Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 118 Set A Small Goal And Counterattack ŌTsutsuki

Chapter 118 Set a small goal and counterattack Ōtsutsuki

'Sooner or later it will be the existence of the Sage of Six Paths.'

Naruto caught the keyword in the words of the White Snake Immortal. In the eyes of the White Snake Immortal, he is not as strong as Sage of Six Paths, which Naruto can accept.

After all, his opponents along the way are too weak. At present, there are not many people in the ninja world who can be used as a reference. Maybe Nagato in his heyday can. Erwei, Fourth Raikage, etc., can only rule the roost in front of ordinary people.

As the pinnacle of combat power, Wuying can only be responsible for calling 666 on the battlefield where gods fight in the late stage.

Naruto didn't know whether the White Snake Immortal really saw through all of his strength, or part of it. Anyway, this guy who has lived for a thousand years is not a simple thing.

Such things as strength or combat effectiveness are very vague concepts, not a series of numbers that can be digitized.

Who is better than who is theoretical, and only after a real fight can an accurate judgment be made.

The most critical point is that the combat power span in the later stage of the Hokage world is too large. Since Madara's debut, the level of danger has soared.

The gods in the early stage are basically a dish in the later stage.

It's not that Naruto hasn't compared his own strength. The destructive power displayed by Piccolo's full blow is similar to the effect brought by Madara's Tengai Shinsei.

Of course, this is all Naruto's unilateral guess, and the real situation is still open to discussion, after all, it is not a dimensional thing.

"However, although Immortal White Snake is dubbed an Immortal, in the final analysis, he is only a creature on the surface of the earth. Even if he lives for a thousand years, his vision is very limited."

Naruto and Sasuke followed the White Snake Immortal to the deeper part of Ryūchi Cave, an open and open area. Naruto thought about turning his eyes to the sky.

Above the sky is the universe.

There is a race in the universe called Ōtsutsuki.

The Ōtsutsuki family, like the Frieza Legion in Dragon Ball, likes to plunder other planets, but Frieza is selling planets, while the Ōtsutsuki family is plundering the life energy on the planets.

Thousands of years ago, humans on the surface of Ninja World were exterminated once and became the current White Zetsu.

Naruto's sense of crisis over the years stems from this.

The Ōtsutsuki clan will still come to the ninja world, it's just a matter of time.

When the ninjas were still limited to surface warfare, Naruto's eyes had turned to the universe.

"Counterattack Ōtsutsuki."

Naruto set himself a small goal.

If it's just people in the Hokage world, Naruto's idea is tantamount to wishful thinking. But the existence of Kakarot appeared in his body, and this wish is not impossible to realize.

"When the strength grows to a certain level, go to Ōtsutsuki star and shoot them to death."

"I just don't know if a spaceship can be built with the technological power of the Hokage world."

"It seems that gas alone cannot fly in the universe."

"Practice fairy art requires extremely high talent, and there may not be one such person among a million ninjas." Accompanied by the unique voice of the White Snake Immortal, she began to explain the way of practicing fairy art to Naruto and Sasuke.

Isn't Orochimaru genius enough?

He is a genius recognized by Ninjutsu Doctor Third Hokage.

However, Orochimaru just can't learn celestial arts, and he doesn't have the qualifications to practice celestial arts.

That's why he developed the spell seal system.

Otherwise, if you have a stronger and more perfect ability, why bother with a defective product.

"Little Sasuke, the mark on your neck was left by that little fellow Orochimaru, right?" The White Snake Immortal saw the curse mark hidden on Sasuke's shoulder at a glance: "Very good sealing technique, but I can't hide it from my old body."

"That little guy Orochimaru is really a genius. He even developed a magic seal similar to fairy art. It's a pity that he doesn't have the talent for fairy art."

"Otherwise, you might not be able to reach the top of the Immortal Dao."

"Let the old man undo it for you." Saying that, the White Snake Immortal will help Sasuke erase Orochimaru's curse mark.

"No need." Sasuke flatly refused, he is not the type who likes to accept other people's kindness.

Immediately he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and a six-pointed star appeared in his left eye.

"Analysis. The spell is mixed with Chakra. It can be decomposed."

Sasuke who heard the mechanical sound nodded and said: "Decompose."

"Existence. Disintegration."

A hexagram appeared at the position of the curse mark on Sasuke's right shoulder. With the high-speed rotation of the hexagram, the curse mark on his left shoulder instantly turned into countless particles and was completely decomposed.

The ability of Sasuke Mangekyō Sharingan, the left eye is called "Yifu Jiamu Yamei Ming", the ability is: analysis, the right eye is called "wine swallowing", the ability is: decomposition.

This is Sasuke's original "want to find the answer, want to solve the problem. ’ The two abilities born of the mood.

It can't be said to be powerful, it can only be said to be quite practical.

"As expected of Indra's reincarnation, these eyes are still so powerful." Immortal White Snake gave a rare admiration.

Sage Mode needs to combine natural energy with one's own physical energy and spiritual energy, and balance the three energies in a 1:1:1 three-point ratio to condense the fairy chakra.

The most important point is to master the balance.

Balance the three energies to advance to Sage Mode.

Physical energy can be understood as yang escape, while mental energy is yin escape.

These two forces have actually been practiced by Naruto a long time ago.

The only difference is, natural energy.

This vocabulary is somewhat unfamiliar to Naruto.

What is natural energy?

Naruto didn't quite understand the vocabulary.

The Immortal White Snake did not explain Naruto's doubts, but just stretched out a finger and touched Naruto's eyebrow.

It is better to let him experience it personally than to say a thousand words and ten thousand words.

Feeling the natural energy from the White Snake Immortal, Naruto was taken aback.

It's not that I haven't seen it before, but it's too familiar.

'gas? '

To be precise, it is qi but not entirely qi, it is a very special kind of qi. It is not the chi in Naruto's body, but the chi from nature.

Naruto had seen this power in Kakarot before.


"Natural energy is the most powerful force in the world. Everything is inseparable from it. It is ubiquitous and invisible. It is a very mysterious force."

"At the beginning, it took me a lot of time to perceive this power."

The White Snake Immortal explained to Naruto patiently. As for Sasuke, he was not so lucky. Tuanjinji was in charge of his celestial practice.

Tuanjinji's teaching method is not as gentle as that of the White Snake Immortal, it is quite rough, as long as Sasuke's attention is distracted, he will raise a small leather whip and whip him.

"Naruto, don't worry if you don't feel natural Chakra now, you just need to find the feeling."

"Then cooperate with our unique auxiliary props in Ryūchi Cave, which can greatly improve your perception ability"

The White Snake Immortal was still talking there, when Naruto stretched out his right hand and asked, "Is it like this?"

I saw a faint ball of light condensing in the palm of Naruto.

He had just learned a little fur Kakarot for the move of vitality bomb. He could only absorb the free vitality in the air, and he couldn't form a 'bomb' to attack like Kakarot.

When Immortal White Snake saw the faint ball of light, his eyes almost popped out.

‘Natural energy just in the palm of your hand? '

"White Snake Immortal, what did you just say?" Naruto was too focused on gathering vitality just now, and Naruto couldn't hear what White Snake Immortal said.

Looking at Naruto, the White Snake Immortal stuck the words in his throat and was unable to speak for a long time.

"What are you?"

Naruto:? ? ?

(end of this chapter)

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