Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 105 After All, I Am Just An Ordinary Genin Who Failed The Exam Seven Times In A Row (Three M

Chapter 105 After all, I am just an ordinary Genin who failed the exam seven times in a row (three more, please subscribe and ask for a monthly pass)

On the day of the Chūnin exam, Class 7 and Xianglin's temporary team arrived as scheduled.

By the way, there are two temporary members of Xianglin, one is called Sai and the other is called Shin. Its Commander is not very talkative and is a boring gourd.

There was a huge crowd in front of it, and there were many costumes in different styles. It was not so much a Chūnin exam, but more like a Halloween ball.

Unlike Zhong and Jōnin, Genin does not have a vest uniform and can be matched at will.

Nearly all the Ninja Village near the Fire Country has arranged for people to participate, and they are all here to support Konoha.

If you look around, there are all heads, and if you use one skill, you may get soft hands if you collect heads.

In front of room 301 of the Chūnin examination site.

"No way, you dare to take the Chūnin exam with such strength?" Konoha's two gatekeepers, Kodzuki Izumo and Kodzuki Kodzuki, dressed as young ninjas, repelled Genin who tried to enter the "examination room".

Kodzuki Izumo: "Brother, I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"You are still too tender."

While knocking down the opponent one by one, he taunted.

Gang Zitie echoed: "That's right."

The strong strength of the two made all the Genin dare not speak out.

"Xiao Li, don't play anymore." Sasuke came to the knocked down ninja and said coolly.

"It turned out to be Sasuke, and you really came." Xiao Li stood up straight, looked at Sasuke touching the back of his head and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Naruto said that we need to pretend to be weak so that it is not easy to attract other people's attention." , This is called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

‘Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is not what you do.’

"Hello, Teacher Naruto!" Xiao Li said loudly the moment he found Naruto, his body straightened.

"Just call me Naruto when someone is around."


"Oh, Les Ledanes, it's hard not to attract attention."

There was helplessness in Naruto's tone, but there was no helplessness on his expression.

"With our strength, isn't it the same whether we attract attention or not?"

Neji walked slowly beside Naruto.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

"The time you said is almost ripe."

Naruto nodded: "On."

"It's all a choice of fate." As Neji said, his tone became more and more like a magic stick.

"Let's go up."

Naruto hasn't finished talking yet...

"Give it to the old man! Mother! Get out! Egg!"

With little Sakura's roar, the door of classroom 301 turned into countless debris with a slam, and the house number changed from 301 to 201 after a blur.

Violence breaks the illusion.

Little Sakura looked at her masterpiece and clapped her hands: "It's comfortable."

"Your teammate... is really... um... quite unique."

"Yes, she is Sasuke's future daughter-in-law."

Neji:! ! ! Oh hoo

It turns out that Sasuke likes girls with this kind of character.

"Sasuke, it's been a long time since we fought each other."

Naruto chatted with Neji over there, and here Xiao Li looked at Sasuke seriously: "The record so far is 55 draws, 55 losses and 55 wins. I look forward to fighting with you in this Chūnin exam."

"I will not let Teacher Naruto down on me." Xiao Li said confidently.

"Hmph." Sasuke snorted coldly, raised his chin proudly, and glanced sideways at Naruto: "I won't let Naruto down either, the only one standing beside Naruto is me."

A group of several people came to the real 301 examination room in a mighty manner.

Pushing open the door and entering, the inside was densely packed with candidates.

None of the ninjas in the "group of crooked melons and dates" in the small ninja village can beat ten points.

Including the ninjas of Miao Ren Village and Xue Ren Village. They are purely here to make up the number.

"Sa~suke~kun~, what are you doing... Naruto-kun is here too."

Accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, a figure swooped towards Sasuke, but Sasuke dodged sideways.

"Ino pig! Stay away from Sasuke!" Before Sasuke could say anything, the little Sakura over there went furious: "Sasuke is my wife!"

Did you hear any strange names? As expected of Sakura brother, Haki.

"Ino, long time no see." Naruto showed his iconic smirk, and seeing that smile, Ino blushed with a 'whoosh'.

Since the "little windmill" incident, as long as Naruto smiles, Ino will become like this. Those who don't know think what Naruto did to her.

After seeing Sai and Shin standing behind Ka Rin, Ino's eyes lit up.

Unlike little Sakura who only loves Sasuke, Ino only likes handsome guys.


Naruto walked straight to the position of the eighth class.

"You newcomers, you really don't think of yourself as outsiders." An ordinary-looking ninja wearing glasses walked up slowly, and said in a tone of someone who has experienced it: "As seniors, I advise you to keep your voice down." A little better."

"Yakushi Kabuto, failed the Chūnin exam seven times. This is the fourth year to take the Chūnin exam. There are 163 D-level tasks and 28 C-level tasks." Naruto slowly revealed the origin of the other party, but concealed part of the information .

"I saw you in Uncle Danzo's profile." Naruto put a slight emphasis on the word Danzo.

Isn’t there a saying well said, in the world of Hokage, if you don’t know who owns a pot, it must be Danzo; if you don’t know who invented a Forbidden Technique, it must be Second Hokage Senju Tobirama; Whoever it is, it must be Yakushi Kabuto.

This guy is a professional veteran spy, having played Orochimaru's spy, Red Sand Scorpion's spy, and Danzo's spy.

The strength is evaluated by Orochimaru, not inferior to Kakashi.

"Senior Dou, so you should be very familiar with the Chūnin exam." Naruto squinted his eyes and said with a smirk: "How about giving us juniors some hints?"

"Heh." There was a very natural look of astonishment on Dou's face, and then he showed a friendly smile: "For a cute junior like Naruto-kun, as a senior, I certainly don't mind giving some hints."

As expected of an old actor, there is no flaw at all.

It would be more perfect if there was no such faint malice on his body.

"You know us?" Little Sakura said carelessly, with her hands on her hips, looking at her pockets with a puzzled expression.

"Before leading our seventh class, the pass rate of the previous Genin teachers at Kakashi was 0%." Before Koto could speak, Naruto explained for him: "In addition to the title of the famous Konoha No. 1 Technician, As his disciples, it is difficult for us not to attract attention, am I right, Senior Dou?"

Naruto admires Dou very much, the perfect support staff, if possible, he very much hopes to dig Dou to do things.

Especially seeing with his own eyes that after hearing the word Danzo, Naruto's expression and breath did not change at all, and Naruto admired him even more.

The hatred for Danzo is a real revenge for killing his mother, even though it is his adoptive mother.

"As expected of Mr. Naruto." Dou nodded approvingly, and admitted very generously: "To be precise, I am very concerned about the information of all the newcomers in this Chūnin exam."

"After all, I'm just an ordinary Genin who failed the exam seven times in a row, so I have to be well prepared in terms of natural intelligence."

It's kind of the same feeling.

Naruto narrowed his eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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