

When the ninjas from Konoha arrived, they only saw Sarutobi Hiruzen with a serious look on his face.

"The enemy and Orochimaru have left."

"From today on, Orochimaru is the rebel ninja of Konoha!"

"And we, Konoha, must also be prepared to deal with powerful enemies!"

"Yes!! Lord Hokage!!!"

Everyone was convinced, but Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to speak: "Gather the medical team and treat the victims quickly."

"Yes!! Hokage-sama!~!!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is handling the follow-up affairs in an orderly manner.

In his heart, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Orochimaru didn't mention himself.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to get rid of the crime.

And since Orochimaru has defected, many charges can be placed on his head.

I am still the glorious Third Hokage!

As for the ninjas of Konoha.

Some people can naturally guess that Orochimaru's experiments must be related to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But they won't say it.

after all,

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Third Hokage.

Are they going to force the Third Hokage to become Konoha's rebel ninja?

Let’s end this matter here.


Can this matter really end here?

Although Orochimaru defected, he still left many living experiments and a large amount of experimental data in his laboratory.

If Konoha can make use of these, maybe Konoha will also gain something.


Neither Uchiha Shigen nor Orochimaru care about these possible gains in Konoha.

At this moment, Uchiha Shigen is talking to Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, you are special, but do you know what is special about you?"

"You know the importance of knowledge and scientific research, so you have the opportunity to transcend the concept of ninja.

"But your vision is really too shallow."

"The reason why you are so special and have the current strength and knowledge storage has a lot to do with you being a student of Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"There is actually no shortage of geniuses in this world, but these geniuses are not students of Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"What I'm trying to say is not that you're lucky."

"I want to say that education is important. Geniuses also need to receive a good education if they want to use their wisdom and talents."

"Furthermore, geniuses are also human beings. Maybe one human being will be born among ten thousand people. However, the population of this world is too small, and even a large number of human beings die every day. Maybe there is a genius among them, but he has no chance to show his talents. of wisdom and talent, died.

"To sum up, in my opinion, the world is full of mistakes and the system is very backward."

"So I want to dominate this world and change it so that everyone can receive education virtually, so that all geniuses can develop their wisdom and talents."

"Population is the cornerstone. The greater the population, the more geniuses there will be, and the more geniuses there will be, the more research results they will have. Many research results can naturally promote the development of the world, and even make us better understand human beings and life. They all have a deeper understanding of this world.”

"Knowledge is not money. The transfer of knowledge will not reduce knowledge, but will continue to increase it."

"Ninjas have limitations, but knowledge does not."............

"As long as knowledge is accumulated to a certain level, as long as human beings' understanding of Chakra reaches a certain level, then human beings can easily use the power of Chakra to become a being comparable to or even surpassing gods."

Uchiha Shigen spoke unhurriedly about part of his knowledge.

Orochimaru on the side, listening to Uchiha Shigen's words, couldn't help but feel a storm in his heart.

He just felt shocked!

This is not the first time I have heard such thoughts.

It was hard for him to imagine that this was said by a boy under twelve years old.


Such thoughts, such wisdom, such vision...

Although Orochimaru didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it now.

Uchiha Shigen is much better than him.

If he is a genius, then what is Uchiha Shigen?

A genius among geniuses?


If Uchiha Shigen can really dominate this world and change it.

So what will the future of this world look like?

The population increased dramatically and geniuses emerged in large numbers.

Geniuses who have received a good education can each develop scientific research results that can change the world, and the world is constantly changing.

When human beings' understanding of Chakra reaches a certain level, everyone can use various technologies to become a being comparable to gods, or even a being beyond gods.

Such a future seems very interesting.

As expected, my layout is too small. It is too small.

"Master Si Xuan... maybe I should call you Lord Si Xuan."

"What you said is indeed correct."

“The more I get to know you, the more I understand where your confidence comes from.

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