Konoha Hypocrite

You guys have been waiting for a long time

I haven't given you any news in the past two months.

Let’s briefly talk about the reason for the discontinuation of updates during this period.

I have told you before that the apartment the author handed over needs renovation.

I originally thought that I didn’t know how to do it and didn’t have the time. My wife just signed up for a driving school and didn’t have the time, so the author went to several decoration companies, hoping that the decoration company would take care of it.

As a result, the decoration company's quotation greatly exceeded the budget, and the simple decoration cost 30W.

Unfortunately, the author's budget is only a few dozen W.

I also knew that my wife would definitely want to live in a nicer and more comfortable house, so I thought about it and decided to decorate it myself.

Put on the best possible show with limited funds.

This also consumed a lot of time and energy, causing the book to be discontinued.

And the author is the first time a flower girl has boarded a sedan chair. She has no idea how long the renovation will take, so she can't make any promises to everyone.

Let me report the process to everyone. If any readers want to save money on decoration, they can learn from it.

At first I chose to install it myself, but I was confused, so I thought of hiring someone to design the drawings first.

I found several professional house designers and found that the lowest opening is 1.2 W.

Maybe the market price is like this, but obviously the author can't accept it.

So I found a small furniture store and spent 3,000 to hire a furniture designer to design it for me.

Of course, after all, we are not professional in designing the overall situation, so the design results are not very ideal.

In the end, I could only use Kujiale on the computer to modify the drawings little by little with my wife.

Plumbers, carpenters, and bricklayers were all contacted by relatives and friends to help find them.

Naturally, I drive to warehouses and factories in the suburbs to find materials that consume a lot of money.

For example, for ceramic tiles, after arguing with the wholesale boss all afternoon, the 800×800 starlight tile was sold for 43 yuan, while other small bricks were sold for a few yuan.

The total cost of all the tiles in the house cost the boss a fraction, exactly 10,000 yuan...

Although the author is in Sichuan, where floor heating is not particularly needed, considering that my wife is usually afraid of the cold, I gritted my teeth and chose Hitachi floor heating.

I added the sales WeChat account and worked hard for a week, and finally negotiated the price from 28,000 to 21,000, with a lot of backfilling.

Considering that my daughter-in-law usually spends a lot of time putting on makeup, I separated half of the study room to serve as a dressing room for her.

The original three bedrooms and two living rooms became four bedrooms and two living rooms.

Because the living room and dining room are connected, I chose Gree's Zhirui one-to-five central air conditioner, which cost 38,000 yuan.

Five floor-to-ceiling windows cost 22,000 yuan.

The total cost of water, electricity and water is over 10,000 yuan.

Other bits and pieces including decoration deposit and property fees added up to a total cost of over 110,000.

The bulk of the rest is cabinets and furniture.

The budget is about 150,000 yuan, which should be completely enough.

After all, we plan to go to a furniture factory to buy boards on site for the cabinets and have them made by carpenters.

(We have been negotiating for brand-customized cabinets for more than two weeks, and the minimum price is 488 per square meter. The whole house costs about 50,000, which is really too expensive.)

Most of the home appliances have been selected online and put into the shopping cart. While waiting for the event, I negotiated prices with the merchants.

This can also save a lot of money.


It was originally planned to update in early August, because it was expected that the tiling phase would be ready by the end of July, and things would be much less complicated.

At that time, I was ready to tell you readers, but I held back because after all, many things in real life are uncertain.

As a result, something unexpected happened.

The first thing was that the carpenter whom we had originally arranged to meet had no choice but to go back to his hometown to thresh the millet when the millet at home was ripe.

After all, I was introduced by a relative, so I couldn't hire anyone else, so I could only wait for him to come back and hang the ceiling.

The second thing is that it only took my daughter-in-law, who usually looks silly, just over a month to get her driver's license.

She left behind everyone who signed up at the same time as her.

Anyone who drives knows that you don’t dare to drive after you have just obtained your driver’s license.

Especially in the small county where the author lives, the traffic environment can be said to be quite bad.

Not to mention that the road is narrow, all kinds of tricycles, battery cars, and senior cars are everywhere, and the traffic lights in many places are basically as real as reality to them.

As a husband, I naturally take on the role of coach.

Every day I have to sit in the co-pilot to guide me and let her drive me around.

The hardest thing was teaching her how to park and make a U-turn in the cramped old neighborhood where our rental house was.

And how to enter and exit the small road outside the community which is basically equivalent to the vegetable market.

This trail is closed to traffic before 11 a.m. every morning, except for community vehicles.

You can imagine how crowded this road is every day.

Fortunately, my wife is very talented and she was able to drive alone in more than a week.

Although the car was scratched a few times, it also cost others a little money.

Overall, the tuition is worth the tuition.

The third thing is that everyone knows that Sichuan is short of electricity.

The county town where the author lives basically has power outages three to four times a day. Coupled with the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, the renovation is definitely out of the question.

Every day when the power goes out, my wife and I hide in the car and blow on the air conditioner.

It wasn't until yesterday, when the temperature dropped, that the tile-laying master started working.

Moreover, my wife’s driving skills are up to standard and she can check the renovation progress for me every day.

The author finally had time to start writing this book.

Although there is still a lot to do in the follow-up, it is probably not enough to stop updating this book for a long time.

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