Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 209 Naruto Victims Association

Chapter 209 Naruto Victims Association

After Kisame left, another pure black figure appeared beside Obito.

"Obito, do you think he's trustworthy?" It was Black Zetsu who ran away after encountering Ichishiki.

At the beginning, Black Zetsu panicked after seeing Ichishiki, and turned around to run away, but in the process of running away, he still had a trace of willpower and lurked nearby.

Originally, it was to obtain some Yishi information in order to prepare for dealing with him in the future, but it turned out that there was an unexpected harvest.

However, because it was just a trace of will, the information he obtained was very, very vague. For example, he knew that the ancestor of the Uzumaki clan died with Ichishi, but he didn't know that Nagato had gained Ichishi's power.

I really don't know if he detected it or someone did it on purpose.

"Don't worry, Kisame agrees with our Project Tsuki no Me from the bottom of my heart." Obito said confidently, this is a subordinate he personally recruited.

"I hope so." Black Zetsu nodded and said nothing more.

"Don't worry, although we don't have the advantage now, we are in the dark after all." Obito continued: "The so-called peace of that Nagato guy is just a short-lived imagination. The moment he falls from the altar, a more tragic war will break out .”

"None of the five major ninja villages in the five major countries is a kind person. They will not be convinced that there is a leader of a small ninja village on their heads."

"Those guys, didn't they contact us because of this?"

"Let us quietly wait for the arrival of good news"

The conversation, which was supposed to be over, came alive again with Obito's teeth-gritting narrative: "The damn ancestors of the Uzumaki clan actually tricked us around."

"Otherwise we wouldn't waste so much time. If we go all out, we'll almost catch all the tailed beasts."

These two guys didn't do nothing during this period, after all, they found out the real identity of 'Uzumaki' through some clues, for example, the two men solved the misunderstanding and got back together again.

The Naruto Victims Fudge Association reached a consensus.

Black Zetsu said: "Fortunately, this guy is dead now."

After being fooled by others for so long, it is impossible to say that Black Zetsu is not angry. He has always fooled others. When will it be the turn of others to fool him?

Although he didn't fool him on the bright side, but the person (Obito) who fooled him fooled him, rounding it up means that he was fooled.

The appearance of Yishi also gave Black Zetsu a great sense of crisis. Although this time he and the guy from the Uzumaki clan died together, what about next time? What about next time?

He must rescue his mother as soon as possible, as long as the mother is there, all problems can be solved.

That's why he went to Obito to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Good to die!" Obito said angrily, no matter how many times he said it, he felt relieved. Obito hated others to deceive him the most in his life: "Now the factors of instability are completely eliminated."

"Which step has our follow-up plan progressed? There must be no mistakes this time."

Black Zetsu chuckled: "Don't worry, there is only one person left now."

"That one arranged for someone to invite him."

"I can rest assured that."


"Why do I always feel that my body is much lighter after returning from that world?"

Back home, Naruto kept looking at his hands, wondering if it was an illusion, he always felt that after saving the Minato couple in that world in the parallel world, not only the knot in his heart was untied, but his anger also rose slightly cut.

I just heard Kakarot say: 'That's an improvement in the state of mind. I heard Grandpa Turtle said before that raising your level will make your strength go further. This is what I realized after I transformed into a Super Saiyan. '

'I didn't expect Naruto that you can improve now. '

I was quite happy to hear the first half of Naruto, who doesn't like the growth of strength? But the latter sentence made Naruto lose face directly.

'No no no. Your promotion is called pheasant to phoenix, and mine is called worker ant to soldier ant. '

Super Saiyan, what a distant word

If possible, I would also like to transform into a Super Saiyan. It is one thing to be handsome or not, the main thing is to be strong.


The moon, which can also be called the moon, is a spherical celestial body revolving around the earth and also a natural satellite of the earth.

In other worlds, the moon is just the moon, the key to life on Earth and the source of tidal phenomena.

The world of Hokage is different. The moon is not a naturally formed celestial body, but a man-made one. It is just a pile of stones gathered by sealing techniques.

Above the moon, a magnificent and magnificent palace stands here.

Different from the world view of other worlds, the moon formed by Planetary Devastation has oxygen, which is amazing.

It was once the place where Ōtsutsuki Hamura, the second son of the founder of Chakra, Kaguya Ji, and his descendants lived.

Their family has lived here for generations, and their purpose is to guard the seal of Kaguya Ji.

As the eldest son of Kaguya Ji, Yuyi stayed on the earth to guard the seal of the earth, that is, the seal of Ten Tails. However, as Yuyi divided the Ten Tails into nine and gave them life and wisdom, this problem was completely solved.

Perhaps it was the curse of sealing the birth mother. As time went by, the clansmen of Hamura's line became less and less.

Until this generation, only the last clansman remained.

His name - Ōtsutsuki Toneri.

It was a doll-like figure with slender Liu Ye eyebrows, pale skin and short blue-white hair, dressed in plain white clothes, with a pattern of hooked jade around its neck.

He was sitting in the garden of the palace with his eyes closed, enjoying afternoon tea.

Beside him stood a few servants with dull faces.

The Six Paths puppet, also known as the Ōtsutsuki puppet. It is a kind of puppet with simple self-awareness and completely obeys the orders of others. It was manufactured by Hamura's lineage in the past.

Possesses quite impressive strength.

In terms of precision and ability alone, it is far above the puppets used in Xie's "Red Secret Technique·Hundred Machines Exercise".

It is incomparable to ordinary puppet masters in the ninja world.

"Today's black tea tastes very good." Scheeren said after sipping the black tea and enjoying dessert, and praised without hesitation:


The elegant and easy-going appearance is like a handsome young man.

What the Sheren said was not answered, because the Ōtsutsuki puppets could not speak, nor could they converse, they had only the simplest intelligence.

And in this palace, apart from Sheren, there is no second living human being, and some are just puppets.


A Ōtsutsuki puppet came to the Torito and handed a letter to the Torito.

"The message from the people on the ground?"

"Very well, I see."

As he said that, Sheren slowly opened his eyes. Unlike his gentle and elegant image, his eyes were much more terrifying.

Where the pupil should have been, there were only two dark holes.

Ōtsutsuki Dorito was born without pupils.

(end of this chapter)

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