Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 194 What You Want To Say Next Is

Chapter 194 What you want to say next is

"Teacher, I need to borrow your strength." Naruto's voice sounded in the sealed space: "I seem to be unable to handle this opponent alone."

"Oh?" Kakarot was taken aback when he heard the words: "Naruto, you still have this ability? Take it, take it."

"Hey, hey, Naruto." Just after Naruto finished speaking, Kurama's voice sounded, and he said very dissatisfied: "Why don't you borrow the strength of the old man, the old man is also very strong."

Speaking of Kurama doing a few brother expensive bodybuilding poses, it seems to be showing Naruto his strength.

"Kurama, didn't you say you want to educate the new kid?" Naruto said.


As if responding to Naruto's words, the slug-like Ten Tails roared loudly while lying on the iron railing of the sealed space.

Hmm. After some friendly exchange from Naruto, the Ten Tails gave in. Then it was sealed into the sealed space by Naruto, anyway, the sealed space is large.

"Shut up." Kurama raised his hand and gave Ten Tails a big pussy. His whole body was full of muscles. How strong was Kurama who usually trained with Kakarot and the others? Even a slap made it spin around a few times, and it was stunned.

Kurama raised his fist at Ten Tails and threatened: "Speak human words, and I will beat you next time if you don't speak human words."

"Hmm..." Ten Tails lay on the railing aggrievedly.

Kurama, do you know how much damage this pussy can do to a young Ten Tails?

"Teacher, I'm coming."

Several black chains protruded from behind Naruto, binding Kakarot's limbs. Waves of majestic breath poured into Naruto's body along the black chain. After feeling the power pouring into his body, Naruto hummed unconsciously.

"I feel a very evil spirit from that horned monster."

For a race whose mission is to plunder the life energy of the entire planet, how could the aura not be evil.

"If you want to make a move, you have to go all out."

"No problem." Naruto opened his eyes suddenly, and the blue eyes instantly turned green.

Then Naruto's body swelled up again, and the muscle density was not much more modest than that of a bodybuilder. Of course, this is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated thing is Naruto's hair, which grows straight and crazy towards the sky as if he doesn't want money. Straight to the sky, it completely violated the laws of physics, standing upright like anti-gravity.

Naruto shook his body lightly, and his hair followed suit.

Facing Naruto whose strength has suddenly skyrocketed, Yishiki's heart trembled, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

I just heard Naruto say: "The Ōtsutsuki family can digitize themselves, thereby possessing other people's bodies, and achieve the purpose of resurrection through the thawing of the wedge."

'He knew it! ’ After hearing Naruto’s words, Ichishiki’s uneasiness became more and more intense.

"But what if I could delete all information about Ōtsutsuki from the wedge?"

Humans in this world really can't do it, but Qi can. Qi is a power far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and its manifestations are very changeable.

Even memories can be passed on, and many non-existent things can be created out of thin air (Piccolo makes swords and clothes for Gohan, Piccolo is a fighting Namek), and can make people become super warriors (action fusion ), teleportation (Atlas star), can heal injuries (Dandy, Jebit), and can even fuck (Yamcha fucks gas bombs).

How difficult is it to just delete a little bit of data?

What if all information related to Ōtsutsuki is deleted, and Ōtsutsuki happens to die at this time? Then the wedge will become a means of purely improving strength.

This is the fatal shortcoming of Wedge Resurrection.

If one is not done well, it will become someone else's wedding dress.

"The next sentence you want to say is - how could you know the weakness of wedge." Naruto said word by word while looking at the formula.

Naruto blurted out as soon as he finished speaking: "How could you know Wedge's weakness?"

After finishing speaking, I was stunned, and then I was shocked: "You can read minds?"

Naruto shook his head lightly, and the strong pectoralis major muscle on his chest trembled: "Mind reading? I don't know that kind of thing, I can see the future, I see your future."

"Your future is only death."

The next second, Naruto appeared in front of Ichishiki, and before he could react, he punched him hard in the abdomen.

After receiving this punch, I felt that this body made of pure energy was about to fall apart.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How could human beings have such a powerful force?"

Yishi clenched his teeth, barely keeping himself from falling apart.

"That's just because you're a frog in a well." Naruto's tone seemed to be talking about an ordinary thing: "Among the people I know, there are quite a few who have this level of power."

The Earth of the Dragon Ball world alone has Keling, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, and maybe Dumplings, Yakilobe, and Guixianren?

Just borrowing a little bit of Kakarot's power in the normal state is already so powerful, I really don't know how strong the Super Saiyan state is?

But the most urgent thing is to solve the first move, the body is about to explode.

"Nagato, the burden of the head of the Uzumaki clan will fall on you in the future." Naruto ignored him after finishing speaking, but turned to Nagato.

Nagato supported the pain in his body and said: "Old ancestor, the position of the patriarch."

Naruto shook his head and interrupted Nagato's next words: "The old man is just a broken body that is still breathing. Even if I don't die today, there will not be much time left for me."

When Nagato heard Naruto's remarks as if he was confessing his death, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

'Could it be that'

"Nagato, since we met, I haven't given you anything as an elder." Naruto said softly, with an unusually gentle voice: "Just let me, an old immortal of the Uzumaki clan, leave you something at the last moment of my life. Get the last thing down."

As he spoke, Naruto touched Nagato's forehead lightly. With Naruto's stroking, Nagato only felt that his body was no longer in pain. Not only did it not hurt, but it felt comfortable.

As if being irradiated by the sun in winter, the whole body is warm.

The fairy caresses my head.

The qi in Naruto's body entered Nagato's body along his palm, and soon found the digitized Ōtsutsuki information. No matter how deep the evil qi was hidden, it could be easily detected, not to mention that even if Naruto couldn't detect it, There's a Kakarot here.

Nagato's body seems to have countless Naruto's villains (qi) fighting against Yishi (digitalization). Due to the large gap in power levels, he was defeated and quickly eliminated after only touching Yishi (digitalization).

After losing Ōtsutsuki's will, a large amount of Chakra poured into Nagato's body from the position of the wedge, constantly nourishing his body.

Yishi's complexion was unprecedentedly ugly at this moment. He felt that the data he left on that Rinnegan man was really deleted by the other party, and his own strength became the nourishment for that Rinnegan kid.

At this time, Yishi suddenly remembered one thing. The human in front of him just appeared shortly after he drove the wedge into the body of the Rinnegan kid, and the other party also knew the weakness of the wedge, so... Is there a possibility?

"Despicable human, so you designed all of this, is it all in your calculations?"

(end of this chapter)

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