Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 204 World Peace, Yahiko Has Seen It With His Own Eyes

Chapter 204 World peace, Yahiko has seen it with his own eyes

"Okay, everyone, this is the end of the chat." It was Nagato who spoke and forcibly ended the topic, otherwise these guys would have been chatting until dawn.

Then Nagato looked at Naruto with slightly doting eyes and said, "Naruto, tell us the purpose of summoning us."

With the establishment of Uzumaki, this is not only the establishment of a country, but also represents the complete rise of the ninja profession, and more precisely, it opens the door to the New World for other ninjas.

Ninjutsu does not necessarily have to be engaged in destruction, it can be used to create greater effectiveness, Wind Style harvests crops, Earth Style builds, Water Style irrigates

Even the most destructive Fire Style and Lightning Style among the five elements of ninjutsu can exert different powers.

The explosive energy brought by these two is much stronger than the first three.

Not to mention the blood succession limit, especially the white eyes can be used for surgery, that is simply a born surgical expert.

So much so that the Kingdom of Vortex has only been established for less than a year, and it has developed many things with high technological content, such as thunder lights, fire boats, thunder cars, etc. The technological level exploded like a well.

Coupled with the strong pressure of the Akatsuki organization that can "nuclearize" the world.

In a sense, the world has basically achieved peace.

How strong is Nagato after gaining one-style power? Nagato's current strength has exceeded the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

Even without the tail beast, Nagato alone is enough to overwhelm the entire ninja world. In other words, even if the Tailed Beast (excluding Kurama) is on the opposite side, he alone is enough to push the world horizontally.

It is even more exaggerated than Hashirama back then.

And Nagato is not Hashirama, he will not bow down to the other four shadows to seek peace, no village in front of him dares to initiate a war, otherwise Nagato will let them know what it means to 'feel pain'.

More real world peace than Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"Do you know about parallel worlds? Do you believe in other worlds?"

For members who knew Xiao before, on the one hand, joining Akatsuki was to avoid the pursuit of the village and seek a little peace, and on the other hand, it was to find some exciting things to do.

Think about what Akatsuki planned to do before, how crazy and interesting it is to collect tailed beasts, create tailed beast weapons, and conquer the world.

But the peace that accompanied the world was gone, and after the first battle with Yishi, Akatsuki was suddenly invincible. Although it is true that no one dares to provoke Akatsuki anymore, but it has lost a lot of passion. Guys like Deidara and Hidan who can't stand loneliness have long since been unable to bear it.

For things like world peace, just shout slogans. Do you really expect people other than Nagato and Konan to believe in it?

Xiao people looked at each other when they heard the words, some looked solemn, as if they were really thinking about Naruto's problem; .

So Naruto said to the bewildered Deidara: "He is from another world. He looks exactly like you, but his living habits are completely opposite to yours. For example, if you like to eat Kanto fried eggs, he likes to eat bibimbap." .”

Deidara showed disgust when he heard the word bibimbap, and Hidan smirked at Deidara when he heard it.

Then Naruto turned to Hidan and said, "For example, if you keep your hair back, the other party may be a girl with blonde double ponytails or a monk with a bald head."

This time it was Deidara's turn to point at Hidan and laugh.

Two treasures.

"You said so much," Scorpion said slowly, as if he guessed what Naruto was going to say next: "Naruto, you must have found a way to travel to other worlds."

By sorting out the information left over from the base built by Yishi, Xie has a little understanding of the parallel world.

Naruto nodded at Scorpion, and then said to the other members of Akatsuki: "So everyone, do you want to go to another world to play?"

‘I really found a way to travel to other worlds. '

Although Scorpion guessed it, Naruto was still taken aback when he actually said it.

"Other worlds? Another self?"

Kisame grinned, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth, and looked at Naruto with interest: "Of course I am."

"Of course I'm going!" Before Kisame finished speaking, Deidara couldn't wait to reply: "It's so fun to go to other worlds and meet another self."

"I can't wait to show my otherworldly self the power of my art."


Naruto glanced at the excited Deidara, then turned to the rest of the group and said, "Then what do the others mean?"

"If it is a parallel world, then there will be Akatsuki too?" Nagato asked Naruto.

"Of course." Naruto nodded: "But the timeline may be different from the world we live in. It may be the future or the past. Everything you know will exist, but it is not what we know."

For example, what arrived through the dragon vein before is the timeline of Lin's death.

"Really?" Nagato nodded and murmured, "Then there should be Yahiko still alive."

"Nagato!" Konan, who heard Nagato talking to himself, pulled him and shook his head slightly at Nagato: "The Yahiko we knew is dead."

"The Yahiko from the other world is not the one we know, even with the same face and the same memory."

"I..." I just said the words, but the rest of the words stuck in my throat. It took me a long time to continue: "I just want Yahiko to see with his own eyes that the world he said has come true."

There are many ways to let Yahiko witness the world with his own eyes, such as Impure World Reincarnation, Rinne Tensei, Impure World Reincarnation+ Living Corpse Reincarnation.

But in their hearts Yahiko is dead.

They are the heirs of Yahiko's legacy.

Konan looked at Nagato with gentle eyes, then turned to Tendo Payne and said softly: "Yahiko has seen it."

"Parents." Xie whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

Father and mother, Scorpio still can't let go of the pain.

Even if he has transformed himself, even if he feels that he has wiped out all his feelings

In fact, Scorpio, who looks cold and ruthless on the outside, is the person who cares the most and desires the most affection in his heart. He cares about family and friendship very much.

"Village.Money" Even Kakuzu, who regards money as his life, will sometimes be silent.

If it wasn't for the village's betrayal, I presumably wouldn't have stolen the village's secret treasure, Di Yuanyu, maybe I would have a different ending?

But I'm sure I won't live that long.

Thinking so, Kakuzu took out a passbook from his pocket (Jiraiya used the passbook in the original plot), and looked at the series of numbers on it, and Kakuzu showed a satisfied smile.

There will not be so much money.

"Another self?" Kisame seemed to think of the girl who wasn't afraid of her own image.

'One cannot recognize oneself until the moment of death. ’ Then another image came into Kisame’s mind.

Hehe, I really want you to see the current ninja world.

It's like a scene that can only appear in a novel.

Neji: 'Father. I've grown into a good Hyuga ninja. '

Among the people present, only Sasuke looked strange.

'Another Naruto.? '

‘Golden double ponytails? '

'Why did I suddenly think of this? ! '

(end of this chapter)

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