Chapter 21 A Bet (12)

One month later, training ground No. 99.

Naruto, Neji and Xiao Li arrived as scheduled.

Neji looked up at Naruto and said arrogantly, "Come on."

For this day, Neji has made sufficient preparations. For a month, Neji has been practicing desperately every moment.

The madness even surprised Hyuga Hiashi as Neji's uncle. Did he use the Caged Bird spell last time to punish him too hard?

"Xiao Li."

"Here! Teacher Naruto!" Hearing Naruto's shout, Xiao Li straightened his body.

"Lee Locke!" Xiao Li stretched out his right hand to Neji and made a gesture of opening hands.

"Hmph!" Neji just snorted coldly, not even saying hello normally.

In his eyes, it was impossible for Lee Locke to beat himself.

This is the pride of being a genius of the Hyuga clan.

When the fight started, Lee Locke pre-empted and bullied Neji with great speed, hitting his waist.

There is a tendency to not give up until Neji's waist is broken.

Seeing this, Neji didn't panic, but concentrated Chakra on both hands and turned his fists into palms. Using the nature of the jujitsu in Gentle Fist, he dispelled Li Locke's attack with a light swing.

"You are very good, classmate Neji." Seeing that he missed a hit, Xiao Li praised him without hesitation.

Facing Xiao Li's compliment, Neji just said lightly: "Humph, that's all."

If it's only this level, then the game is stable.

Neji set a FLAG for himself indifferently.

Xiao Li stared at Neji and said seriously, "I'm going to be more serious next time."

While talking, Xiao Li attacked Neji again, this time he whipped his legs continuously.

Lifting the knees: shrinking the abdomen and waist, Lihe: kicking the legs out with the power of turning around the waist, bouncing: using the arch of the foot and the front shin to make the right foot sweep towards Neji like a whip.

Next is the high side, middle side, and low side attacking Neji's head, chest, and lower back respectively.

The last is to sweep the legs: twist the waist and sweep out with all your strength.

One after another, without any pause at all, Xiao Li's offensive was extremely violent.

'Blind eyes! '

Faced with such a fierce attack, Neji had to turn over his cards, and saw that the blood vessels around Neji's eyes burst out one after another, forming spider web-like veins, which looked very ferocious.

The Xueji Jiejie of the Hyuga family claims to have a 360° viewing angle. It has a see-through eye that can clearly see the opponent's meridians, acupoints, and the flow of Chakra in the human body, and can see through things, and a telescopic eye that can see into the distance. Eye.

It can even use Chakra to multiply the ability of the eyes, and the eyes can see things within a radius of one kilometer, and its insight is the strongest in the ninja world.

Neji opened his eyes to push his own insight to the limit. Xiao Li's attack trajectory was completely seen by Neji, and all the violent attacks were resolved by Neji with Gentle Fist without exception.

'So much strength, so much speed. '

Shaking his numb arm, Neji was amazed by Xiao Li's improvement in strength this month, but he still refused to accept it.

"Is this the only level?"

Indeed, if Xiao Li is only at this level, then the winner will still be Neji.

With Gentle Fist's suppression of Taijutsu ninja, Neji is invincible in the same level of Taijutsu duel.

Although it will be a little harder to win.

"I admit that your time has improved a lot in this month, and this speed and strength make me a little struggling." Neji pulled a stiff smile from the corner of his mouth.

"But it's just a little difficult."

"The rest of the class might have been beaten to the ground by you long ago."

"It's a pity you met me."

"Genius ninja - Hyuga Neji."

"I have seen through your fate, you are destined to be defeated by me."

In fact, seeing Xiao Li's improvement in strength, Neji has already admired Naruto.

In a month's time, Xiao Li, who was at the bottom of the crane, could have the power to fight against his own genius.

No one would believe it.

If my strength can also improve like Xiao Li.

Maybe destiny will really change?

"Ms. Naruto said that you are very strong." Li Locke ignored Neji's victory declaration, but looked at his opponent very seriously: "You are really strong."

"In order to express my respect to you, I decided to go all out."

"You said you didn't go all out just now?" Neji immediately expressed disbelief.

'What are you kidding, such big words. '

Xiao Li's strength can be improved to the current level, which has surprised Neji enough. If it is stronger, it will not be a shock but a hang up.

The other party is practicing Taijutsu, which takes a lot of time to practice over time. If you can surpass yourself in a month, then what is your hard work these years?

Impossible, the other party must be bluffing.

Lee Locke didn't know Neji's inner struggle, and looked at Naruto solemnly, and after getting Naruto's affirmative nod, he pulled off the bandage on his leg.

"This is this?" Neji's eyes widened, with a ghostly expression on his face.

Under the white bandage

It's all lead!

Bump. The load fell to the ground, setting off bursts of smoke and dust.

Just now, all the attention was on Xiao Li's Chakra, and he didn't notice that the opponent was still wearing a weight.

With this level of weight, it is not easy for me to move, let alone carry it into battle.

Xiao Li was able to carry these things at a speed not inferior to his own.

After taking off the weight, Xiao Li swayed from side to side and jumped for a while, moved his joints a few times, took a deep breath, and looked at Neji seriously: "Neji, I'm coming."


He moved.

"So fast!"

With the insight of Neji's white eyes, he could only catch a little afterimage of Xiao Li.

Although the weight on Xiao Li's body is not as exaggerated as in the Chūnin exam, Neji is not as strong as in the Chūnin exam. He can't even perform Revolving Heaven and Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms now.

‘Gentle Fist! '

Facing Xiao Li at this speed, Neji was more serious than ever, using all his strength to try to defeat Xiao Li with Gentle Fist's suppression of Taijutsu Ninja.

The Gentle Fist of the Hyuga family is indeed terrifying. It can drive its own Chakra into the opponent's body and seal the opponent's Chakra.

Rumor has it that as long as a ninja from the Hyuga family gets close, no matter whether it is a physical ninja, a ninja ninja or a phantom ninja, there is only one way to lose.

It's a pity that his opponent this time is Xiao Li, who surpasses him in strength and speed.

If Neji knows the field of Eight Trigrams and Revolving Heaven, he may be able to compete with the current Xiao Li.

Too bad he won't.

No matter how powerful your lethality is, no matter how high your martial arts are, it will be a loss if you can't touch it.

"In martial arts in the world, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken"

Neji couldn't hit Xiao Li with ten punches and eight palms, but every time Xiao Li hit Neji, it hurt so much that he grinned.

Lost, it can be said that the defeat was very thorough.

Facing Li Locke, who was fully fired, Neji didn't even have the strength to fight back. He was suppressed by Xiao Li in all directions, and Kong had a powerful Gentle Fist physical skill, but he couldn't hit him.

Neji was beaten by Xiao Li like a sandbag.

In the end, Neji, with his head full of bags, fell down!

Complete abuse!

Hyuga Neji is defeated!

Thanks to "pittem" for the reward of 500 starting coins

(end of this chapter)

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