Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 25 Uchiha Late Night Visitor

Chapter 25 Uchiha Late Night Visitor (12)

"In addition to the above two roads - the third road."

"Leave Konoha."

Indeed, if you fight, you can't fight, you can't provoke, you can't afford to provoke, and you can only become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered if you surrender.

Can't you run?

If the Uchiha clan is determined to escape, based on the location of the Uchiha clan, it is not a problem to break through Konoha's barrier. Those Uchiha clan civilians may not be able to run very far, but there will always be one or two Uchiha clan members of the Sangouyu level who will survive.

As long as they continue to spend their lives incognito and safely, the blood of the Uchiha clan will continue, and it may become the largest clan in the ninja world at some point.

It's a pity that leaving Konoha is also particular. If it is a direct defection, with the arrogance of the Uchiha clan, do you want them to escape like a bereaved dog?

It would be better to kill them directly.

The Uchiha clan usually pulls in two to five to eighty thousand, but they are actually as good as the militant idiots of the Yoruichi clan.

They are all a group of great smarts who can't see themselves clearly.

For the so-called honor and poor self-esteem, he refused to back down after being beaten to death.

The question is where does the ninja get the honor?

Not a samurai.

The Fourth Generation has already made a follow-up plan with Fugaku because it has seen the nature of the Uchiha clan.

But before it was officially implemented, he died because of the Nine Tails incident.

The Fourth Generation is gone, Fugaku is stunned, Konoha's high-level officials collectively suppressed it, forming an embarrassing situation for the Uchiha clan.

If there are no special circumstances, the fate of the Uchiha clan is sealed.

Either break it with force, the Sangouyu of the Uchiha clan were collectively upgraded, and became a group of Mangekyō.

A group of Mangekyō can push Konoha with a Gundam.

It's just that the possibility of this is almost zero.

Or it can only be - the strong man breaks his arm.

"Give up part, transfer part"

Give up some unwise people who can't see the situation clearly, and keep your vitality.

It sounds the same as running away from the family, but it is different.

One initiative is in Konoha, and the other is in Uchiha.

What Naruto said was straightforward, and the Fourth Generation also agreed with him very much. This is indeed the only feasible method, so he asked: "So Naruto, is there any way you can transfer that part of the Uchiha tribe?"

"How could I have a way?"

Naruto hasn't learned teleportation from Kakarot yet, and Kakarot didn't know how to teleport when he was training on Kaiwangxing. It's absolutely unrealistic for Naruto to fight and let him take people away. Yes, he couldn't blow up Konoha with a Kamepai qigong. Although he had thought about it, he felt that simply blowing up Konoha was not enough.

Fourth Generation looks like you're kidding me, there's nothing you can do about it.

"I can't help it, but Fourth Generation you can."

Fourth Hokage has the fastest power in the ninja world, and can freely travel through space——

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Fourth Generation's eyes darkened slightly upon hearing this, and he shook his head resolutely: "Me? Impossible, I'm just a dead person now."

"Yes, but that doesn't stop you from using Flying Thunder God."

Fourth Generation was stunned: "Do you want to learn Flying Thunder God?"

"I want to learn this technique." Naruto nodded first, not hiding his desire for the Flying Thunder God Technique, and then shook his head: "But not now."

"Now is not enough time to start learning Flying Thunder God."


"I have a solution. It is theoretically feasible. It depends on whether you are willing or not, Fourth Generation."

Fourth Generation's heart sank slightly, and he whispered: "What way?"

Naruto lowered his voice very low, causing the curious Nine Tails behind the sealed door to listen carefully.

Only three words could be heard vaguely.

Chi, Chakra, Shadow Clone

In fact, the principle is very simple. Simply put, it is to combine Qi and Chakra, Naruto separates Shadow Clone, and Fourth Generation integrates part of its own Chakra into Naruto’s Shadow Clone for remote control.

The thinking of Shadow Clone is the projection of its own consciousness, which itself is just a group of Chakra. Fourth Generation integrates its own Chakra into Naruto Shadow Clone. In theory, Naruto does not snatch control, Fourth Generation can be controlled.

After hearing this, Fourth Generation pondered and analyzed for a while, and it was theoretically feasible.

This method seems like


Just no Chakra line remote control.

The only downside is that you can't leave Naruto too far away.


The moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is time to sneak in.

Uchiha clan land.

Fugaku sat cross-legged in the study, drinking bitter tea by himself.

The situation of the Uchiha family is getting more and more difficult. Just today, there was another heated discussion within the clan about the future of the Uchiha clan. The forces of the main battle faction have gradually gained the upper hand. This time, the voices were surprisingly loud, almost including 70% of the clan members, and even the clan leader himself was almost unable to suppress it.

It is said that after the gathering within the clan, the clansmen of the main combat faction had another small gathering.

Its contents are unknown.

It seems that the tribe's resentment towards Konoha has reached a critical point.

The bad things don't stop there.

As the link between the Uchiha clan and Konoha's senior management, his eldest son seems to have hidden a lot from him recently.

It is understandable for children to have their own ideas when they grow up.


Just when Fugaku was secretly sad, a familiar faint fragrance wafted into Fugaku's nostrils, and his warm body was pressed against his back. Wen Yu's fingers lightly pressed Fugaku's temples and rubbed them lightly.

"Thank you, Mikoto." Fugaku held Mikoto's right hand lightly, with a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Uchiha Mikoto just shook his head lightly, looking at his husband's temples that were gradually turning gray from years of distress, and said suddenly:

"Fugaku, why don't we leave, leave Konoha."

Since taking over the position of Uchiha clan chief, the smile has gradually disappeared from Fugaku's face, and it has almost disappeared in recent years. Even her, a housewife who doesn't care about worldly affairs, can clearly feel the increasingly dignified atmosphere in the clan and the exclusion of the residents of Konoha Village.

My husband is under unimaginable pressure.

"A woman's view." Fugaku shook his head with a wry smile: "Leave? Where can we go? Can we go?"

Konoha will not let the Uchiha clan leave.

Most of the tribe would not agree to leave Konoha either.

"I am the patriarch, and there are some things I have to do." Fugaku felt a strange smell in the surrounding air just after he finished speaking. I saw his whole body trembling slightly, his eyes condensed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Who?"

Following Fugaku's gaze, there were two hooded strangers standing in front of the empty window sill.

There is an intruder in the house?

"Your Excellency, what is the purpose of visiting late at night?" Fugaku straightened up suddenly, looked at the visitor with a solemn expression, a red light flashed in his eyes, and three black jadeites spun wildly in his eyes.

‘If you can bypass the patrolling guards and hide from your perception, your strength must not be bad. Judging from the attire, it’s neither Anbu nor root, and you don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend. '

'Ding' Uchiha Mikoto's fingertips revealed a tinge of coldness, and the moonlight reflected the luster of metal. Mikoto was also a ninja before marrying Fugaku. She was a classmate of Fourth Generation and Kushina. Even if she becomes a housewife now, she can't hide her nature as a ninja master.

"I'm really sorry for trespassing." The tall figure said apologetically, and slowly took off the hood on his head.

Both Mikoto and Fugaku's eyes widened after seeing the person coming.

"Fugaku, Mikoto. Long time no see."

(end of this chapter)

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