Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 120 Congratulations, I Have Recovered My Life

Chapter 120 Congratulations, I have recovered my life

country of wind

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha led his shadow guards towards Konoha.

In one week, it will be the Chūnin joint exam, the time for the final competition.

As the shadow of Sand Shinobi Village, one of the five major countries, he must be present to participate.

As early as a week ago, Luo Sha had already made arrangements.

The elites of Sand Shinobi also guarded near the border of the Land of Fire early, on the grounds that they used the name of the Land of Wind as an excuse to conduct very nonsense drills.

As long as he gives an order, those Sand Shinobi will break through Konoha's barrier and attack.

Then Luo Sha obeyed Mr. Hattori's words and hired the Akatsuki organization as a mercenary. The Akatsuki organization will cooperate with Sand Shinobi to launch an attack on Konoha a week later. Plus the 9,000 sets of 'Chakra Armor' obtained from Snow Country, and the cooperation of Yinnin Village and Orochimaru.

Everything is ready, just wait for the arrival of the Chūnin exam.

In Luo Sha's view, this time, not to mention defeating Konoha in one fell swoop, at least it must seriously damage Konoha's vitality, so that Sand Shinobi can regain the lost tasks and resources.

Near a valley, Fourth Kazekage stopped suddenly.

"You are so brave, you dare to block my way." Before Luo Sha finished speaking, he saw who was coming.

The one who stood in front of me was none other than one of the executors of the "that" plan, the leader of Otonin Village, Konoha S-class rebel ninja Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, why are you here?"

Orochimaru laughed a few times and licked the corner of his mouth: "I came here specially to tell you a top-secret news, Master Fourth Kazekage."

"Top-secret news?" Luo Sha heard the words without doubting him, and asked the left and right shadow guards to back off, while she approached Orochimaru to listen to the so-called 'top-secret' news.

In Luo Sha's view, Orochimaru is an important partner, at least until the end of the 'plan'. As for bad for him? That's impossible. At this juncture, as long as they are normal people, they won't be so stupid. What's the benefit of attacking him?

In fact, of course there are benefits, Konoha may be severely injured because of the 'plan', but it will not perish!

Rosa was careless.

All of a sudden, there was a cold glow everywhere.

A sharp blade sank into Fourth Kazekage's body.

Blood gushed out from Luo Sha's body.

That's the 'Kusanagi Sword'!


Fourth Kazekage never imagined that the purpose of his partner coming here was to kill him.

"Master Kazekage!" The Kazekage guards were shocked when they saw this, and hurried forward to support.

"Willow Dance!"

A cold voice rang in their ears.

The sword made of Bai Sensen's bones sank into the body of the Wind Shadow Guard.

Kaguya Kimimaro above.

"Magnet Style·Golden Spear." Luo Sha is Kazekage at any rate. He has defeated One Tail Shoukaku head-on many times. Even if he was caught off guard by Orochimaru, he quickly reacted. Style fights back.

The spear made of gold sand pierced Orochimaru's body, and it turned into a puddle of ooze, and another Orochimaru emerged from the ground next to it.

"Orochimaru, do you want to betray the covenant?"

"Could it be Konoha's conspiracy?"

Rosa covered the wound with placer gold and glared at Orochimaru. Pieces of golden sand gushed out from the ground, enveloping Luo Sha's body.

"No, I just think you're an eyesore." Orochimaru said with a wicked smile, "It's enough for me to lead the plan this time."

"Orochimaru, it's not so easy to defeat me." Even if she was injured by a surprise attack, Luo Sha didn't hesitate at all to Orochimaru.

The frontal ability of Magnet Style ninja is quite powerful.

With a clap of both hands towards the ground, several coffins slowly rose.

"Fourth Generation, please rest here forever."

I saw several ninjas slowly walking out of the coffin.

All of them were dead people who were well-known in the ninja world, and the most notable one was the ninja with three characters engraved on the coffin, Third Kazekage.

'Let's test it first, the power of Impure World Reincarnation. '

"Master Third Generation! The power to control the dead?!" Luo Sha was shocked and angry when she saw Third Kazekage, and yelled at Orochimaru: "You killed Master Third Generation, and you dug the grave of Kazekage!"

