Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 186 I Will Lead The Charge

Chapter 186 I will lead the charge

"As expected of a senior." Naruto immediately complimented: "With the strength of a senior, he can handle this organization alone."

Black Zetsu wilted instantly when he heard the words, and heard him explain: "My body has long been wiped out in the long river of history, and now I only have this will."

"Combat is no longer my strong point."

"The future needs to be handed over to you young people."

Naruto: .

Tsk, No. 2 cannon fodder didn't succeed in fooling you, it's too cowardly.

"Then leave it to me."

After a long while, Black Zetsu and Naruto agreed on the time and place, and contentedly sneaked into the ground.

After confirming that the other party really left, Sasuke hurriedly said: "Is what Naruto said true?"

The important thing is Indra's will or something. Could it really be the will incarnation of his previous life?

It's one thing to be strong or not, it's too frustrating to grow up.

"Nine truths and one falsehood, he changed the key information, and you can just listen to the rest." Naruto replied indifferently, thinking about a few mysterious things he heard from Black Zetsu in his mind.

Neji nodded, and said, "Is that organization strong?"

"Hmm" Naruto pondered for a while, Neji's question stopped him, and for the first time he said with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be weak, right?"

Judging from the description of Fourth Raikage, this tissue should be the predecessor of shell tissue or simply shell tissue.

However, the shell tissue is really not easy to compare in terms of its strength. After all, it involves the biography of Boruto, the ninja world's IQ and strength have all weakened the worldview.

It's hard to say which one is stronger, heavy ion mode or Six Paths Naruto.

As far as Naruto himself is concerned, he still prefers Six Paths Naruto, and this temporary account is stronger.

If the shell is really as strong as it is set, there is no need to wait until the Boruto period to appear. No one can stop them just doing things during the Shippuden period.

And in terms of expressive power, it is far inferior to the pressure brought by the few bosses in the Shippuden period.

It can even be described as extremely stretched.

But it's not too bad, at least it can forcefully break through Cloud Shinobi Village and capture Eight Tails Jinchūriki. It's not weak, right? At least it can be equivalent to the Ichinobi Village in the main story?

"The Hyuga clan would like to go first." Neji volunteered.

Excluding the existence of a few hacks, Neji's hard power has already stood at the top of the ninja world at this time, and his gestures are quite Admiral.

"No, there is someone who is more suitable to be the vanguard." Naruto said lightly: "Isn't a ninja village in a hurry where all the Jinchūriki have been captured? Let them explore the way first."

"Don't forget our common purpose."

A week later, an intelligence letter was delivered to Raikage's desk.

"Everyone, please read." After reading the contents of the letter, Fourth Raikage immediately summoned the senior management of Cloud Shinobi and made the letter public.

It said information about the organization that captured Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

With the full search of Black Zetsu and 100,000 White Zetsu, unless the trajectory of the action can be completely eliminated, it will definitely be noticed by Black Zetsu.

As Raikage's secretary and also the think tank of Cloud Shinobi Village, hemp clothes said: "I don't recommend Master Raikage to lead the expedition."

"If this is not a trap, it is someone who wants to use our Cloud Shinobi as a pathfinding tool."

The analysis of linen clothes is correct, and that is the fact.

"No, the old man must take someone to see it himself." Raikage refused without thinking.

Every extra day of delay means more danger to Killer Bee.

After speaking, Raikage waved his hand, not giving Mabuyi the right to refuse.

"Notify the Jōnin in the village immediately to gather and go with me."

Seeing Fourth Raikage's stubborn expression, he could only nod and accept the order: "Yes!"

The country of birds is a habitat for migratory birds. There are a large number of lakes in the country, and it is full of green at a glance. It is a beautiful and peaceful country.

And somewhere deep in the country of birds.

A huge circular hollow, as if the entire ground has been hollowed out. Buildings that are completely different from the ninja style are located here. There is a huge altar deep in the center, and there are bursts of thunder from time to time. sound.

The one-eyed monster that looked like a slug but had countless tentacles was sleeping soundly with its eyes closed. A huge transparent bubble fluttered in and out of its breath. The thunderous noise was just the monster's heavy breathing.

"No matter how many times I look at it, I still think it's a cute little guy." A slightly empty voice sounded directly above the monster, a monk-like man with a long braid behind his head said softly.

Notable is the Roman numeral IV tattooed under his left eye.

I saw that there was a little paternal doting in his eyes looking at the monster.

'This kind of monster is not cute no matter what. '

Beside the monk stood a hunched body and gray-haired researcher, who looked at the sleeping monster in the ground with trepidation, for fear of waking him up because of the movement.

Hearing the sound of 'Bo', the huge snot bubble burst instantly, and the monster slowly opened the huge one-eyed that occupied half of the face, and there were six circles in the huge one-eyed, which was similar to Nagato's. Rinnegan turned out to be exactly the same.

No, it should be said that this monster also has Rinnegan, and there are many more hooks than Nagato's Rinnegan.

Ten Tails, but not quite Ten Tails.

Its size is more than a circle smaller than the Gedo Statue (Ten Tails shell) summoned by Nagato.

Here's another Ten Tails.

After waking up, this Ten Tails roared at the string, the huge roar shook the whole underground world slightly. Scared, the researcher next to Cixian clutched his clothes tightly, for fear that Ten Tails would eat him in one bite.

However, Ten Tails has countless huge black sticks stuck in its body. The black stick is the same as the black stick behind Nagato before, and it is the product of Yin Yang escape technique.

These giant black rods restrict the movement of Ten Tails.

"I know, I know, you're hungry."

In Ci Xian's eyes, Ten Tails' roar was just a hungry coquettish, after a few words to appease Ten Tails, Ci Xian turned to the researcher and said: "He is hungry, he needs more Chakra."

"Hurry up and catch more tailed beasts."

"But capturing Eight Tails is already the limit, and our technology is not perfect enough." The researcher said tremblingly: "Cloud Shinobi is not so easy to deal with, and even the layman Guoxin was hurt in the process of capturing Eight Tails." seriously injured, if."

"Shut up, that kind of one-time consumable is dead. I said that I need more Chakra." Ci Xian said, his face became extremely gloomy.

"Are you questioning me?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

The researcher felt like he was about to cry, and his body was shaking like chaff.

"Give you a week, if you can't catch the tailed beast, then there is no need for you to exist."

"Go away."

The researcher felt relieved, and scrambled away.

"I already feel that the strength in my body is recovering." Cixian opened her arms, as if to embrace Ten Tails, but then paused slightly, frowning slightly.

"Huh? Why did a few little mice break in."

As soon as Cixian's words fell, there was a loud noise, the ceiling above his head shattered, and countless dark-skinned ninjas fell from the sky.

"Found it, it's here."

"Bring back the old man's brother!" The leader was none other than Fourth Raikage, and after hearing him growl, his body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Cixian.

"Lightning Style Guillotine Drop"

(end of this chapter)

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