Looking at Sasuke's lonely back going away, Naruto sighed slightly.

Then, looking at these shadow clones who were not careful with their attacks, he said unhappily:"Look at what you have done! I told you not to show off and be low-key, but you didn't listen and even used the Super Fireball Technique! Why don't you use the Super Water Dragon Bullet Technique?"

"Hey, that's right! The boss is right. After we learn water escape technique, we can also do super water dragon bullet technique! Maybe we can even do super lightning knife technique in the future!"

""Get lost, get lost! Go back to the training ground and continue training!"

Naruto drove away all the remaining shadow clones in a bad mood.

As the sun set and the stars faded, in the evening, Naruto walked home tiredly.

As he walked, he saw the lights on at Uncle Ichiraku's ramen shop not far ahead. It has been a long time since he last ate there. Anyway, he has 50 million now, so he might as well treat himself with a good meal. I never dared to add anything to ramen before, but today I will add everything!

Thinking of this, Naruto swept away his tiredness and walked towards Uncle Ichiraku's ramen shop.

"Hey, Naruto, I haven't seen you come to eat noodles for a long time. What do you want to eat today?" Uncle Ichiraku saw Naruto and his face was full of smiles.

Looking at Uncle Ichiraku who was talking to him with a smile, Naruto felt warm in his heart again.

If it weren't for Uncle Ichiraku, maybe.........Maybe the Naruto in the original drama was evil since childhood.

He is one of the few people who I don’t hate even if I watch the whole drama.

Moreover, Uncle Ichiraku has never been an ungrateful person, so it doesn’t go against my original intention.

After all, my original intention was just to kill all the ungrateful people and turn evil.

"Yes! I want an extra large bowl today! I want an extra pound of beef! An extra pound of pork! An extra pound of ramen!" Naruto sat directly on the chair and said with a grin at Uncle Ichiraku. Uncle Ichiraku was a little surprised when he heard it,"Smelly boy, can you really eat so much? The extra large bowl is for two adults to eat together, and a pound of beef is very expensive."

""You're still on credit for the last time, the last time, and the last time you bought ramen."

Although Uncle Ichiraku said this, he had already started cooking noodles.

"Uncle, do you think I, Naruto, am short of money? From today on, every time I come to eat noodles at your place, the standard order is two kilograms of noodles, one kilogram of beef, and one kilogram of pork!"

"We are not short of money here!"

Naruto took out 10,000 and put it on the table.

"Hey, uncle, this ten thousand is enough, right?"

Uncle Yile thought the brat was just bragging, but after a quick glance, he saw that it was really ten thousand.

""You're not going to take a ninja mission, are you? You should be careful if you go on a mission right after graduation."

Hearing this, Naruto felt warm inside. If he called anyone else, the money would definitely be suspected of being stolen.

"Stupid tape! I am already a formal ninja, although I am only a Genin now, but I believe that it won't be long before I can become the youngest Jonin in Konoha!"

Uncle Ichiraku said with a smile while cooking noodles:"Stinky boy, you are always bragging, you are already 12 years old this year, right?

It is said that the youngest Jonin in our Konoha is 12 years old, you are still far away. Come on!"


I forgot about this. Kakashi is indeed the youngest jonin in Konoha. He became a jonin at the age of 12, and I just graduated from the ninja school at the age of 12.

Humph, it doesn't matter. It's just that I came here too late.

If I had come earlier, maybe I could have broken the record..................

After finishing his ramen, Naruto said goodbye to Uncle Ichiraku and chose to go home directly without going anywhere else.

Although his stomach was full and he had strength, mental fatigue could not be replenished by eating.

He consumed a lot of chakra today, and used more than a thousand clones to practice, and used more than a hundred clones to teach Sasuke a lesson.

The super fireball techniques used by those dozens of clones were all extracted directly from his chakra. Even though he was a member of the Uzumaki clan and had a huge amount of chakra, he could not withstand such torment.

After returning home, he lay directly on the bed. At the same time, the thousand shadow clones in the suburban training ground disappeared instantly. Countless memories flooded into his mind like a tide.

Endless fatigue also came with it.

"It was indeed too hasty. I didn't expect that the fatigue caused by learning and training the multiple shadow clones would be so great."

But there is one good thing. Although the fatigue is real, after a day of continuous learning and training of these thousand shadow clones, Naruto finally mastered the five elements escape technique and chakra control ability.

"Although it is very pleasant to cheat by practicing clones, the feedback is really unbearable. It seems that I can only use one or two hundred clones to practice slowly. I don’t want to experience this kind of tingling feeling again."

Naruto lay on the bed, not wanting to move at all, and fell asleep after a while..................

In the early morning, the sun shone through the window and slanted into Naruto's room.

When Naruto woke up, he looked up at the alarm clock on the wall. It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

According to the time agreed yesterday, he was late.

But Naruto was not panicked at all. He got up and cooked a few portions of meat slowly. After filling his stomach, he still did not go to meet Kakashi and the others.

After all, he knew Kakashi's personality too well. He was lucky to arrive at seven or eight in the evening when he agreed to come at seven or eight in the morning.

Naruto walked to the jungle where he had trained before, and then formed more than five hundred clones and let them practice on their own. After that, he strolled around the village two or three times slowly before walking to the place agreed yesterday.

When he arrived at the place, Kakashi still hadn't come yet. It was obvious that he was still early.

However, this has become Naruto's habit, and he doesn't care. Quietly waiting for Kakashi to appear, his heart was full of expectations, looking forward to the next challenge.

However, seeing that Nizhuzi also attended the party, his face was bruised and purple, his legs were bandaged, and his crutches were placed beside him. It was obvious that he was not very mobile and came to the scene with the help of crutches.

Sakura, who had always been loyal to Sasuke, took good care of him beside him................

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