Root base.

"Hmph, the inherently evil Uchiha brat!"

Shimura Danzō is obviously prejudiced against Uchiha Shigen, and there is still a bit of hatred in his eyes.

It's just that Uchiha Shigen has agreed to him after all and join Gen after graduation.

Therefore, Shimura Danzō was able to restrain his prejudice and hatred towards Uchiha Shigen.

Looking at Uchiha Shigen's latest information, he was also able to make accurate judgments.

"I didn't expect this kid to have such a talent."

"While it is a shame that the self-destruction training required to join the Roots would compromise this creative talent."

"But there's nothing we can do about it."

"Uchiha who cannot be completely controlled by me."

"It is destined to bring disaster to Konoha!"

"For Konoha, Uchiha should be under my complete control!"

"If you can't be completely controlled by me, you should be destroyed!"

"Konoha doesn't need a cancer named Uchiha!"

"Everything is for Konoha!"

Shimura Danzō seems to be very righteous, everything is for Konoha, and he can sacrifice anything for Konoha.

But when it's his turn to sacrifice, can he really do it?

Moreover, he is suspicious by nature and does not trust anyone but the "tool" that he has complete control over.

However, who wants to be a tool without self?

Shimura Danzō silently kept Uchiha Shigen's latest information in mind.

He began to think about what he should do with Uchiha Shigen and whether he needed to invest more.


He made a decision.

"I know that Uchiha Shigen is not honest. He has been in contact with Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"So I'll wait and see if Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen will take action."

"If so, I might also want to get in touch with this Uchiha Shigen to determine what his current thoughts are."

"No one in Konoha can betray me."

"My benefits are not so easy to swallow."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Shimura Danzō also made a decision.



the next day.

After school, Uchiha Fugaku sent someone to find Uchiha Shigen.

"Lord Patriarch."

Uchiha Shigen said without being humble or arrogant.

"Si Xuan, you are here."

Smiling slightly, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Shigen.

Tall and straight figure, handsome face, calm and indifferent temperament.

This image fits the Uchiha clan very well.

"Well, I know Si Xuan you are a genius."

"So I have been paying attention to you. I already know what happened yesterday."

"You easily defeated the challenger, maintaining your position as the number one in age, and also maintaining the reputation of the Uchiha clan."

"I am very satisfied with your results."

"And if I'm not mistaken, the move you used to defeat Moonlight Hayate should be derived from Uchiha style swordsmanship."

"To be able to create such a move based on Uchiha style swordsmanship, your talent is more outstanding than I gave you credit for."

"In the future, you will definitely become the pride of the Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked very optimistic and admired Uchiha Shigen.

But Uchiha Shigen was able to see through Uchiha Fugaku's performance and see through his hypocrisy.


How can this be manifested?

"Thank you, Patriarch, for your appreciation!"

Although Uchiha Shigen's attitude is still neither humble nor arrogant.

But the slightly raised corners of his mouth also made Uchiha Fugaku very satisfied.

He certainly understands Uchiha Shigen's character.

I also know that Uchiha Shigen’s small actions like this prove that his words are useful to Uchiha Shigen.

It’s really easy to handle!

He was proud and confident inside.

After a slight pause, he took out a scroll.

"This is my encouragement to you. I hope you can continue to be excellent!"

"Thank you so much!"

Uchiha Shigen seemed to be serious about thanking him.

"Okay, I know you haven't eaten yet and you still have to practice after eating, so I won't waste your time. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Patriarch."

Uchiha Shigen's acting skills are quite outstanding, and Uchiha Fugaku is very satisfied.

Uchiha Fugaku only feels that it is very easy to handle Uchiha Shigen, and Uchiha Shigen is destined to not escape his grasp.

As for Uchiha Shigen, after leaving Uchiha Fugaku's sight, his eyes returned to indifference.

After returning to his residence, he put down his schoolbag and opened the scroll in his hand.

"It turns out to be Fire Style·Long Yan Singing Technique."

Uchiha Shigen remembers this Fire Style ninjutsu, which can spit out four fire dragons in one breath. It is not only very gorgeous, but also powerful.

Uchiha Madara can even directly suppress the Five Kages with this technique.


"There are actually notes left by predecessors on it."

"It's interesting...this person has such a deep understanding of Fire Style Ninjutsu."

"Could this be the training notes left by Uchiha Madara?"

"It doesn't seem impossible."

"Perhaps I can use this scroll to optimize the Flame Blade Ninja Taijutsu."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shigen sat at the desk with a ninjutsu scroll, planning to read it before cooking.

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