of the casino saw Tsunade, he was immediately in awe, and a little cold sweat broke out on his face.

"It turned out to be her?"

The younger brother beside him saw his boss's gaffe, and hurriedly approached him and asked, "Boss? Who is this eldest sister?"

Hearing the sound, the boss of the casino turned his head in surprise and asked, "You don't even know who she is?"

‥…ask for flowers…‥

"She was the guy who almost lost to a White Yaksha some time ago."

"What? She was able to lose three hundred million taels in a short time?"


The casino boy was stunned on the spot.

I have never seen such a arrogant person.

But what he said was met with a blank stare from the boss of the casino: "The White Yasha I'm talking about is the one in Konoha Village who hasn't revoked the reward order.

When the casino boy heard the sound, his jaw almost dropped: "What? Boss? You mean she almost lost 800 million taels?"

"Hmph! It seems that you really don't know, the eldest sister in front of you is a famous and legendary fat sheep."

However, Tsunade didn't care about this at all, and put the pink suitcase in his hand on the floor, and when he opened it, it was filled with wads of cash.

"Exchange all of these for chips."

Tsunade smiled confidently.

She will win this time, even if she loses, she doesn't care.

Tsunade is also very clever, forbidding Shizune to mention everything about meeting Su Bai back then.

But she conducted a private investigation on Su Bai.

Only then did I find out...

There are many businesses in the black market that are related to Su Bai.

Su Bai is very rich, the amount may have exceeded Tsunade's awareness.

Especially when she heard Su Bai's true identity, she was even more happy.

In this way, there is a chance to find Su Bai's whereabouts.


If it really doesn't work, I'll ask him to borrow a little bit at that time, the kind that I don't plan to pay back anyway.

Of course, there is also a little bit of hearing about the attack on Konoha Village.

Due to the Fifth Hokage matter, no information has leaked out.

Tsunade also subconsciously thought that Jiraiya would be the next Hokage.

Although the other party is unreliable, it doesn't matter, Su Bai is very reliable.


Tsunade is still very at ease and continues to play outside.

the other side.

In the forest path.

The two figures walked forward slowly.

As Orochimaru was walking, he suddenly yelled, "Damn it, it really hurts me to death."


There was a loud bang.

He broke the trees beside him with one arm.


Shortness of breath, cold sweat.

Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen's final ghoul seal, Orochimaru yelled angrily: "Damn old guy, I'm not at ease when I'm about to die."

Orochimaru is tormented by the aftereffects of the ghoul closure.

Not only did the high fever persist, but the two sealed arms endured painful burning every day.

"Master Orochimaru, please bear with us, we will reach Pamphlet Street soon."

Yakushi Kabuto, who was following closely beside Orochimaru, was also unthinkable, but the collapse plan of Konoha Village ended like this.


"We underestimated that old man Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"I didn't expect him to have a master-student relationship with Bai Yasha behind his back."


Orochimaru gritted his teeth angrily, especially thinking about Uchiha Sasuke, he was even more furious.

"At the beginning, I suspected that if the majestic Bai Yasha was really for a pink-haired girl."

"Why didn't he take it away on the spot."

"And keep that pink girl in Konoha Village."

Yakushi Kabuto adjusted his reflective glasses, and his analysis was clear and logical.


Orochimaru snorted coldly.

Being calculated, he felt very shameless.

"But it doesn't matter, the information left by the old man before he died, he certainly didn't expect that I had learned the Impure World Reincarnation long ago.

"He arranged for Tsunade to be the Fifth Hokage at Konoha Village, and it was like he was helping me.

Speaking of this, Orochimaru's smile gradually turned cold.

Since Shimura Danzō lost, it doesn't matter.

It's all temporary.

Tsunade returned to the village to inherit the Fifth Hokage, which can be regarded as the heart with Orochimaru.

"Hmph! Now I'm curious, what kind of expression will she have when I put my good apprentice Nawaki in front of her."

"Tsunade yo..."

"This time she not only wants to heal my hands, but also obediently return me to Konoha Village as Hokage.

"By the way, obediently send Sasuke to my hands.",

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