The first exam is still a written test, and the same test questions as in the past are used.

Originally, when dealing with the ninjas of Konoha, they should use the latest ones, because they have learned more knowledge recently.

But this time, we are taking care of the genin of Konoha who have not yet become chuunin. This is the last chance for them. In the future, new questions will be asked in the exams, which will be more difficult.

“Here, you can see everything in the examination room. Each classroom has five surveillance cameras that can see the entire classroom.”

Nara Shikaku introduced in the room.

Minato, Rasa and Yagura were all sitting here and watching.

“Konoha’s technology feels completely different from that of Sunagakure Village! Luo

Sha sighed.

Now in Sand Hidden Village, there are actually many ninjutsu that can be used for surveillance, but he saw the value of this kind of video surveillance at a glance.

There was such a technology before, but the effect was not very good. , it’s not very clear, but these in Konoha seem to be pretty good now.

“Now these are test supplies, and formal commercial products are expected to be sold within two years. Fengying can pay attention to them then.”

Minato said to him.

These are all piled up with money, and they are all made by scientific researchers themselves. Mass production is not yet possible.

It mainly consists of some spare parts, and it is difficult to produce qualified products.

“Will Konoha withdraw from the mission aspect in the future?”

“In Kirigakure, Sunagakure, and small villages such as Takinin Village, there are no Konoha ninjas dispatched on most missions.”

Yakura also asked.

He was basically restricted in his freedom of life in Kirigakure Village, and he was also atoning for his sins, so he was very cooperative. He usually looked at external intelligence and learned about the situation in the ninja world. He no longer has the power to interfere in the affairs of the village, and now the Kirigakure Village treats him as a jinchūriki.

If it weren’t for something special this time, they wouldn’t let him go out. The people who came with him were all To keep an eye on him, not to protect him

“Because these tasks are not very profitable to do, there are more places in Konoha that need these ninjas, and the money is not a lot, but there are people who need to solve these difficulties, and everyone happens to be willing to do this task to gain benefits. Ye is just acting as an intermediary to help each other.”

Minato said straightly.

Konoha doesn’t accept many ordinary genin missions anymore, unless the rich offer a very high price. Although the difficulty of the mission is only D, the mission even exceeds B level, reaching the level of.

Now bet The city is open, and there are often such tasks.

There are very few D-level tasks, and they are basically selected to bring help to the genin in the village, or those with a lot of money. The

B-level tasks that were previously backlogged Something like that, done for these villages

“Hokage-sama, let me ask a sensitive question. Are Konoha and Fire ready for the next step?”

Luo Sha continued to ask.

He didn’t care too much about the mission. Even if he made money, it wouldn’t be too big to supplement Sunagakure Village.

Because after getting the money, many ninjas were in the gambling city. We lost, and the part the village received was actually not profitable at all compared to training these ninjas. It mainly relied on the military expenditures of the Kingdom of Wind.

“You two, do you know what the purpose was when Konoha first established the Ninja Village?”

Minato suddenly asked

“Sunagakure Village was built to resist other countries and was established with the help of the daimyo…”

Luo Sha thought for a while and then said

“Kirigakure Village is also probably the reason.”

Yakura also nodded.

Both of them were curious why they asked this question.

“Not Konoha. Konoha was the first ninja village to be established. At that time, he was the leader of the Senju clan and the U

chiha clan. He did not want the war to continue and wanted both sides to coexist peacefully. Secondly, he wanted to build a living place for everyone. But in the end, the first Hokage had a conflict of ideas with the Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Madara, which led to a falling out between the two parties.”

“But the most important reason is that it did not completely change everyone’s destiny, because after the establishment of the Konoha Ninja Village, they still continued to fight, but this time it was for the benefit of the daimyo.”

Minato said this.

Anyway, even if he said it, Kirigakure and Sunagakure Village would not be able to keep up with Konoha, because if they can’t do it, the interests of the village cannot be tied together.

Rasa said that they are integrated. The village, but it only implements the interests of the vast majority of people.

Minato is different. He is responsible for leading everyone to make more profits. Secondly, if there are people who are not convinced, then they will be killed directly. Luo Sa cannot do it.

The two listened I was speechless after that. It turns out that everyone’s stance has been different since the village was established.

“So from now on, will Konoha stay like this?”

Rasha then asked.

He felt that Konoha now feels like another country, and is no longer a ninja village.

“Of course it won’t continue like this, but will get better. I won’t go into details, but you can probably guess it.”

Minato has already made it clear.

After all, you have signed a contract, so you can’t say it.

Both Rasa and Yagura were shocked. Konoha has become better. Is it to take down the entire Fire Country?

But now This situation is not very similar, otherwise Konoha can take action, is it worrying about other places?

So the two of them were not in the mood to watch the exam at all, while Minato looked at the appearance of the Konoha ninjas on the surveillance camera.

Itachi had already handed in the paper Yes, this is the easiest for him.

This exam is very ordinary, and not many people are screened out, because this is the Chunin exam jointly held by the five major villages, and no one wants to be embarrassed at this time.

Come on. They were all elites, and the people who brushed down were basically ninjas from Xiao Ninja Village, and there were no young boys like Naruto, so they passed by very calmly.

Next, they rested for two days, and then they went to the Forest of Death again. The battle of the Scroll of Heaven and Earth is an actual battle this time, but it has not yet been broadcast live. The

TV live broadcast is already being debugged. The live broadcast will be on the one who passed the Death Forest exam. A one-on-one battle is the best. The viewing experience was too long in the Forest of Death. No one could stay in front of the TV all the time.

In the past few days, Minato took Nagato to visit various places in Konoha to let him learn from the experience.

Mainly the Rain Country Being surrounded by three countries and not close to the sea, otherwise a port could solve a lot of things.

Rasa and Yagura were stunned by Minato’s words on the day of the exam, and they were both in the hotel at this time. , thinking about what Konoha would do next.

Finally, they all saw the land occupied by Konoha next to the Iron Country. They were wondering why Konoha had been investing in so many houses and a port in that place. Something like that, they realized it right away.

The two of them were very envious, but there was nothing they could do, because it was difficult for the two villages to do such a thing, and unless the daimyo was not given a way to survive, it would be impossible to do it.

The most important thing It’s the die-hards in the village, like people like Xiaochun, who have no solution. They like the status quo and are unwilling to change. At the same time, the risks are huge, damaging their interests, and full of difficulties!

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