[You use your supreme mind to enter an absolutely rational state without any emotion. You use data truth to transform the knowledge in your mind about illusions, escape, Water Style, optics, acoustics and other related knowledge into data, and make deductions based on the data]

[You created an illusion and projection and sound transmission Technique, which can project and sound the images and sounds in a certain area]

[You use your supreme mind to enter an absolutely rational state without any emotion. You use data truth to transform the relevant knowledge about sealing and enchantment in your mind into data, and make deductions based on the data]

[You create a closed barrier, which can seal a certain area so that nothing from the outside world can enter it.

"For me now, creating these techniques is so easy."

"It seems that my understanding of Chakra and magic is not wrong. As long as the research on Chakra and magic reaches a certain level and has enough knowledge storage, we can use Chakra as energy source and magic as a means to transform knowledge into reality. "

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shigen's eyes became profound.

Regarding the research on Chakra, Uchiha Shigen knows that he still has a long way to go.

But Uchiha Shigen is not in a hurry.

Now he still has a long time.

"Don't think about this anymore."

"Next, it's time for the good show to begin."

With a thought in his mind, the figure of Chen Libo Sixuan suddenly disappeared from where he was.

When Uchiha Shigen's figure appeared again, it was already above Orochimaru's laboratory.

Stretch out your hands and start forming seals.

Close the barrier!

When the invisible sealing barrier completely enveloped Orochimaru's laboratory.

Uchiha Shigen's hands also stopped.

Illusion·Projection and Sound Transmission Technique!

When light and shadow intertwine in the sky above Konoha Village.

The ninjas and villagers in Konoha Village also raised their heads.


"What's this?"

"Is it an enemy attack?"

"What ninjutsu is this?"

Some are curious, some are horrified, and some are shocked.

But soon.

When the glossy surface became clear, everyone's expressions couldn't help but be stunned.


They see Orochimaru conducting experiments.

"The 462nd experiment begins."

"Inject the blending solution, inject the nutrient solution."

As Orochimaru's indifferent voice fell, the second syringe containing the concoction was injected into the heart of the real product.

As for the nutrient solution, it is continuously dripped into the body of the experimental subject in the form of a hanging needle.

The current status of the experimental items was displayed on the screen on the side.

"Respiration is normal, heartbeat is normal, body temperature is normal, Chakra activity is elevated."

"Inject Wood Style potion."

The picture is extremely clear, and the sound is also extremely clear.

"This is Orochimaru-sama!"

"And Sato!"

"What is Orochimaru doing?"

"Didn't Sato leave the village three days ago?"

"Wood Style Potion? Is Orochimaru studying Wood Style? But how could he use the ninjas in the village as experimental subjects?'

Some were shocked, some were scared, and some were worried.

Sato's friend, Sato's relative.

They don't know what Orochimaru is doing to Sato.

Their mood was uneasy.


There is another person.

His mood was no longer uneasy, but frightened, and even a little desperate.

This person is Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

"Who created such a genjutsu? Can it transmit the images and sounds of Orochimaru's experimental subjects? Now the whole of Konoha must know about this!"


"What should I do? What should I do?"

Of course Sarutobi Hiruzen knew about this. Orochimaru used ninjas from the same village to conduct human experiments, and others knew what the outcome was.

Orochimaru will definitely become a rebel ninja, there is no other possibility.

It is impossible for the ninjas of Konoha to accept as their partner a ninja who regards them as experimental subjects and even uses them for human experiments.


What if Orochimaru told something about himself during the experiment?

Then you will be finished too.

No ninja will trust him, and he will even become a traitor to Konoha.


Third Hokage, turned out to be a rebel ninja?

How ridiculous! How absurd!

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about this and wanted to die.


He didn't dare to die.

"Anbu's first team gathers!"

"Yes! Lord Hokage!"

As Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice fell, the captain of Anbu's first team also immediately appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen to say goodbye.

Anbu's first team is Sarutobi Hiruzen's most trusted team.

They are all ninjas of the Sarutobi clan, and they will obey the orders of Sarutobi Hiruzen unconditionally.

Even if ninjas from the same village were sent to Orochimaru's laboratory, they would obey without asking any questions.

"follow me."

Without saying any nonsense, Sarutobi Hiruzen led Anbu's first team and quickly rushed to Orochimaru's house.

He wanted to stop this.


He knows it too.

The man behind this incident is most likely Uchiha Shigen.

And he,

Yu is no match for Uchiha Shigen. .

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