Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 182 The Meaning Of The Great Fifth Hokage Danzo

Chapter 182 The Meaning of the Great Fifth Hokage Danzo

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

Terumi Mei, the representative of Wunin Village, simply slapped the table and stood up, glaring at Naruto: "What do you mean by Konoha?"

"Nine Tails brat! You!" Fourth Raikage was furious, and wanted to slap the table again, but the slap went down and the slap was in vain. The table in front of him had already been hammered flat by him long ago.

"By this time, you Konoha are still sticking to the hatred between the villages?"

Compared with the excited reaction of the two shadows of water and thunder, Mr. Onogi laughed instead, sitting aside and watching the joke.

'Interesting, this Nine Tails kid is really interesting. '

'It's good to fight, to fight. '

"Raikage, don't stand and talk without pain in your back." Naruto glanced at him and said indifferently, "After all, it's not you, Cloud Shinobi's Drain."

"Presumptuous." The beard on the corner of Fourth Raikage's mouth was about to fly: "Everyone in front of you is a shadow, and you don't take us seriously."

"Don't take yourself too seriously, Raikage." Naruto still used the same tone, lightly insulted Fourth Raikage, and turned his gaze to Kirijin: "Since you are not willing to hand it over, then we will take it ourselves. "

After the words fell, a white figure beside Naruto rushed out at an extremely fast speed, aiming at Qing.

It was Neji who couldn't wait after discovering that Aoi's right eye was white.

Naruto didn't intervene, and Hyuga took care of Hyuga's house.

"So fast!"

Among the people present, except Onoki, only Fourth Raikage could clearly see Neji's movements.

During this period, Terumi Mei was always two shadows behind. When she realized it, Neji was already standing in front of Qing, and her left hand was already reaching Qing's right eye.

However, Neji's fingers stopped less than one centimeter away from Qing's eyes, and the two charms beside Qing's ears blocked his right eyes as if consciously, forming a transparent barrier.


It was this moment of stupefaction that gave Chojuro beside Ao some time to react, and swung his two knives at the flounder flounder.

Chojuro is a recently emerging Mist Ninja genius, who was trained by Mist Kage as the successor of the next Mist Ninja Swordsman. But he just got the double-knife flounder not long ago, especially when he was facing Neji, a prodigy in physical skills, his strength was obviously not up to standard. After only two rounds of fighting, Neji kicked him back.

But with such a delay, Terumi Mei's attack also arrived.

Terumi Mei took a deep breath, puffed her mouth and squirted forcefully. A pool of viscous and highly corrosive acid sprayed from Terumi Mei's mouth, targeting Neji.

"Lava Style·Monster Dissolving Technique!"

"Revolving Heaven!"

Neji turned into a high-speed spinning top and bounced the acid back.

One against two or Neji had the upper hand.

"Nine Tails kid! Bold!" Fourth Raikage roared angrily, a blue Chakra arc burst out from his body, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Naruto.

The two guards behind him also started at the same time, but at a slower speed.

A cold light came first, and then the sword came out like a dragon.

At the moment Fourth Raikage set off, a red light flashed in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, and he directly predicted his attack trajectory, and at the same time drew out his sword and slashed on his only path.

As long as you continue to attack, you will definitely be cut.

However, Fourth Raikage, relying on the powerful defense of his Lightning Style Chakra Mode, did not dodge or evade, and planned to take the knife hard.

It's a pity that he overestimated his own defense and underestimated the power of the knife in Sasuke's hand.

What seemed like a random knife was actually a blow ready to go.

Before the enemy strikes, kill the enemy before it moves!

The moment Fourth Raikage underestimated Sasuke and chose to go hard, he had already lost.

The blade easily sliced ​​through Fourth Raikage's Chakra armor like cutting tofu, and a blood-colored thin line appeared on his body immediately. Before it touched Fourth Raikage, just the qi on the blade had already injured him.

If you are hit by a knife, you will definitely die.

This is - draw the sword instantly, defeat the enemy with one blow!

The Fourth Raikage used to be second only to the yellow flash, and his reaction was extremely fast. Seeing that the thunder armor was broken, he quickly used the mechanical arm to block it. The mechanical arm was made of unknown material. There was a slight pause in the knife that easily broke through the thunder armor. With this as a buffer, Raikage forcibly changed his position, avoiding the fate of being cut twice.

However, the Fourth Raikage did not die, but his right arm flew high, and was cut off again by Sasuke after being violently pulled out by Naruto.

"It turned out to be Iai Zhan!" Mifune, who had been in the presence of an old god since just now, stood up suddenly and stared at the sword in Sasuke's hand.

The sword technique that Admiral of the iron country samurai is best at is this Iai cut.

‘Although the realm still needs to be improved, the speed and strength are not much worse than the old man. Is Konoha’s younger generation already this scary?’

It's not that Konoha's younger generation is terrifying, it should be said that the Genin of these three Konohas is terrifying.

"Master Raikage!!"

Nozomi and Cang Mai hurriedly stood in front of Fourth Raikage, staring fixedly at Sasuke, but they didn't dare to go forward.

Defeating Raikage in one move was a huge shock.

In fact, although Sasuke is strong now, he is not strong enough to instantly kill Fourth Raikage. The reason why he lost so quickly is because he underestimated Sasuke.

Sasuke's age is so deceiving.

No, it should be that the ages of the three of Naruto are extremely deceptive.

"Raikage, this is between us and Mist Shinobi, it's none of your Cloud Shinobi's business."

Among the few people present, only Naruto was still sitting on the seat and did not leave. He rubbed his fingers, leaned forward slightly, raised his head slightly, and looked down at Fourth Raikage.

Due to the lighting and angle, Naruto's right half of his face is covered by shadows, while the left half of his face is exposed to the light.

"It's too wide to manage."

I'm used to being domineering, do I really think of myself as a ninja policeman?

"And don't you think about whether you have the ability before meddling in your own business?"

If you have the strength to meddle in your own affairs, that's called 'justice', if you don't have the strength to meddle in your own affairs, it's called self-inflicted humiliation.

Fourth Raikage stood up. At this time, he had not only seven scars, but also a long knife scar. After looking at Sasuke fearfully, he fixed his eyes on Naruto.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Naruto answered Raikage's question with an extremely slow voice: "Raikage, I said it from the beginning."

"Baiyan originally belonged to the Konoha Hyuga clan."

"We just want to get back what originally belonged to Konoha."

When he said the last sentence, Naruto's expression gradually became frenzied.

"This is the meaning of our great Fifth Hokage Lord Danzo."

PS1: Useless cold knowledge, the first appearance of Iai Zhan was in the plot of the Kingdom of Waves, a sword technique used by one of Kado's two subordinates. In order to highlight the power of Zabuzhan, it stands to reason that this sword technique should be set as a bad street, but Kishimoto probably forgot, and the special move for Mifune is also Iaizai.

PS2: Cloud Shinobi Village’s overbearing is not what I said. Mr. Onogi mentioned in the Gokage meeting that Cloud Shinobi is constantly expanding its territory and collecting secret arts everywhere. Guess how they collect secret arts? Certainly not money.

(end of this chapter)

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