Konoha: I am Naruto's Brother, Golden Glitter

196. The Method Of King Ling's Consciousness Recovery?

Five days have passed.

The Hueco Mundo is the quietest, with little change.

However, the drastic changes are in the present world and the Soul Society.

The current person in charge was taken to Hueco Mundo and Soul Society for a tour.

After seeing Planetary Devastation and Golden Wheel reincarnated, he didn't show off his so-called superiority in firepower.

These people are very unwilling.

But knowing that with absolute strength, these are useless.

If you are not obedient, just replace it with an obedient one.

But this matter has not spread so fast yet.

But the hearts of the high-level people are floating.

"Manpower is not enough, king, do you need to bring more people from the ninja world?

Nagato asked Uzumaki Mizuki for instructions.

Orochimaru's research team brought the most.

There are only a dozen people who belong to him.

Now, they are all dealing with the relationship with the secular world, and both sides are in trouble.

To receive it stably, it is necessary to guarantee the interests of the vast majority of people.

Although it is not impossible to directly put the high-level in one pot, and then colonize.

However, it will be a lot of trouble.

The best way is to be able to stably accept the existing system.

"Wait a while."

"There is also the last group of troublesome enemies, after you get rid of them, you can go all out.

Uzumaki Mizuki said.

He left the coordinates of Flying Thunder God on Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

But, gone.


This place, the Soul King Palace, is even more troublesome than the one that is isolated from the Soul Society in this world.

Only at a fixed time can the communication channel be opened, allowing Sei Lingyan to communicate with the Lingwang Palace.


Nagato naturally had no opinion.

Busy at most.

Anyway, the Uzumaki family is in good health and able to work.

Now put on Shisui's Sharingan, and remember things quickly.

Life is much better than when I was sucked blood by Rinnegan.

Konan is also helping with work, very busy.

After Nagato is finished, the next step is the city two silver.

Sei Lingyan is still undercurrents.

Many people are waiting for Team Zero to kill them.

The people of the five great nobles were secretly in touch.

"If people from Team Zero show up, they should also backstab us. Should we get rid of them in advance?"


Ichimaru Gin asked.

This news is not hidden at all.

However, because Uzumaki Mizuki directly abolished the five nobles, he still got the support of many ordinary Shinigami.

Aren't nobles all good people?

And they take up the most resources.

It's more of an ordinary Shinigami that's working hard outside.

Already dissatisfied.

Now that Uzumaki Mizuki has issued such an order, it is naturally unanimously approved.

"Collect evidence of their conspiracy. There is no need to deal with them in advance. It is enough to stabilize the situation now."

Uzumaki Mizuki shook his head.

These people, the strongest are just like that, they are basically the stuff of one move in seconds.

Knowing Bankai is already pretty good.

But their Zanpakutō were basically confiscated, and maybe a few people stayed, but it was of no use.

Seeing that Uzumaki Mizuki said so, Ichimaru Gin has nothing to report.

There is a lot to do now.

For those people in Rukongai, a school was opened to impart knowledge.

Prepare to build a New World in Rukongai that is the same as the present world.

They are obviously capable, but the people of Rukongai live worse than beggars in this world.

Dealing with Xu is only because of avoiding too many Rukongai's dead souls, resulting in an imbalance with Hueco Mundo.


The last to report were Orochimaru and Aizen.

Uzumaki Mizuki went to their laboratory in person.

"What is the most important discovery?"

Uzumaki Mizuki asked curiously.

That's not to say, he didn't even want to come.

"It's about Soul Society and Hueco Mundo stabilizing this thing."

"According to the information collected by Aizen, if the soul of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo's void are not kept within a certain ratio, it will cause the collapse of the world."

"In addition, what you said, Wang, that the spirit king lost consciousness and turned into a human stick is very likely because after the world was divided before, the spirit king needed to keep maintaining it, which consumed a lot of power."

"After the spirit king loses consciousness, he cannot guarantee stability. Human intervention is needed to maintain the number of virtual existences of the soul and Hueco Mundo."

"However, if all the souls are reincarnated and Hueco Mundo's virtual capital is destroyed at the same time, will the world really collapse?"

On Orochimaru's side, he began to speak at length.

Aizen was watching Uzumaki Mizuki's face, wanting to see what he would say.

"It should be related to preventing the spirit king from recovering!"

"The five major families backstab the spirit kings. After seeing what these Shinigami have done, I feel that they don't take the souls of ordinary people too seriously. A long time ago, it was normal to use the souls directly to refine weapons, which is different from the current world. The attitude towards ordinary people is completely different.

...asking for flowers......

"It's more like I don't want to see this happen, and it's very possible to destroy the world, but it feels more like I'm afraid of the Spirit King."

Uzumaki Mizuki said.

This world was divided into three spaces by Ling Wang Qiang, it wasn't originally like this.

If the world collapses, it feels like the three worlds will merge into one, not really destroyed.

"The results obtained are indeed true. Shinigami forcibly kept their souls and prevented them from being reincarnated, and even let them live in Rukongai all the time. It may be to prevent the soul king's consciousness from returning.

"If these souls are put into reincarnation, the spirit king will most likely wake up!"

Orochimaru said.

"When I was studying Hōgyoku, I had this feeling, but I didn't know the condition of the soul king. I thought it was under house arrest by the Zero Division, or deprived of power. I never thought that the soul king lost consciousness."

Aizen followed suit.

If it is known that King Ling has lost consciousness, then his goal must be to deal with the five major families first!

These people possess the ability to counterattack the original owner of this world, the Spirit King!

"Are these souls the consciousness of the Spirit King, or is it that the power of the Spirit King is used to make these souls, and the consumption is too great to wake them up?"

Uzumaki Mizuki asked.

He didn't care too much about the Lingwang Palace.

Mainly Lingwang.

This kind of world master doesn't feel like a simple role.

Uzumaki Mizuki has always dealt with him as the biggest imaginary enemy.

"I'm afraid that this matter can only be confirmed by inspecting the Spirit King after capturing the Spirit King's Palace."

Aizen said.

Orochimaru also nodded, affirming the thought.

"Just wait until they show up."

"The main focus is on the Spirit King. Only by solving this matter can we stably conquer this world and move on to the next step.

Uzumaki Mizuki said.

Both nodded.

During this period, the two also fought secretly, but it was insidious, not a frontal fight.

Both parties recognized each other's intelligence and were able to communicate.

Otherwise, both sides are unconvinced and are ready to compete.

Determine who will be the leader in technology in the future.

PS: The first update, thank you for your flowers and comments!

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