Konoha: I am Naruto's Brother, Golden Glitter

228. Sects Gather, Clear Up Heretics!

"Is this the place?"

"Cut, I can solve it by myself!"

"Just use the Heaven's Punishment Technique!"

Front Wind, standing on the tall building outside Academy City, looked at the situation inside, and directly snorted coldly.

Academy City covers an area about one-third the size of Tokyo, about 700 square kilometers.

Relying on her ability to control the wind and air, she is enough to kill most people in Academy City.

A spell called Heaven's Punishment.

"Don't be careless, the land on the left is here."

Backside Water said calmly.

This time, he is in charge.

The Roman Orthodox Church brought about a thousand people.

More than half are members of the Knights.

The goal is to destroy the biggest heresy in the science camp, Academy City.

At the same time, the magic book belonging to the Roman Orthodox Church must be recovered.

However, the people on Academy City's side are not simple. The other party has a lot of ammunition, and there is no problem at all in destroying a country.

However, these people of the Roman Orthodox Church, using magic formulas, also have the same effect.

This time everyone was filled with righteous indignation, after all magic books were the lifeblood of these ordinary magicians.

Many people want to study, but the books are gone.

And recently they also discovered that all the books in some branch churches were gone, and they were replaced with fake ones.

Not to mention making these 25 magicians angry!

"The English Puritans, haven't they come yet?"

Seeing what the water in the back said, the wind in the front snorted coldly, and then continued to find fault.

But changed the target, and changed to the British Puritan side.

The mature Russians have arrived and are attacking in another place.


Backside Water's cell phone rang.

Open it and look at it.

The second batch of British Puritans has also arrived, in another direction.

At the same time, within Academy City, Kanzaki Kaori and others are also ready to attack at any time.

"It's here."

"Do it first, solve the target of stealing the magic book, and then deal with the citizens of Academy City!"

"You guys, wait outside for information, prepare the magic circle, and wait for orders!"

After reading the information, Zhishui from the Back began to order directly.

After all, the magic book will definitely be damaged in a fight, and these things are indeed very important.

Therefore, he planned to get all the magic books first, and then attack Academy City.


The leader of the knights and magicians in the rear responded immediately.

Then go to arrange the manpower to act according to the order of the water behind.

"Hurry up, this column is too boring!"

The fire on the right spoke calmly.

Wearing a little red suit, he doesn't look like a believer at all.

However, his strength is the only person in the God's Right Seat who can compete with the water behind.

"Use Heaven's Punishment first, anyway, it won't damage the building, and won't affect the magic book."

Front Wind said.

"This will interfere with the manpower for teaching in the UK and teaching in Russia."

The water behind frowned.

Obviously didn't want to agree to this.

He is not interested in excessive killing.

I just want to destroy the den of heretics, Academy City, not kill all the heretics!


"Anyway, they are all opponents, so why care about them!"

"If you can't even resist this spell, it won't do anything. My spell alone is enough to solve the problems in Academy City, so why bother them?"

The wind in front sneered.

Except for the Roman Orthodox Church, all other denominations are pagan.

However, it is still somewhat different from Academy City, a heresy that completely denies the existence of God.

At most, it is a difference of belief.

It is to destroy this belief and is the enemy of all sects.

God is God.

It is an existence that cannot be erased and transcends everything.

It's not something that can be denied by just taking some data casually.

So people living in this city must die.

"I don't think it's a problem, if you can't resist the divine punishment, you don't have the qualifications.

Naturally, the fire on the right doesn't care.

Although this technique will also affect two people.

But, for them, resistance is easy.

But for ordinary people, as long as there is any evil thought in front of the wind, they will faint directly.

Specifically, to evacuate the air in the body of this person who has evil thoughts about the wind ahead, and only keep the minimum consumption of body organs and brain.

It can be regarded as a large-scale dizzy skill.

It is very practical to deal with ordinary people.

Indirectly, or as long as it involves the wind ahead and has evil thoughts towards her, it can work.

If God's punishment is ordinary, it's called Heaven's Scourge!


"Do it in ten minutes!"

The water behind saw that both of them had said so.

Nor did he argue.

However, he sent a message to the British Consulting and Russian Chengjiao about this matter.

If you can't even resist the divine punishment spell, don't go fishing in troubled waters.

After they get back the magic book, come in and clean up Academy City!

The two sects soon received the message.

"Others, find a place to hide and wait for my notice!"

Kanzaki Kaori frowned.

Then quickly issued an order.

The Russian adult education side also issued a similar message to arrange ordinary personnel and not to enter the scope of Academy City.

After fifteen minutes of preparation, let's get started!

"God's punishment spell!"

"This time, with so many people gathered, I really had an idea about Academy City!"

There is no panic here at Reiss Tower.

He had nearly injected the virus into The Last Work, preventing Aiwass from self-destruction.

Except for Kamijou Touma, the role of this city is actually not that great anymore.

The artificial heaven has been built.

No one can stop him!

"But it seems that they want to deal with those outsiders first."

"Then, I'll take care of those magicians outside. At the same time, let's try it out to see how powerful these people are!"

As for Reiss Tower, I still care about Uzumaki Mizuki and others.

He basically knew the strength of the three 630 sects, and they couldn't threaten him.

Demon God is the ultimate goal.

Then, he also began to prepare.

The target is the manpower arranged by the three major sects outside Academy City.

Get ready to take them away!

"Wang, do you want to start doing it tomorrow?"

Orochimaru asked curiously.

He also arrived before the appointed time.

"Well, anyway, the loss is not too big in the end, and I am sure to save your lives."

"Wait until you catch the demon god, and then you will study why the lives of these guys are so fishy."

Uzumaki Mizuki nodded, and said.

Hearing this, the three of them were overjoyed.

Good guy, study the Spirit King!

This research body is really hard to find.

They certainly won't miss this opportunity.

"There are some miscellaneous fish outside, I'll leave it to you to deal with, try not to affect ordinary people, this place will be our main city in the future."

Uzumaki Mizuki said.

As soon as the magicians arrived, he found out.

He has been paying attention to the surrounding situation.

But more, it is to pay attention to whether there are demon gods appearing.

It is not an easy thing to be given a hand by such a person.

He didn't even want to touch these miscellaneous fish.


The three naturally had no opinion.

"Find a way to catch them alive."

Uzumaki Mizuki said finally.

It is still useful to absorb the world tree. .

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