Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 249 Combat Power Up To 250 Points

Chapter 249 Combat power up to 250 points

"Your wish has come true, then, goodbye." Having fulfilled Piccolo's wish to regain his youth, Shenlong also planned to leave.

Being dumbfounded by Naruto's wishes one after another made him feel ashamed.

"Wait a minute." Unexpectedly, Piccolo stopped Shenlong: "I can't let you leave like this."

After speaking, according to Shenlong's mouth, a mouth cannon was ejected. After the mouth cannon, Shenlong was blown to pieces, and the original Dragon Ball turned into stone.

Looking at the disappearing dragon, Piccolo looked proud: "Now there is no one in this world who can threaten me anymore."

Naruto just quietly watched what Piccolo did, and didn't stop it, because it was time for Dragon Ball to go back and replace it.

Then Piccolo turned his eyes to Naruto: "Boy, if you kneel down and apologize to me now. I can consider forgiving you and letting you shine my shoes."

However, Naruto ignored him at all, and just turned his head to look at the three of Bulma: "I'll get this guy away right away, I still need some help later."

"You guy." Piccolo was about to explode, but Naruto just snapped his fingers lightly, and he and Naruto disappeared in place.

In the next second, Naruto and Piccolo appeared thousands of kilometers away, and the figures of Dragon Ball soldiers gradually appeared not far away.

"It's almost the same as the god of heaven, that's Piccolo the Great Devil?!" The sharp-eyed Tianjin Fan immediately spotted the figures of Naruto and Piccolo in front of him.

"What a powerful breath!" Wukong said with emotion.

"Didn't Naruto go to Baozi Mountain? How did he meet the Great Demon King before us?" Kelin asked.

"Wait, the big devil's appearance doesn't seem right, he's getting younger." Yamcha discovered the crux of the problem.

Then a group of people descended from the sky and came to Naruto and the Great Demon King. More than a month was enough for these fighters to learn the art of dancing.

"A few more martial arts masters have emerged."

Piccolo, who was originally confronting Naruto, glanced sideways at the Dragon Ball fighter, showing his original expression: "I see, you want to besiege me with these guys?"

"Have you felt the strength of my strength after regaining my youth? Do you think that you can defeat me, the Big Devil Piccolo?" Piccolo said with great confidence: "It was your biggest mistake to restore my youth."

"So that's how it is. He has regained his youth." Tianjin Fan nodded, staring at Piccolo with a solemn expression, he could vaguely feel the other party's terrifying strength.

Tianjin Fan has initially mastered the ability of breath perception.

"You guys may not need this demon king at all." Piccolo smiled confidently: "Don't think that you can deal with me with more people."

Accompanied by retching, Piccolo spat out a giant egg.

Along with the cracking of the giant egg, a giant green man covered in pimples came out.

"Let me introduce, this is my new subordinate, Demon Warrior Dolam."

"It's enough for him to deal with you."

Nam busters have a magical ability, that is, single-X reproduction, and use the method of spitting eggs to conceive offspring, but this ability can only be mastered by all-round Nam busters, like the future Piccolo belongs to combat Nami busters, they cannot Breeding offspring.

It stands to reason that Nami Busters will definitely be born in the eggs spit out by Nami Busters. I don't know if it's because Piccolo is a split body of the gods, or it has something to do with his claiming to be a demon. In short, it seems that the eggs born from his spit out are not Nami nemesis, or they are not pure Nami nemesis.

All of them are strangely shaped.

Most importantly, Piccolo doesn't seem to treat them as his own sons.

"Leave this guy to me." On the Dragon Ball side, Klin was the first to stand up.

"I don't have much confidence in dealing with that devil king, but I still have to deal with this guy."

"Hahaha, it's just a little one." Doram looked at Klin with disdain: "Look at me and break your neck."

Klin and Dolam fought, but the result was beyond the expectations of the Great Demon King.

Unlike the one-sided crush he imagined, Klin and Doram actually fought back and forth. And soon Klin gradually took the dominant position, accumulating advantages bit by bit.

"Pfft..." Kling's fist hit Doram's abdomen heavily.

"How. How is it possible?"

With an unwilling roar, Doram fell at Klin's feet.

At this time, Kelin, who had undergone the special training of the gods, had surpassed the strength of Tianjin Fan in the 22nd Tianxia No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

"A mere human with a bald head, why is he as powerful as the elite of the Demon Race?" Piccolo couldn't believe that his subordinates were actually dealt with by the other party.

At this moment, Dolam, who had just been knocked down by Klin, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Klin's body instantly.

"Let's die together!"

Speaking of which, Doram's body began to glow with white light, which was a sign that the other party was about to explode.

"Beautiful job." Piccolo laughed loudly, "This is the child of my demon clan."

"Damn it!" It was too late for Wukong and Tianjin Fan to help.

The white light became more and more intense, and finally nothing happened. I saw that Dolam's body was covered with black tadpole runes, binding him tightly in place.

"Self-inflicted Seal of Curse!" Naruto raised a finger and said lightly, "Danzo's Seal of Curse is unexpectedly easy to use."

Then he turned his head to look at Kelin and said, "This is not a martial arts contest. To deal with the enemy, you must give the opponent the final fatal blow."

"Then I'll take this guy too."

Naruto put his hands on Doram's body again, and with a burst of Uzumaki, Doram disappeared in place. Kling narrowly escaped with his life.

"the second"

"I can't feel Doram anymore." Piccolo stared at Naruto, "You are also responsible for the disappearance of that guy in Dambarin?"

Although the words were interrogative, Piccolo said with certainty.

After finishing speaking, Piccolo lifted off the red cloak on his body: "Come on together, it's time for me to see the horror of this demon king."

"Is this about to appear in person?"

"I'm coming!" Wukong was the first to stand up.

Except for the fact that the difference in strength was too great in the Nami Nemesis chapter, only a few people besieged one person, and other times it was a 1V1 battle, after all, they were martial arts masters.

"Let me go first." Tianjin Fan stopped Wukong and stood in front of him: "If I fail, you can do it again."

"Are you planning to go up one by one?" Piccolo sneered, and looked at Tianjin Fan: "Boring heart of a warrior, then I will be the first to deal with you."


I saw Tianjin's back squirming for a while after eating, and two arms grew again.

Four Demon Fist!

Tianjin Fan with a combat power of 250 points VS Big Devil Piccolo with a combat power of 280 points.

(end of this chapter)

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