Natural disasters, man-made disasters, diseases...

The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

As a weakling, he is powerless in the face of all disasters.

Enduring cold and hunger, enduring hardship and hard work.

You are so diligent and hardworking, but all the fruits of your labor do not belong to you.

You are exploited and sacrificed to the last drop of your blood.

fair? just?

Do they really exist?

Of course they exist!

As long as you have absolute power, you are fair and just!

Whoever wants injustice, whoever wants injustice, you can just destroy them!

Endless nightmare.

At this moment it was finally over.

Uchiha Shigen opened his eyes, and scarlet light shone in an instant.

"Mangekyō Sharingan, the Eye of Reflection..."

"The pupil technique in the left eye represents the absolute truth of data. As long as there is subjectivity in this world, absolute fairness cannot be born. Only correct data represents absolute objectivity and can create absolute fairness. fair."

"Data truth allows me to see the detailed data of everything that exists."

"The pupil technique in the right eye represents the supreme mind of absolute justice. As long as there are emotions in this world, absolute justice cannot be born. Only a mind without any emotions can achieve absolute rationality and create Absolutely fair.”

"The supreme mind can allow me to enter a state of absolute rationality without any emotion."

"These two eye skills are auxiliary eye skills, and they can be used in conjunction with heaven-defying comprehension."

"Very good, it suits me very well."

"With the assistance of the two pupil skills of data truth and supreme mind, I can use heaven-defying comprehension to optimize the [Sharingan Cultivation Method]."

"And conduct a deduction on all the ninjutsu I have mastered and created, and try to create a comprehensive set of combat ninjutsu."

After awakening Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Shigen can clearly feel that the Chakra in his body has produced a certain Nature Transformation. It has become closer to the Yindu Chakra, and its quality has also been strengthened to a certain extent.

This change was also expected by Uchiha Shigen.

After all, every evolution of Sharingan will strengthen the quality of Chakra.

Chakra is produced as a combination of physical energy and spiritual energy, and it will naturally affect the body and mind.

It is precisely because of this that a common sense has emerged for the ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

That is, one Magatama Sharingan corresponds to Genin's combat power, two Magatama Sharingan corresponds to Chūnin's combat power, and Three Tomoe Sharingan corresponds to Jōnin's combat power.

Of course, normally the ninjas of the Uchiha clan who have awakened Sharingan will also master other ninjutsu.

So in reality, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are much stronger than ninjas of the same level.

Therefore, Uchiha ninjas who have awakened a Magatama Sharingan will generally have combat capabilities higher than those of Genin and comparable to Chūnin.

The Uchiha ninja who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan naturally has Kage-level combat power, and it is not an ordinary shadow.

Feeling the subtle changes in his body, Uchiha Shigen roughly understood how he should optimize the [Sharingan Cultivation Method].

"After all, Mangekyō Sharingan is still the blood successor of the Yin Escape attribute. After awakening Mangekyō Sharingan, it has the highest increase in my mental strength, followed by Chakra, and the lowest increase in physical strength."

"But being greatly strengthened mentally is also a good thing for the body."

"My mental strengthening has also greatly improved my perception ability. The improvement in perception ability means that I can more clearly perceive the detailed status of my body."

"Coupled with the powerful auxiliary pupil technique of Data Truth, I can completely digitize my physical condition."

"Not only the body can be digitized, but also chakra and spirit."

"I need to optimize the [Sharingan Cultivation Method] so that my body, mind, and Chakra can be comprehensively strengthened and reach a balanced state."

"And I know that Mangekyō Sharingan is not Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. If you use it too much, you will go blind."

"So I need to use the [Sharingan Training Method] to minimize the side effects of using Mangekyō Sharingan, so that I have enough time to evolve Mangekyō Sharingan into Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."

After thinking about all this, Uchiha Shigen calmed down his thoughts.

"Now that I have thought it through, let me experience the effects of data truth and the supreme mind."

After thinking to himself, Uchiha Shigen directly activated these two eye techniques.

The Mangekyō patterns in the left and right eyes rotate rapidly.

Uchiha Shigen also entered a state of absolute rationality without any emotion in an instant, and through his powerful perception ability, he perceived everything about himself and formed detailed data in his mind.

"Muscles, bones, heartbeat, breathing, blood flow rate, mental strength, Chakra quality..."

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