
Countless people in this world are waiting for the live broadcast that the self-proclaimed king said.

They want to see if this person can do what he said.

At the same time, countries around the world are also paying attention to this matter.

They absolutely do not believe that Academy City can destroy the planet Jupiter Sanwei.

Nuclear bombs can only be said to destroy the world and destroy living things, but it is still very difficult for manpower to destroy a planet.

But it is more than 800 million kilometers away from the earth!

It is very difficult to get close, let alone destroy it.

However, the website for the live broadcast is ready.

Immediately, it spread to all over the world, and people who didn't know it would immediately forward it to their friends.

They all want to see if this matter is true.

"Are you ready?"

Uzumaki Mizuki asked Ya Reiss Tower.

He didn't have anything to prepare for "270", mainly live broadcasting.

"Yes, the screen is divided into three sections, which are when you attack, and the process of capturing and attacking, and the screen of the three moons of Jupiter in the astronomical telescope.

Ya Reiss Tower replied.

At this time, together with Misaka Mikoto, the three of them were on the roof of the windowless building.

Misaka Mikoto was nervous on the sidelines.

The other two were very calm, one had facial paralysis, and the other didn't think it was a big deal.

"Well, then, let's start in five minutes."

Uzumaki Mizuki said directly.

"Will there be any danger!"

"Using such a powerful force will bring a great burden to oneself."

Misaka Mikoto worried.

She made judgments from the perspective of superpowers.

Using abilities will consume one's physical strength and will also bring a burden to the body.

"It's nothing, this level is nothing to me."

Uzumaki Mizuki didn't have time to explain anything at this time.

He just smiled and explained to Misaka Mikoto in a positive tone.

Seeing Uzumaki Mizuki's smile, Misaka Mikoto also laughed.

"It's time to start."

Ya Reiss Tower came over and interrupted directly.

"Then, let the people of this world experience the absolute power.

Uzumaki Mizuki said directly.

Then, walk in front of the camera again.

Asia Reiss Tower was in charge of controlling the cameras, making sure that everything that was going to be filmed was captured.

"Now, I will demonstrate the actions to destroy the three moons of Jupiter.

Uzumaki Mizuki didn't talk too much nonsense and said directly.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing rapidly.

All of a sudden, it exceeded ten million people, and it was still increasing from the base number of one hundred thousand.

But there is no barrage or anything, just a simple live broadcast.

But on Internet sites, there are many people discussing that Uzumaki Mizuki is talking, and most people are daydreaming.

The only ones who believe may be those who have great confidence in Academy City.

As soon as Uzumaki Mizuki finished speaking, he directly took out the Deviation Sword from the king's treasure house.

"The Deviation Sword·EA is my strongest weapon, with the powerful ability to destroy the world."

Uzumaki Mizuki briefly explained.

Then he directly raised the Deviant Sword, facing the sky.

The coordinates and the like have actually been prepared in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to rely on Tenseigan and Rinnegan to lock the target at such a long distance.

In advance, Uzumaki Mizuki sent Shadow Clone to the third moon of Jupiter, leaving the coordinates of Flying Thunder God.

This coordinate allows him to lock on to the target without missing it.

At this time, there are four people watching.

Kaguya Ji also appeared.

Several people are in Orochimaru's research room, watching the live broadcast.

"Deviation Sword EA!"

Several people are very concerned about Uzumaki Mizuki's weapons.

They all recognized it, the weapon that vortex water seldom brought out.

Basically only seen it once.

Scientific researchers from all over the world directly analyzed the contents of the video screen.

But no matter how you look at it, you don't think that this weapon alone can destroy a planet whose diameter is close to half of the earth.

"Is this, an enchanted weapon?"

The magic camp here.

The pope looked at the lines on the deviant sword, and couldn't help but wonder.

God's Right Seat and others watched this scene silently.

They both missed Uzumaki Mizuki and lost to his men.

They are not sure whether Uzumaki Mizuki has the power to destroy a planet, but they feel that there should be no need to lie to such an existence.

However, Uzumaki and Mizuki apparently didn't give them time to analyze.

"It's too far from here to the three moons of Jupiter, so I will open a space gate to connect the earth with a location about 10,000 kilometers away from the three moons of Jupiter, and then release the attack directly."

Uzumaki Mizuki explains a little bit.

Then the Deviation Sword EA began to accumulate power, and the three-section sword began to rotate.

Soon, the entire Academy City people saw a dark red energy directly breaking through the sky...

Uzumaki Mizuki released all the overflowing energy towards the sky.

Not for a while, this ray of light broke through the sky.

All people on almost the same plane of the earth can see this dark red beam of light with their naked eyes.

"What a charming light, if it hits the Demon God, it will be very beautiful!"

Ya Reiss towers over here, a little excited.

This energy, under his instrument, cannot be analyzed clearly at all.

Next is the space door!


Uzumaki Mizuki snapped his fingers with his left hand as he spoke.

About 100 meters above the sky from where he was standing, a huge crack opened directly.

On the Reiss tower side, it is also very appropriate, with other cameras, the chest frame is divided into three.

They are Uzumaki Mizuki, the space crack in the sky, and the space cracked outside the three moons of Jupiter observed by the astronomical telescope.

Countries around the world have not yet had time to be shocked.

"Talking about the original, the heaven and the earth are deviant

Opening up the Gospel of Nothingness-It is my sword of deviation that opened up the world

Weaving everything together, gathering stars

The so-called "hell like heaven" is the end of the eve before the creation of the world

Accepting death in silence is enough

Heaven and earth leave EnumaElish!”

Uzumaki Mizuki began to recite the longest liberation language.

scene, there is still more to do!

If you put it directly, there is no such Haki.

Listening to Uzumaki Mizuki's Liberation Language, many people were shocked by Haki's prophecy.


After reading, Mizuki did not hesitate to release the energy on the Deviation Sword.

It directly hit the huge space crack in the sky.

The dark red energy slammed into it fiercely, as if tearing the space crack even bigger.

The live broadcast also played everything clearly.

Everyone's eyes quickly gathered on Jupiter's three guards.

Countries around the world are also using their own means to observe the situation of the three satellites of Jupiter.

Dark red energy appeared from the crack on the other side, and then hit the three satellites of Jupiter in an instant.

Pierce it instantly.

The screen of the live broadcast immediately changed to that of Jupiter's three guards.

After waiting for about a minute.

The three moons of Jupiter have begun to change!

This planet is collapsing!!!

All the people watching the live broadcast were shocked to see this scene, a planet is falling apart!

And it's rapidly splitting into smaller pieces.

This planet is doomed!.

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