Orochimaru is really bad!

'? ? ? '

Luo Sha's nonsensical sentence made Orochimaru confused, but this is not the time for communication, and killing the other party is the primary purpose.

"I don't remember being scorpioned." Third Kazekage slowly walked out of the coffin, looked at Luo Sha who was standing opposite him, and didn't react for a moment: "Luo Sha?"

"Now is not the time to reminisce, let me experience the power of the strongest Kazekage in Sand Shinobi." Orochimaru took out a Kunai covered with charms and put it in the back of Third Kazekage's head.

Third Kazekage is completely controlled.

Iron Sand Magnet StyleVS Gold Sand Magnet Style.

After all, Luo Sha, who is a living person, is stronger than Third Kazekage, who is in a dirty state.

'I feel dizzy'

Just when Luo Sha was about to completely seal Third Kazekage, he felt a sense of emptiness in his body, and a sense of powerlessness that swept over his whole body. There is a hot liquid flowing out of the nose, which is blood.

'poisoned! '

'It's the sword! '

The sword that pierced Luo Sha's body before was poisoned!

It was a poison prepared by Orochimaru himself, specially prepared for Rosa.

At this point Kimimaro has already dealt with the Shadow Guard and comes to support Orochimaru.

"Dance of Yae Humulus!"

One shot is the strongest move!

Orochimaru, holding the Kusanagi sword, also attacked Rasa at this time.

The siege of the three top powerhouses, coupled with the sneak attack and poisoning by Orochimaru before, Luo Sha couldn't bear it anymore, and was stabbed in the chest by Orochimaru's sword.

Slowly fell down in humiliation and unwillingness.

"As expected of the Fourth Kazekage, it's really tricky." Orochimaru said as he swallowed the Kusanagi sword stained with Rasa's blood, not caring about the venom on the sword at all, and then clasped his hands together to take back all the ninjas from Impure World Reincarnation.

Looking at the 'corpse' of Fourth Kazekage, Orochimaru turned his gaze to Konoha.

'Dou why I can't contact you. '

The pocket disappeared after the second Chūnin exam, leaving no trace, no matter how Orochimaru searched, he couldn't find him. Otherwise, with him and Kimimaro plus the power of three people, even Impure World Reincarnation can kill Fourth Kazekage here.

'Have you betrayed me? '

Because of the inexplicable disappearance of Konoha, even Konoha and Sand Shinobi's liaison was replaced by Mizuki. Because of Mizuki's strength, Orochimaru also personally strengthened him.

Although it's not as good as Dou, and it doesn't have the ability to match his ambition, but it's well hidden, and it can barely top it.

Stretching out his hand to wipe Fourth Kazekage's face, a complete face appeared on his hand.

Eliminate Yan Writing Technique.

After Orochimaru and Kimimaro disappeared, two more figures appeared.

One of them came to Fourth Kazekage and sent a burst of Qi into his body. Fourth Kazekage, who was already dead, raised a faint breath: "Fourth Kazekage, shameless and skinless, congratulations, you have saved your life."

It is Naruto.

"As expected of you, Tou. The poison was changed without even Orochimaru noticing."

And the person standing beside Naruto, who is not Yakushi Kabuto whom Orochimaru is thinking of?

"Master Orochimaru just didn't pay attention, and now his thoughts are all on the 'Konoha collapse plan'."

"Unfortunately, he's just pretending."

In the original plot, the Konoha collapse planned by Orochimaru only destroyed some houses and civilians except for the Third Generation he personally killed.

Sand Shinobi not only lost a Fourth Kazekage, but also spent a lot of military expenses. Because of the betrayal of his allies, he was so depressed that he was finally tied to Konoha after Fifth Hokage came to power.

It's really hard to say who loses and who wins.

"Yang Dun!" From Naruto's palm, a golden force rose up, aiming this force at Luo Sha, and a thick layer of scab formed on the place where the skin was torn off.

As long as the person is not dead, the face and the like are minor problems.

Lifting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, he said respectfully, "Yes, Master Uzumaki."

(end of this chapter)

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