Konoha: I am Naruto's Brother, Golden Glitter

178. Force Together, The Blow Of The Devil

"Rain of Light!"

Now that he has done it, Ishida Uryu will not be polite.

Using the flying feet, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already above Uzumaki Mizuki's head.

Holding the spirit bow in his right hand, he frantically pulled the bowstring with his left hand, shooting arrows of light densely packed like a torrential rain.

Overwhelming, almost covering the five-meter-diameter area around where Uzumaki Mizuki was standing.

On Ichigo's side, he also took the opportunity to cut off the chains tied to his feet, and jumped back a few times to widen the distance.

The cold sweat on his forehead has not dissipated.

Feel the great pressure.

The surroundings where Uzumaki Mizuki was standing seemed to be attacked by a hail of bullets.

However, Uzumaki and Mizuki were unscathed.

Those arrows all hit the sky lock above Uzumaki Mizuki's head. The density of the arrows is far less than the number of sky locks.

The lock of the sky rushed out directly from the king's treasure house opened under the feet of Uzumaki Mizuki.

"Universal Pull"

Uzumaki Mizuki said calmly.

This time the target was replaced by Ishida Uryu.

Putting the ADC to play output, this is the wrong way. 25

Boil the water first!

Ishida Uryu's face shook, and he obviously felt a pulling force coming from his body, trying to pull him towards the person on the ground.

Raising his hand, accumulating spirit particles, he was about to release a powerful arrow, forcing the opponent to give up attacking him.

But what came to meet him was densely packed sky locks.

Ishida Uryu's pupils shrank.

There is no time to accumulate spirit particles for him.

He could only quickly release the arrows in his hand, and quickly break the chains that were close to him.

"Crescent‧Tian Chong!!"

Ichigo made an effort here.

Cut out a slash that was twice as big as before.

His face was covered by a terrifying bone mask.

Entered the state of Hollow, enhanced his own Reiatsu, a powerful slash.

Its power is more than three times stronger than that of ordinary Crescent Sky Chong.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!!"

Uzumaki Mizuki waived Universal Pull.

There is no way to use these skills at the same time.

Hit the repulsive force and rush towards the crescent sky.

Two powerful impacts collided instantly!

The mountains shook for a while.

The bright light produced by the explosion was dazzling.

"This power is comparable to Tailed Beast Bomb, it's a very strong attack!"

Senju Tobirama said in surprise.

It is difficult for ordinary people in the ninja world to reach this level.

Sannin is one of the representatives.

If you don't open it, it's at most the level of Jiraiya!

Senju Tobirama felt that he was facing Ichigo, and it was difficult to deal with him more or less.

"That kind of power is the power of Xu!"

"No wonder Wang asked me to pay more attention to this child, he is really different!"

On Orochimaru's side, his face was a little intoxicated.

Ichigo's fighting style just now made him very concerned.

Although the curse seal can also achieve similar means, but compared with the power that can be learned by itself, there is still a big gap.

Just like the curse seal he used in Ninja World, and the real Sage Mode.

There is still a long way to go.

"This man, what's going on!"

Ichigo couldn't keep Hollow for long.

In the case of Hollow, he directly cut out the crescent moon and released the strongest attack.

However, it was still blocked by the opponent.

Even, the opponent hasn't used his hands yet, just watching there, can't he beat the opponent!!!

With one more Ishida Uryu, Uzumaki Mizuki just opened up some more passages to the King's Treasure House. Consuming a little magic power and controlling enough sky locks is enough to play with the two of them.

"Is that all?"

"I haven't shown even one percent of my strength yet!"

Uzumaki Mizuki pulled the taunt.

These people fight, and most like to use Shunpo, ring spin, and fly to quickly approach the enemy with cheap feet.

In the past, everyone could only rely on Reiatsu detection to lock each other, and at the same time rely on their own reaction speed to deal with it.

But now, this is the era of built-in sights.

Rinnegan clearly saw the movements of the two of them.

Rinnegan is a kind of teleportation in space, and Rinnegan is a bit difficult to capture.

However, Shunpo and Fei Lianjiao both had techniques similar to the Instant Technique, and they were strictly restrained by Rinnegan.


On Ichigo's side, he tried to get close to Uzumaki Mizuki several times [he was chased back by the sky lock.

The closer to Uzumaki Mizuki, the faster the speed of the sky lock, and the faster the number.

Only by opening a little distance can he barely react.

The same is true for Ishida Uryu.

He didn't have time to charge up the attack at all, and he felt the pressure when he faced Uzumaki Mizuki head-on.

The almost unlimited chains made it impossible for him to stop and condense the strongest attack.

In addition, the battlefield here is not very wide, that is, the size of four football fields, basically there is not much room for dodge.

"Ichigo, I'm here to help you block the chain, can you get close to him?"

Sado Yasutora's side also played.

Immediately using the full manifestation technique, the right arm completely changed its appearance.

He quickly came to his good friend Ichigo, raised his arm, and broke the approaching chain.

The sky lock is actually not too strong for ordinary people, it is slightly harder than ordinary weapons, mainly for enemies with divinity, and the effect is exceptionally good.

Right now, the three of them don't have such a thing.


"give it to me!"

Ichigo looked at Sado, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he remembered the scene when he made him retreat earlier.

But soon, he responded firmly.

I can't live up to my good friend's heart anymore.

"it is good!!"


Sado Yasutora nodded earnestly.

Then, directly broke out his own 323 Reiatsu.

It wasn't the curse mark, but the left hand turned pale, with a few dark red lines in the middle, and a sharp bone spur appeared on the shoulder.

"The Devil's Left Arm!!"

"Curse Seal First Section Open!!"

Sado Yasutora tried his best to raise his Reiatsu to the highest level.

Black curse marks spread all over his body, and his arms looked like poles tattooed with flower arms.

Reiatsu from Sado made Ichigo feel great pressure.

"Sado, you!"

Ichigo was shocked.

Obviously, I didn't expect my good friend to have such a powerful Reiatsu.

During this time, I have been trying my best to chase after you, Ichigo!

Sado Taihu said very calmly.

Inoue Orihime in the distance, is very excited.

Seeing her companions, being able to join forces again, made her very relieved.

This is what she wants to see.

"Up, Ichigo!!"

Sado Yasutora finished speaking.

The surrounding air froze for a moment.

Then, looking at Sado Yasutora, he punched forward with his left hand directly towards the densely packed sky locks in front of him.

"Devil's Strike!!"

An impact in the shape of a skeleton demon made of Reiatsu directly shattered those chains and rushed straight towards Uzumaki Mizuki.

PS: The first update, thank you for your flowers and comments!

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